posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 05:59 PM
The basic problem as I see it in this country today is that we don't really know where we want to go or, if we do, how to get there. We are split.
Without advocating either side now, we have one group of people who believes socialism is the answer. These people are for greater government, less
capitalism, and an even distribution of wealth. To them, this is "fair" as it accentuates collective equality of achievement--not just equality of
opportunity. The other group wants governemnt out of our lives as much as possible, wants the freedom to live without others telling them what to do
and wants a strict interpretation of the constitution. They think THAT is "fair" as it accentuates individual rights.
I'm sure everyone here can argue one side or another. To me, that's not the point. The point is: Where do we go from here? I'm not talking about
one "side" winning over the other to enforce their point of view, but I wonder if any compromise is even possible. Personally, I see "evils" on
both sides of the equation.
I suspect we can all kind of agree that we all want a certain 'prosperity' (I use the term loosely) to our lives. We want enough food and shelter
and we want to 'pursue happiness.' If only we could agree on the proper way to do that, but at every turn we get argument. One side says the best
way to do this is to leave businesses unregulated enough so they can set about creating the prosperity everyone wants. The other side feels government
must step in to ensure prosperity is provided for all, e.g. health care.
In terms of saving the planet we have one group that says Global Warming is upon us and we're all gonna die unless we return to the carbon footprint
of 1850. The other side says the science backing this up is dismal if not outright fraudulent if you'll just look at the data before it is
manipulated. We ought to be worrying about another Ice Age.
In other words, we can't even agree on what is factual and what is not. So if you are even going to ask, "How can we change the system?" that begs
the question. What do you want to change the system to?
Do you want to change to a three party system? Look at Great Britain and tell me how that is better. Do you want to change to a multi-party system?
Look at Italy and tell me how that is better. Do you want to change to a dictatorship? Look at Uruguay and Cuba and tell me how that is better. Even
Castro says it doesn't work. Do you want to split into a bunch of little countries? How do you do that?
I'm sorry, but all this kind of reminds me of my dog. (That's him to the left there, Moses.) Moses always wants to lead. He insists being first down
the stairs. When I'm in motion he wants to be first, but he's not sure where I'm going, so he keeps looking backwards at me to see which way he
should lead me. Of course he gets underfoot when he hesitates and it's a terrible mess of scrambled feet. He wants to lead but he doesn't know where
to go.
He's a great dog, though.