posted on Sep, 8 2010 @ 06:30 PM
Fore-warning, let's all be polite please on this.
I was reading the 9/11 forums and came pretty close to labeling some people as racist because they equate anti-Mossad comments to anti-semitism.
Many people posting gave a warning on their post that just because they attack Mossad and the state of Israel, it does not follow that they are
anti-semites. Other posters believed otherwise and think if you believe Mossad carried out 9/11 then this opinion is covert anti-semitism.
I was going to reply that labeling someone as a semite (and I use the term to signify the idea of a jewish race and not in a broader linguistic and/or
of middle eastern descent) is in itself a racist term because it means you believe in the idea of differences in race, and science (IMHO) proves that
there is only one race, the human race.
So I guess its a two parter, do you think criticism of Mossad/Israel is disguised anti-semitism and/or, is it racist to believe in the idea of race.
I don't think in terms of race, its more to do with geographical determinism, in my town, all the people I met are pretty much of so-called mixed race
and for the most part just want to party and that. I am glad I did not call anyone a racist because it would be very unfair to them, after all I
might just be entirely mis-guided myself
So what do some of you guys on ATS think, I would love a few replies to balance out my own viewpoints.
PS to the MODS, not entirely sure what forum this should be in, only its not a discussion of 9/11.
edit on 8-9-2010 by yyyyyyyyyy because: double return key press meant no text in the OP, whooops
BBC Correspondent says MOSSAD did 9/11 and Iran doesn't want Nukes thread in the 9/11 forum is the thread in question
edit on 8-9-2010 by yyyyyyyyyy because: add ATS thread info