posted on Sep, 8 2010 @ 01:52 PM
Just thought I would share an interesting dream with you as it almost relates to some Eastern Philosophy. I don't remember all of it but I was in a
pretty populated area, not as compact as a city though at some business/school looking setting. There were a few familiar faces, all women, and one
female I don't know but whom I was very interested in. It seemed like we were in an intimate relationship, but more then just lust... even though she
clearly said she was a lesbian. Either way all was good for a long while.... UNTIL!... WHAM! Out of no where a huge devastating swarm of what looked
like yellow bugs flying at blurring speeds were everywhere, they weren't bees because anyone who walked outside would litterally be torn apart like
piranhas in seconds flat. I mean the blood didn't even get a chance to drip, thats how fast they were. Apparently they were all across the globe, as
seen on the news channel in that business/school building most of us were in. The "bugs" came and went every 10-15 minutes or so it seemed in this
dream. The interesting part came though when I seen an old guy standing outside during the swarm, after the bugs left I went out to ask him how he
managed to live when no one else could. He told me that the reason he was left untouched was because he was more detached, spiritual, and less
concerned with unneccisaties of this world, he was just simply living in the moment. I then tested his theory and allowed myself to just be, and when
the "bugs" came back they just left me alone, anyone else who came out to be torn to pieces were all fearful and worried. I really started to enjoy
the dream at that point. I havent started a thread in awhile but I have had some pretty interesting experiences that I havent shared yet that are
pretty interesting. I'll add them later though, I just sneaked this in here at work xD
In Love & Light my other selves, Infinite blessings