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meat = shorter life

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posted on Sep, 8 2010 @ 09:20 PM
I am glad you told us this. I will in turn tell my Aunts and Uncles...and my Parents...all of which range in age from 76-93...and all enjoy meat...sausage, country ham-bisquits, steak, BBQ pork, BBQ chicken, BBQ ribs, bacom...uhm, baconnnnn.

posted on Sep, 8 2010 @ 09:20 PM
reply to post by loner007

Gorillas are very strong and have the ability to use tools like rocks and sticks to break open shells and such. Canines are mainly used for tearing flesh, but I do suppose they could be used for breaking open shells or fruits that have a tough flesh. Thank you for pointing that out, I never took that into consideration. But you did ask me if humans have teeth like that of a cat and a dog, and I do see that you corrected yourself with your follow up post. '
' As far as being strictly vegetarian and occasionally or maybe rarely eating meat tells me that they have the "eat meat in moderation" down pretty well.

edit on 8-9-2010 by kimish because: edit to add

posted on Sep, 8 2010 @ 09:27 PM
The whole problem with the "meat=harm" debate, is that they are not isolating the carbs vs the meat/fat. If they did that (for more than a week or two), they would find that it's not the meat that's causing all of the problems in our society.

Of course more meat (with carbs) = sicker people. Carbs cause a rush of insulin into the bloodstream, causing all kinds of nasty problems, not the least of which is obesity and diabetes. Your body will store all the fat you just ate and because of the effects of high insulin (over time, which is what causes diabetes), will not release it. Meat without the carbs does not cause but a minute rise in blood sugar/insulin and therefore has the opposite effect. Your overall insulin levels come down and your insulin receptor cells begin to reset (diabetes is the desensitizing of insulin receptor cells in muscle/fat caused by constant spikes in insulin.) Weight loss is a great side effect.

Personally, I have lost 40 pounds in 3 months eating nothing but meat and fat (chicken thighs and ground beef). Not only did my clarity of mind improve drastically, but many ailments that I previously had, disappeared. I was not hungry, did not think about food and had little to no cravings. I ate twice/day to fullness and that was it.

Without the insulin/blood sugar swings, my mood has dramatically improved and the only word I can use to describe it is a permanent sense of euphoria. I sleep much, much deeper and therefore need less sleep. I can stay up as long as I want without getting tired, etc.

My wife and mother both were able to get off of their diabetes medicines (among others such as blood pressure) because eating NO carbs reverses diabetes. After three months, my mother had her blood work done (compared to before the zero carb) and everything was perfect. Her lipid profile actually improved. After just 3 months (with no meds) her A1C's plummeted to 6.1.

As with everything, this is my experience and YMMV. There's an old saying: Man can't live by bread alone. However, you CAN live by fatty meat (not lean) alone.

posted on Sep, 8 2010 @ 09:28 PM
reply to post by DevolutionEvolvd

Oh I understand quite well, no need for the personal insults. They only make you look desperate, and ultimately hurt your point. But I'll explain where your thinking is going wrong - when you're talking about diseases that manifest over the long term, like all cancers, osteoporosis, etc., the ONLY RELEVANT studies are ones that use observation over the long term. I.E. Epidemiological studies.

By the way, your quote, if you were to understand it properly, illustrates that these kinds of studies are prone to be misleading, depending on the nature, length, and size of the study. The larger the study, the longer they do it, and the more data they gather in the long-term, equates to a more legitimate and respectable conclusion. You're right that these studies cannot prove causation, only correlation - nobody ever claimed otherwise. But that's why they made the study so large - precisely so that all other factors besides diet could be excluded. It's not *proven*, but it's about a 99% correlation.

This was the largest epidemiological study ever done, and despite your list of seven scientists who disagree with it, there are dozens more who DO agree with it.

edit on 8-9-2010 by Son of Will because: clarification

posted on Sep, 8 2010 @ 09:29 PM
deleted as I misread....

edit on 8/9/2010 by loner007 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2010 @ 09:37 PM
reply to post by loner007

I do have this for you because many many sites say that gorillas are STRICTLY vegetarians. Keep in mind that gorillas are very secretive and we still know very little of them but this may, and I believe to be fact, as to why gorillas have

posted on Sep, 8 2010 @ 09:38 PM
why take medicine that wasnt fed to you a natural way?? i mean we have always ate meat, and we always will, so why try to convince us not too?

posted on Sep, 8 2010 @ 09:47 PM
reply to post by Son of Will

It's only relevant because it's the best we've got. Simple as that.

I don't have any problem with the DATA from the China Project. I think you're misunderstanding, once again.

The China Study is a book written by T. Colin Campbell that devotes ONE chapter to the China Project, which is the actual epidemiological study, directed by T. Colin Campbell.

Colin deliberately omitted and distorted data from the China Project to fit his hypothesis which was outlined in The China Study. He's fitting the data to the hypothesis instead of fitting the hypothesis to the data. That's not science, my friend.

posted on Sep, 8 2010 @ 09:47 PM
reply to post by skischoow

They try to convince us meat eaters that meat is unhealthy because there's a huge "cult" following of people that believe a vegetarian diet is healthier than a diet consisting of meats. Moderation, moderation and more moderation. That's my opinion on it.

edit on 8-9-2010 by kimish because: edit to add

posted on Sep, 8 2010 @ 09:54 PM

Originally posted by kimish
reply to post by loner007

I do have this for you because many many sites say that gorillas are STRICTLY vegetarians. Keep in mind that gorillas are very secretive and we still know very little of them but this may, and I believe to be fact, as to why gorillas have

Also if you read further it says

There may well be more mundane explanations for the surprising finding—explanations that'd have to be ruled out before gorillas could be reclassified as meat-eaters, said study co-author Grit Schubert, a primatologist at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany. For example, gorillas are known to eat ants that scavenge the carcasses and bones of monkeys and other mammals. When gorillas eat the ants, they may also be ingesting—and later expelling—the mammal DNA in the ants' digestive tracts, the study authors speculate. Another possibility is that the mammal DNA came from live monkeys or duikers that had been probing the gorilla feces for edible seeds or other leftover plant bits. Or the mammals "might have just licked it, sniffed it, or peed on it," Schubert said. "There's plenty of opportunities" for adding mammal DNA to gorilla scat after the fact, Schubert said. "I don't really think they're eating meat."

Besides I am well aware in times of dire need strict vegetarian animals like hippos giraffes will eat meat given the oppurtunity but it is digested very rarely. That isnt the point however the real point is if you want to to live a full life free without cancer or any debilitating aliments when you get older like alzheimers and such stop eating meat. If however you want cancer or some other nasty aliment when you get older than by all means carry on. I go by what I said in an earlier post and use my knowledge to better myself even if you lot dont.

posted on Sep, 8 2010 @ 10:03 PM
reply to post by loner007

I accept and respect your views. I remember watching a show on discovery channel where all these sheep in England were getting mauled and it ended up being deer killing and eating some of them! I, however, think differently differently than you on the subject at hand because I believe in my moderation philosophy. Everyone's different though and this is a wonderful thing about being humans, we can agree to disagree '
I believe that some people undoubtedly are more prone to getting cancer from eating meats than others, regardless of moderation. To each their own.
Remember to wash your veggies though from all that nasty stuff they put on em. And, if I can find it ill post it, there's an interesting article somewhere about these tiny spider like creatures that live on strawberry's and the only way to get rid of them is to was the berries in cold soapy water. There's some food for thought for you.

edit on 8-9-2010 by kimish because: edit to add

posted on Sep, 8 2010 @ 11:56 PM
Nice. Who really wants to live longer in this world anyway?

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 12:07 AM
i wonder if its the meat thats bad or the food and who knoes what else they give the animals that is the cause of the outcome of the study. would be interesting to find out if tribes of people that live off the land around them have the same problems from eating meat. knowadays im scared of everything that gets put into our food from meat to veggies and fruit, everything seems to be treated with some chemical or natural fertilizer that would otherwise not be found in the natural environment of said plant or animal. interesting study nonetheless

edit on 9-9-2010 by TheScale because: my fingers skipped a couple words i thought i typed

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 12:10 AM
A balanced diet is very important to the well being of your brain/body health,this means REAL WHOLE foods.
Meat still plays a very important part of our diets,but not in the quantities that us westerners have been accustomed to through flashy marketing.
SMALL servings of prime meat with vegetables is the way to go,not the other way around.Vegetables are not there to enhance the look of your prime rib steak *drools*

Remember to eat unsalted nuts too !

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 01:42 AM
From the study text:

The study also found that men and women who ate diets heavy in animal-based proteins had higher averages BMIs and were more likely to smoke.

I wonder if they'd see a difference in mortality if they looked at animal-based protein eaters who had normal BMIs and didn't smoke? Still too many variables here to reach a definitive conclusion.

edit on 9-9-2010 by Monsieur Neary because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 03:04 AM
I think the OP just needs to shut up, really.

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 05:07 AM
meat = shorter life

But what a life eh?

As the old cliché goes, you could get run over crossing the street. I'll be enjoying a thick T-bone this evening!

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 05:08 AM
Just so we are all clear here - the results showed a roughly a 0.001 through to 0.051 increase...........

WOW - OH MY GOD - what this study DID NOT take into consideration was what sort of meat was being consumed.

High fat pork diets, low fat kangaroo steaks which have ZERO cholesterol ? Hambugers and hot dogs ?

So you want people to give up meat for a 0.001% chance it MIGHT prevent some form of health issue.

These things get more pathetic by the day,


posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 05:21 AM
Do I think meat may contribute to cancer? Sure I do. It seems like many things in this day and age contribute to cancer.

However, I was raised on meat and rather enjoy eating it. I mean who doesn't like a good old fashioned family bbq in the backyard. I will take my chances. We are going to die eventually from something. That is inevitable. I am not going to spend my entire life worrying what will and what won't kill me. The stress of that alone can be unhealthy.

One thing about vegans that really bothers me (I don't know if you are vegan or not) is the fact they try to force their beliefs on me and then get upset when I don't agree with them. Don't judge me for eating meat and I won't judge you for eating like a rabbit.

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 05:49 AM
I don't know the full details of the study, but I will say this much. Vegetarians (and strict vegans) tend to be more health conscience than those that have an omnivore diet.

Simply put, if you haven't done any pushups in a while, drop and give yourself 20 right now. Not easy was it? A sedimentary lifestyle doesn't help anyone live longer.

Think of as more of it is not the gas you put in the car but how well you maintain and operate it. And in that respect, vegetarians have an edge as they tend to exercise more regularly. However, think of the old mountain men pioneers that ate meat preserved in beef and mutton tallow, walked 10 miles a day and split their own wood for heating and cooking.

Just my opinion on the matter.

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