posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 03:50 AM
I am aware that sightings of these black triangles have been happening since well before the Iraq invasion and subsequent meat grinder campaign
against terror but hear this out for an idea:
Im not convinced that these black triangles are supposed to be aircraft in the traditional sense . I mean thats obvious from the shape and lack of
jet propulsion, but Im refering to intended use here. Currently , tanks and personel/cargo carriers are vunerable to attack from IED. Its a well
documented threat, and one which is responsible for the majority of allied deaths at this time. They work in a variety of ways, but the basic premise
is an explosive charge , linked to either a remote detonator, a preasure detonator, or some similar proximity trigger. They detonate, and gouge
massive holes in the ground,throwing anything in the blast radius around, and causing explosive damage, the results of which I need not explain here.
Others launch armour piercing explosive rounds from extremely close range toward the cabs or drivers seats of vehicles. Pretty nasty. One of the
solutions which the military were harping on about was to have more helicopters, and this is because a heli can drop in and out of the battle space
without touching the ground, and this obviously is preferable to driving mile after mile of explosive strewn highway and dirt track.
Perhaps these black triangles are in fact some kind of advanced , unreleased form of what I would call a skimmer tank. Anti gravity proppelled
vehicles, with variable altitude capablility, useful for avoiding IED and ground based explosions, and capable in a pinch of increasing altitude to
quite some impressive degree.
This would explain the often modest altitude which they attain. If they arent really aircraft, it makes sense that they would have limited lift
Also , they are reported to be near on silent, giving them a massive advantage over things like tanks and helis both of which are unreasonably loud.
Imagine a Warrior or Conquerer Tank, floating over the battlespace silently , stealthily approaching a target and lining up a shot without being
tracked by engine noise. It may seem a small advantage, but with the probability that these things are stealth adapted like the bombers of the same
name, thats a massive advantage.
Imagine it. Stealthy , low risk troop infiltration and extraction capability , similarly masked strike capability , not bound by road, or even the
small amount of terrain that currently binds tanks and other armoured vehicles, capable of being used as a mobile command platform.... theres alot ,
and I mean one whole hell of a lot of things these black triangles could be used for in the theatre of war.