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Full scale mind reading underway now on everyone!

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posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 12:37 AM
If you're not convinced of the mind reading / mind bending capabilities of the govt, i urge you to have a look at




edit on 25-9-2010 by necromanser because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 03:16 PM
-Blatant Bump-

posted on Oct, 2 2010 @ 07:47 PM
Interesting site - highly recommended - Bad Experiment .com

I was humbled and pretty saddened to read this guy's story - it made me realise that while I've had a rough ride in many ways, there are others out there who are suffering - in some cases, much more than I do.

I love the response he's cultivated to his persecution. He's a religious man with a very balanced outlook, and that seems to have been a great source of strength and wisdom. The way he frustrated the hell out of his persecutors has made me smile and chuckle in places. Well worth a full read. I've started at the beginning of his semi-fictionalised account - I would advise you to do the same. Very, very, very good work, and very encouraging.

His links and recommended reading are FANTASTIC. Well done to the owner of the site - a commendable legacy which has greatly helped me, and will greatly help others I'm sure. Hope you're still out there, going strong and managing to maintain your dignity.

PS - if you are non-religious, and worry that you won't enjoy reading the material because of occasional scriptural references, I would urge you to go ahead and read it anyway - you are sure to find much that is positive and useful, no matter which way you approach it.

posted on Oct, 2 2010 @ 08:00 PM
reply to post by FlyInTheOintment

I was a victim myself 24/7/365 from 1998 to 2008 I was a deeply committed Christian prior to this,however it has been proven to me unequivocally there is no God,no saints,no angels just sociopaths and psychopaths with toys,technologies and black magic,thats Gods secret my friend that is the God of this earth and his angels and saints.I am now primarily Buddhist.

posted on Oct, 2 2010 @ 09:41 PM
reply to post by FlyInTheOintment

I got through the third chapter...very interesting tale thus far...thanks for sharing...

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 04:44 AM
reply to post by anglodemonicmatrix

I know for an absolute certainty that you've been duped. You are wrong mate, but don't feel bad or think that I'm criticising you.

The god of this world would have us believe exactly what you just posted, but I can absolutely assure you that it is NOT the case. I used to believe it was hopeless - it is not.

Watch the accumulation of the signs - they are picking up considerable pace now. You will witness phenomenal things in this generation. If I were you, I'd get involved with a progressive and well-balanced evangelical church - explain with absolute honesty the feelings you have about the matter, and make sure you get one of the senior members to look over the details of the technologies you're facing. Ask for prayer and healing of your mind and emotions - it will possibly take time, but the truth will out as they say.

You will know the truth and the truth will set you free. The intellect of the 'enemy' is fierce, and his toys are fearsome, but here's the clinch - faith is certainty in the evidence of things hoped for.

What you feel to be true must be checked against reality. Despite the horrendous conditioning we face as a society (and species even), the truth is that the overriding dominant force in the universe is order, not chaos. Family, not isolationism. Beauty in nature, not ugliness. Love, and not fear. Perfect love casts out all fear.

Sorry if this sounds like a sermon - I just want to encourage you to think again - my personal thoughts are obvious, though I tend to be somewhat muted so as not to dissuade non-believers from reading what I write.

Anyway, best wishes and hope that you receive the sign I'm praying comes your way. He still sees you, and cares for you, even if you don't believe in Him any more. Outside time, incapable of being influenced, he has all the time in the world to weigh up and understand each one of us. He knows us better than we know ourselves. And He knows the persecutors equally. I take comfort in that - they think they're spying on me, but they can never know more about me than He does. What then can I fear? NOTHING.

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 04:47 AM
reply to post by davidmann

Starring you for New Mother Nature quote.
Second line.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 10:32 PM

Originally posted by davidmann
reply to post by trutherman misunderstood my tale. I was detailing a real rock em sock em robot mind control episode that happened this afternoon. , When you hear the roof creak that's the space weapon (millimeter scanner) measuring the materials between target and barrel (satellite), in advance of doling out messages.

I am a firm believer that space exploration is being used as a skynet weapon to gain power over the world, the mind of man.

David, could you elaborate on the connection between the sound of the roof creaking and what you perceive as the psychological and biological after effects? Have any other of the posters in this thread experienced or heard of such phenomena?

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 04:14 PM
I've been "plagued" with this mind reading, telepathic communication, ear tones, stuff for just over 2 years. If it weren't for my faith in God, I know I would have lost my mind. I actually thought I would a few times, but fortunately, I knew other (religious) people that were involved in it, also, & we have worked to keep each other sane.

What caught my attention was the discussion about the ear tones. My husband & I both hear them, & thought it was something in the house, but other people say they can't hear them. The sound is extremely high pitched, almost to the point of being a hiss. Sometimes it's loud & other times it gets weaker, but it never stops. I also have the roof/walls popping things. They seem to follow me around in the house. It seems that they want me to notice that they aren't just random movement of the house.

Over the last 18 months or so, I have started having the feeling of small electrical shocks in the middle of my back. At first it starts tingling, then turns into an itch. I have the feeling that something is being taken from me when this happens, but I can't stop it. Some of the others say they have experienced the same thing.

Is this electrical shock thing something that has happened to others here? Does anybody know what it is?
edit on 28-10-2010 by took red pill because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 08:01 AM
reply to post by took red pill

There is a precedent in the UK for something called 'The Hum'. It's an electrical-type buzzing/ringing/humming noise which a lot of people experienced/ experience. Here's a link to the BBC story on it a while back. There's quite a lot of info and speculation - even support groups I believe, for people who experience this sort of phenomenon. And PS - I also experience the clicking/ popping noises, and find that they are closely tied to other methods of messing with people under the targeting eye of the community/ military/ secret service policing groups.

A few posts back I linked to Bad which has a great - and I mean GREAT - set of resources for people being targeted in this way. A lot get labelled as schizophrenics, but there's a well-established history of people being abused secretly by their government's Doctor Frankenstein experiments (think radioactive iron filings in a pre-natal clinic for poor United States women as just one example).

Seriously - check that site out, and let me know what you think. The guy's a Jehovah's Witness, but don't let that put you off..
He's a lucid, intelligent and amazingly tolerant and forgiving person, with a hell of a story to share and some excellent reflections to boot.

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 09:57 PM
Very interesting thread. In a perhaps crude way, I'm glad to meet others who go through similar to what I have done, even though it actually sounds worse.

I won't bore you with details of my experiences unless pushed.

My own thoughts (lol) are that though this technology may be being used to torment some humans (and it must be horrible to receive messages in your head and be setup by Drs, etc. who are fully aware) the mass secret society of fake humans who live on and run Earth don't actually need it to read your mind or hear your thoughts.

I know I'm going to get the usual 'schizophrenic' and 'proof?' and 'delusional' ridicule but my friends, family, locals, random strangers and many others have shown me without doubt that they can hear my thoughts, literally, from any distance, and read my mind.

I am as I say glad to see someone note the same things I have though in different styles. I believe there's a lot more to it than a computer predicting your behaviour. Maybe the fact that they are multidimensional beings in some sense, slightly in the future, or something beyond a human's comprehension. One of the posts here mentioned how they know and feel every twitch or ache etc. and that is entirely true. I've had torment from lots of angles and I spend my time reacting, and talking to them or myself in my head all my waking life. I hate going outside and only go for forced appointments. I'm always uncomfortable and feel judged or vulnerable. It's pretty bad. This post will not be able to convey the hell they've put me through. I now live life on my bed.

In my case I was pressured into psychosis and also put on meds and am now officially a 'schizophrenic'. The truth though is that mind-readers exist without the need of any technology. All my friends dating back to infants school, college, work colleagues and most painfully my apparent family showed me they were in fact superinteligent mind-readers compared to a human like me. I've had so much personal evidence of it and this ability has been used to torment me on the street by strangers, new and fleeting friends, people I've met online, even the PM of my country joined in on one occasion. Live TV - is always a threat because the presenters can play their part in a synchronicity (mind-reading abuse) that can torment you and keep you in a cycle of confusion for days if not weeks and months. I'd advise not listening to the radio or watching any Live TV channels if they begin attacks in this way. I would like to make and stay in contact with the ones in this thread who have posted about their private hell and my sympathy lies with them.

Take care
edit on 21-12-2010 by choiceless because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-12-2010 by choiceless because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-12-2010 by choiceless because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 06:50 PM

Originally posted by choiceless
Very interesting thread. In a perhaps crude way, I'm glad to meet others who go through similar to what I have done, even though it actually sounds worse.

I won't bore you with details of my experiences unless pushed.

My own thoughts (lol) are that though this technology may be being used to torment some humans (and it must be horrible to receive messages in your head and be setup by Drs, etc. who are fully aware) the mass secret society of fake humans who live on and run Earth don't actually need it to read your mind or hear your thoughts.

I know I'm going to get the usual 'schizophrenic' and 'proof?' and 'delusional' ridicule but my friends, family, locals, random strangers and many others have shown me without doubt that they can hear my thoughts, literally, from any distance, and read my mind.

Welcome to the thread - you are among friends here. Sorry to have taken so long to reply, I've been very busy recently and had been focusing on other threads here for most of my visits to ATS.

Anyway - I'd like to tell you that you are not thought of as crazy by me, or by many others who you may come into contact with as a result of this thread and your participation in it. Reading your comments brought back many painful memories for me, regarding the nature of my experiences between the ages of 14 and 21. It was only after I came to faith that I began to experience a lessening of the problems, which were much as you describe, almost seeming to follow a plot-line, or script, in terms of the way the coordinated attacks were launched..


I am as I say glad to see someone note the same things I have though in different styles. I believe there's a lot more to it than a computer predicting your behaviour. Maybe the fact that they are multidimensional beings in some sense, slightly in the future, or something beyond a human's comprehension.

You are right in your assessment that this is a multidimensional issue, and not simply a technological one. If anything, the technological attacks prime you for the 'spiritual attacks'. They seek to get you into a state of perpetual anxiety and then slam you with some aggressive 'psychology' as they like to hint at it here in the UK. They literally play 'mind games' and the people I experienced it from were exactly the same types as those you have experienced it from. Family, 'friends' (both proper and casual), locals and random strangers, certain members of the medical professions etc.


I hate going outside and only go for forced appointments. I'm always uncomfortable and feel judged or vulnerable. It's pretty bad. This post will not be able to convey the hell they've put me through. I now live life on my bed.

Very sorry to hear that they've put you into this state. You'll find a way through it soon - never give up!

There is a light in the darkness...
Don't be put off - this is where i get all 'religious'.

Work on relaxing your mind - silent reflections/ meditations and simple trust that God is there, knows about you and cares for you. He will bring you out of it. He (Christ) is the only one 'they' are afraid of.

I committed to Him, and while the problems never fully stopped, I am now in a much stronger position - and I have a life with many blessings to be thankful for. I generally laugh at the ridiculous nature of 'those people' now when they try to pull their little tricks (which they do much less often) - their infrequent efforts never leave me with the fear which their attacks used to cause. When you've been in contact with the Highest Power in the Universe you can see how pitiful the oppressors really are.

Trust me - there is hope for you.


In my case I was pressured into psychosis and also put on meds and am now officially a 'schizophrenic'. The truth though is that mind-readers exist without the need of any technology.

Don't let the b'stards get you down.

The psychiatric medical services can offer valuable treatments to many, but for those who are afflicted in the ways you describe, faith and charity are the way out. Join a community church where they preach the need to live equally and share all. Take time out from the worldly situation you are in - go on a sabbatical with one of the churches near you, such as the Jesus Fellowship UK (Jesus Army) if you are based over here.

Your use of 'infants school' makes me think you might be UK based, and if so, please U2U me and I can put you in touch with someone who can help you take the step and meet people from the church etc to discuss the issues you face.

They will be ready to listen, to believe you, and to help you in a way much more profound than the medical services alone can provide. If you decide to visit and to live a while in the community, they will make sure you maintain your medical treatments, but will offer prayer and emotional support, friendship, space to reflect, a new feeling of purpose and 'belonging' etc - medical care alone simply can't emulate the value of the community support you will experience.

I have been a member of the church for a long time now, and used to live in the community in Northampton, UK. It was the best thing that ever happened to me, and literally turned my life around.

I can assure you from first-hand knowledge that any claims you may have heard about it being a 'cult' are false, and a deliberate plant by certain groups who would prefer that a place of sanctuary didn't exist in the United Kingdom in this day and age. Luckily, that sanctuary does exist, and the lies which have been spread only serve to make them even more committed to being a great place to work out the problems of life.

The leader of the church spent almost forty years building the community - he had two cardigans, lived in a single bedroom, had no personal money, didn't have a car or a TV, or any of the trappings of the world - he lived the lifestyle of a monk (though not all members are required to live like that!). He ate every day with the other members, both old and new together in a warm-hearted communal meal setting, and he was single-minded to care for the people that needed the help of the church. He followed scriptural commandments about how to build a community within which all members were treated equally and shared all things. He died in May 2009, and the world is a poorer place for his departing.

Noel Stanton - a true man of God


I've had so much personal evidence of it and this ability has been used to torment me on the street by strangers, new and fleeting friends, people I've met online, even the PM of my country joined in on one occasion. Live TV - is always a threat because the presenters can play their part in a synchronicity (mind-reading abuse) that can torment you and keep you in a cycle of confusion for days if not weeks and months. I'd advise not listening to the radio or watching any Live TV channels if they begin attacks in this way. I would like to make and stay in contact with the ones in this thread who have posted about their private hell and my sympathy lies with them.

Take care

I am more than happy to make your online acquaintance and to stay in touch about these things. Specifically, I know from first hand similar experiences the hell you are facing, and would honestly say that the church I linked to (or one similar) may be the way forward. It would offer a repose from the stress of living under the shadow of the terrible experiences you describe - a place to rest your mind and soul.

With faith, we don't need to understand everything - it is confidence in the evidence of things not yet seen. In other words, by having faith, we are saying that we expect for everything to become clear at some future point.

Hope you are having a decent Christmas/New Year season - I pray you find the solution to your situation soon. U2U me for more info on the church, or just for a chat about stuff.

All the best.

posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 11:22 PM
Can anyone provide a link? I want to read more about this.

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 04:40 PM
reply to post by Permapoop

Hey there Permapoop (great screen name by the way!)

Links to Mind Control info:

1 - MK Ultra, the CIA mind control program - a wikipedia article

2 - General info on Mind Control

That second one has absolutely LOADS of links. Be warned that some of it is very suspect (in terms of reliability of source/ accuracy of info), but much of it will provide useful start-points for further reference.

3 - "Illuminati" Four step Mind-Programming

That last one is bloody terrifying when you start to wonder about the scale of what might actually be happening. It goes into some detail about the multi-dimensionality of it all.

I'll add a few links regarding the mind control technology developed in the past forty years or so (which can be viewed as a somewhat crude imitation of the demonic effects produced by using black magic). The above links should serve as a general introduction to the subject.



posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 07:32 PM
reply to post by trutherman

I am a victim of remote neural monitoring technology. I am used for problem solving and other projects. I am told that my electronic brain links are distributed and sold to individuals in order to assist them in ability. These individuals refer to me as "the one". This is done against my will. I have been trying to set the use of this technology in the correct direction. This technology can restore sight for the blind, sound for the deaf, as well as correct other impairments. Thank you.

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 04:03 AM
reply to post by FlyInTheOintment

Thanks for the support.

I really don't know what to say. There is no point in saying anything.

Good luck to any humans who suffer this ridiculous abuse.

edit on 4-1-2011 by choiceless because: i dont know, you're the mind-readers, u figure it out

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 06:31 AM
reply to post by choiceless

These links may shed some light

The big factor being missed in these accounts - is a society of beings that can actually read minds and hear thoughts from birth. They are everywhere - movies, sport, media, music, everywhere. I'm sure most non-telepathic humans are somehow born into these families. Don't know how though. People should realise that people who can co-ordinate gangstalking and carry it out through internet, tv, radio, 'real'life, the workplace, know your dreams, make you wake up at certain times, make you dream things, synchronise events in your life - are not human. They are superhuman or should I say supercrafty evil human or aliens. I was probably a human experiment.

edit on 4-1-2011 by choiceless because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-1-2011 by choiceless because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-1-2011 by choiceless because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 05:06 PM
reply to post by choiceless

Having been reading through the following site: Tom Bearden's site which contains lots of quantum physics (etc) information, pertinent to a range of fringe studies (such as HAARP, mind control and antigravity technology to name a few), I found a page directly referencing Soviet research into the manipulation of the unconscious/ conscious mind:

A New View of the Nature of Mind and Thought

Just wanted to share it here, as besides the excellent thoughts on the phenomena and 'mechanics' of mind control technologies, there's a lot of related info on the other associated pages that helps support an increasingly clear view of what may in fact be happening in the highest realms of scientific research within the miltary-industrial complex at this time (since at least the 1930's - and even earlier in some cases).

Well worth a read - particularly fascinating if you can understand the maths, but if you can't grasp most of it (neither can I) then bear with it all the same (take in as much of the general idea as possible throughout the discussions of the equations), because the nuggets of info laid out in layman's terms are worth the frustration of ridiculously complex mathematical formulas!

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 08:10 AM
will u ring me?

i want to talk to any geniune human in this situation

i dont know how to private message u ill try tho

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 08:12 AM
reply to post by the0ne

if ur genuinely human going through weird # YOU CAN trust me

im not part of them or they or any of their #

i know and have been through much that might help you or us.

there are a lot of fakes out there, LOADS

If you type gangstalking on youtube for ex you see lots fo fake actors and actresseses pretending - it's sick 0 I AM ONLY INTERESTED IN GENUINE PEOPLE RINGING ME AND MAKING ONTACT I HOPE YOU GET THAT. IT'S A TRUE REQUEST.

only genuine poeople, contact me please

edit on 10-1-2011 by choiceless because: (no reason given)

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