posted on Jun, 22 2004 @ 04:39 PM
Thinking on human terms of transportation sure it is. But an older civilization could be thousands if not millions of years more advanced then
Not only that. It may be possible that they are so far away that, when a transmission arrives within the "human zone" (human planetary colonies
etc), their world/worlds or even their entire race may be long gone, if we are not by that time.
Now wouldn't you think the "aliens" would have come to save thier comrades after all this time? Knowing that thier technology is more far
advanced than ours? I would "assume" so.
I've always suspected that the aliens we know of (the greys) have a sinister plan against us. For one, it's this quote, that they have not come here
to get their friends/comrades, or even their bodies. Maybe they don't mind as much as we do about their own bodies (in the sence that you have to
burry it, like we on earth are used to). Besides, how do we know thay haven't gotten the bodies already? How many here have access to top secret
military installations, where alleged, these things exists?
Another thing is the survelliance thing. Some humans do strap devices on animals to measure things, like how many there are etc (I don't know
exactly, okay). Maybe they do this on humans?
What about the spiritual things? Well, if they have higher technology than us, they can fly these distances, they seem to be, overall, much better at
everything than humans are. So why can't they be better withing the "spiritual realm", like, trick us with feelings? That's sinister. That's like
sleeping with a woman you love, who in secret was the one who murdered your family, without you knowing it.
This doesn't necessarily mean they must be evil, just that I don't trust them. Now, when and if the land in a public area, I won't go out with a
gun shooting at them, but I will keep a distance, if you know what I mean...