posted on Jun, 22 2004 @ 11:42 AM
Today i achieved my 3000 post and a lot has changed since i first joined up last year. When i first joined up, the WITD hoax was in full swing and we
still had the old resistence bar status (that was such a cool thing). In this year, i remember the huge black out threads, the day DR got banned for
his views on the WITD and the introduction of the point system
. The home page looks so much different to when i joined up, much better i must say.
My all time great moment of ATS has got to be the Manwife threads
i never laughed so much in my life, we did have some great times
When i first joined up, i use to reply to every thread
time does fly. Well thats the trip down memory lane out the window, anyways im off to
carrying on posting now.
Thanx guys