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Obama promotes new jobs program

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posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 06:55 PM
Obama assails GOP, promotes new jobs program

WASHINGTON (AP) - Vowing to find new ways to stimulate the sputtering economy, President Barack Obama will call for long-term investments in the nation's roads, railways and runways that would cost at least $50 billion.

The infrastructure investments are one part of a package of targeted proposals the White House is expected to announce in hopes of jump-starting the economy ahead of the November election. Obama will outline the infrastructure proposal Monday at a Labor Day event in Milwaukee. While the proposal calls for investments over six years, the White House said spending would be front-loaded with an initial $50 billion to help create jobs in the near future.

The goals of the infrastructure plan include: rebuilding 150,000 miles of roads; constructing and maintaining 4,000 miles of railways, enough to go coast-to-coast; and rehabilitating or reconstructing 150 miles of airport runways, while also installing a new air navigation system designed to reduce travel times and delays. Obama will also call for the creation of a permanent infrastructure bank that would focus on funding national and regional infrastructure projects.

After all the projects were finished...then what? unemployed again?
I think temporary jobs are not the solution, Government should focus in more sustainable jobs.

we have the skills and technology to supply our needs and the needs of many countries in the world...other than weapons of course =)

Government should create jobs to supply our own demands (technology, food, etc) so we can stop spending money importing goods from other countries and by the way, supply them so we can raise our exportations.

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 06:59 PM
So what if the jobs are temporary?

The skills one learns are forever and the money spends like permanent job wages.

Good for Obama, for creating jobs not just talking about it.

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 07:00 PM
Didn't we just have a $787 Billion stimulus package designed to do exactly this??? More elction year BS from the BS president!

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 07:07 PM

Originally posted by hotbakedtater
So what if the jobs are temporary?

The skills one learns are forever and the money spends like permanent job wages.

Good for Obama, for creating jobs not just talking about it. get any of this jobs and say:
-Hey I have a job, I'll buy the house I've dream of"

then 2 years after... FORECLOSURE!...your unemployed again.

temporary, what a solution.

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 07:09 PM
reply to post by hotbakedtater

Isn't that what the first trillion dollars was for? Well someone thank my grand children for buying me nice roads for the second time in less than two years! still waiting for the shovel ready jobs?

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 07:11 PM
reply to post by slinger

Yes his other stimulus bill had vasts amounts of money dedicated to these exact things...........

The question we need to be asking is........where did the money go?

Why is he using this lie to promote another stimulus bill?

Where is the money going from THIS bill and WHY do they need it?

Something is definitely a miss...........

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 07:12 PM
Most of the contractors that will benefit from these federal infrastructure contracts often use undocumented workers for the "hard labor" work.... So in essence this will stimulate the economy by giving illegals more opportunity for work in the US.... Go out and check some of the road work crews active now yourself, you'll find it is true.

These aren't jobs Americans wont do, they are jobs illegals (and green card immigrants) will do for far less and no benefits... There is no real oversight over these contractors, only that they meet the basic requirements and have the lowest bid on the job(s).

Jobs eh?

Right, only those who own the companies and corporations bidding on these federal contracts will be stimulated by this, and will in the end provide a finished product that is low quality crappy work at best, and likely be over budget and way beyond any scheduled completion date. In the process creating gridlock, massive traffic jams (increasing pollution) more accidents injuries and deaths while reducing productivity and adding to the average working American's stress levels, all while adding to the deficit billions of dollars in spending and debt few jobs (that can be counted) and much more burden on the taxpayers.

Just when it seems that this Administration couldn't possibly do anything more stupid, they prove me wrong.

Dumb asses.

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 07:17 PM

Originally posted by metalpr

Originally posted by hotbakedtater
So what if the jobs are temporary?

The skills one learns are forever and the money spends like permanent job wages.

Good for Obama, for creating jobs not just talking about it. get any of this jobs and say:
-Hey I have a job, I'll buy the house I've dream of"

then 2 years after... FORECLOSURE!...your unemployed again.

temporary, what a solution.
I see it differently. Maybe the problem is not a tempory job but a greedy overextending dream.

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 07:40 PM
Its not the governments job to create jobs...its to try and create an environment where private industries create jobs.

hammer companies that send high tech jobs overseas already, and credit companies that keep em here.

As far as roads and rails...bah...we have them...seriously, stop putting the same infrustructure bout bringing super broadband to the public by a massive fiber optic tunneling to all towns across the US, or putting mini-landing/takeoff pads along the highways so those car/plane things can become a viable and used commodity...

how about undertaking the evacuated transport tube something to recreate America...a shot from Boston to California in a hour for a few something interesting and big...make the efforts open up new industries once its complete...thats your job..your not a employer, your a facilitator!

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 07:50 PM
reply to post by hotbakedtater

to own a home an overextended dream? I don't think so.

to own a house is a necessity...unless you want to be the slave of someone who own a house.

[edit on 7-9-2010 by metalpr]

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 08:08 PM
A new job program that will maybe create jobs a year or more down the line.

All Obama is trying to do is buy votes with a programs that likely will create few jobs and then the jobs likely will be for the democrat union supporters and not for the general public.

And when the republicians try to block the programs they will be made to look like the bad guys

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 08:11 PM

Originally posted by ManBehindTheMask
reply to post by slinger

Yes his other stimulus bill had vasts amounts of money dedicated to these exact things...........

The question we need to be asking is........where did the money go?

Why is he using this lie to promote another stimulus bill?

Where is the money going from THIS bill and WHY do they need it?

Something is definitely a miss...........

Although much of the listings are gone already,if you go to you can hunt around and see where some of the money went let me warn you of the blood pressure risks if you go! You may find you don't like your money going to Pakistan to help them start and run businesses in Pakistan,But I'll bet someone snagged that grant already for millions of dollars

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 09:14 PM
reply to post by metalpr

How many people does it take to build a road? Seriously.. I usually see maybe 10 guys (all standing around one guy with a shovel) if it's a big highway project.. and for city streets maybe 4 flag wavers, two boss men sitting in a truck and 3 guys (all standing around one guy with a shovel)

At the cost of millions upon millions of dollars..

What cracks me up even more! .. It's considered "manufacturing" .. yeah, all those "manufacturing" increases? .. US Companies making asphalt, pipes and other crap for roads, sold to US Construction companies paid by Municipalities funded by the Federal Government to report GDP growth........ Sorry.. that's not wealth generating manufacturing..

Oh but the CEO's of the construction companies are rolling in the green!

I always view government sanctioned construction of anything to be wasteful spending.. maybe necessary at times, but always a waste.. really, 4 flag wavers being paid $18/hr and a whole crew of guys who, no matter where in the country you are or what project it is.... are always standing around one guy with a shovel.

Or my absolute favorite, an army of flag wavers and no workers on site doing actual work at all lol...

Obama... needs to find another way to inflate the economy.

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 09:41 PM
reply to post by Rockpuck

the guy with a the mexican one

posted on Sep, 8 2010 @ 09:22 AM

Originally posted by metalpr
reply to post by hotbakedtater

to own a home an overextended dream? I don't think so.

to own a house is a necessity...unless you want to be the slave of someone who own a house.

[edit on 7-9-2010 by metalpr]
Slave of someone who owns a house, who in turn is a debt slave to the bank, who in turn is in bed with our government. Six of one half a dozen of the other.

posted on Sep, 8 2010 @ 09:37 AM

Originally posted by kozmo
Didn't we just have a $787 Billion stimulus package designed to do exactly this??? More elction year BS from the BS president!

I have been thinking the SAME thing! So in 2009 we had the plan where stimulus funds will be used to invest in infrastructure around the country, including transportation, roads, healthcare, and education.

Then there is the 2010 Summer of Recovery, from the WH website:

So, with thousands of road, bridge, rail and housing projects – like the one I saw today – under construction across the country this summer, the American people will get to see first-hand the full force of Recovery Act dollars being put to work in their community

Now we have ANOTHER plan to stimulate the economy with money dedicated to......wait for it......road construction!

All this while many businesses in areas receiving this money for road projects are having to layoff workers because they have lost sales.

From The Daily Caller Five job-killing stimulus projects

First example:

1. Highway 66 in Sevierville, Tenn.
In Sevierville, Tenn., at a cost of more than $38 million, construction on a four-mile stretch of Highway 66 has significantly reduced the amount of traffic to area businesses. Local enterprises that prospered a year ago are now under severe strain due the impediments the stimulus construction on the road has inflicted. Read more:

Visit The Daily Caller link above for the other killer projects.

posted on Sep, 8 2010 @ 09:45 AM
You do so well here:

Originally posted by metalpr
After all the projects were finished...then what? unemployed again?
I think temporary jobs are not the solution, Government should focus in more sustainable jobs.

we have the skills and technology to supply our needs and the needs of many countries in the world...other than weapons of course =)

Then fail so bad here:

Government should create jobs to supply our own demands (technology, food, etc) so we can stop spending money importing goods from other countries and by the way, supply them so we can raise our exportations.


Why do so many dems fail at basic logic?

Why can't dems grasp the next logical step here?

Government can't create productive jobs. It can't do it. It has never once in it's entire existence created a job that brought more value and productivity to the economy than the private sector.

It necessarily can't create productive jobs because everything the government does is a monopoly that ultimately gets its funding through violence.

When you have a monopoly, quality decreases while costs increase. The only way to prevent this is to have competition between private companies.

[edit on 8-9-2010 by mnemeth1]

posted on Sep, 8 2010 @ 10:40 AM
News flash! Keynesian economic stimuli do not work. They never have worked, in their entire history, even during the New Deal. They are used again and again only because they provide a pseudo-intellectual pretext for the powerful to grant favors to their friends on the sweat and blood of the powerless.

Any bill that actually has the serious intention of promoting economic growth would involve massive slashing of government spending. The more resources the government uses, the less the private economy uses. I would start with military personally. When the government forces everybody to work three months out of the year solely for the purpose of bombing foreigners, and another three for everything else it does, then starts whining and moaning about the state of the private economy, the BS sirens need to be screaming and wailing.

The resources available at any given time are finite. Anything spent on building bombs or paying off unions with lucrative contracts is not being invested in private civilian production, which is the basis of prosperity.

edit on by NewlyAwakened because: Clarity

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