posted on Sep, 8 2010 @ 11:24 AM
Thought I would put this out there, to any ATS'ers that are clued up, on how mobile phone communications work.
I was just in the middle of a call to my partner, when all of a sudden, her voice became scrambled. When the scrambling stopped, it was no longer my
partner on the other end, it was some other woman in mid conversation.
I tried to speak to her, but she was unaware that I could hear her. I could not hear the responses from the person she was speaking to, but I could
here some kind of muffled strange responses that were, to me, the other person speaking, but the signal was encoded, if that makes sense.
The call went on the same, until I hung up. So how was this blunder possible ?
I'm aware that the government are able to access people's calls, but am completely shocked at the lack of privacy, if calls are being received by
any man and his dog.
What if this happens to a call containing sensitive information ?