This will be a hard pill to swallow, so for those who do not, please do not be disparaging. Thank you.
reply to post by zagnuzer
Please take this gently as I do not mean it harshly in any way, but I do not follow the analogies you have drawn out. Not because they do not make
logical sense, they do, but because they do not correlate to the "physics" of Life and Death. We do represent polarities, even as men and women,
but this is an echo of more complex ideas that have simplified and taken root in the dirt rather than being ideas contrary to the original "force."
In higher realms there is still distinction, however, unity is far more complete.
Firstly, Life is not a force. It exerts force, but Life is ALIVE. Not less alive than you and me. Not a dumb force like gravity. It is already
self-aware, understanding, expressive in understanding, etc. Our systems of distinction (which can partly be identified as duality) are
interpretations of such characteristics, not bastardizations due to a disconnection when entering another dimension. We are not a dumb Life learning,
we are understanding expressed. Limitation and lacking reside in our own pride and chaos which gravitates us towards Death.
Death is a dumb force like gravity. However, because Life is in all thing alive in some form, Death certainly can take on a persona that we identify.
This most often happens as idolatry. An accumulation of misplaced adoration, trust, hate, and/or comfort. Like flies on feces, animal-men face the
dirt which decays just as they do.
Life has sent us a persona to deal with. This would be the Comforter. When Truth/Life is recognized and takes root within a person's vessel,
comfort is expressed by the Comforter into the Child. The Comforter has a point of pouring out. This point is the other persona Life sent us to deal
with. The Christ. Christ is a physical manifestation of Life come down. We are physical manifestations of Life rising up from the dirt. There is a
great distinction, and a great communion, in our relation to God come down (Christ).
So while Life established us to resist and defeat the force of Death which exists apart from Life, all return to it as leaves do after falling from a
tree. The ones who do not complete their return to the dirt do so by the gifting of Life which comes from Life. Life is not an exploratory force
with feelings. Life is understanding and understanding expressed in unity. Coherence without disconnection, connection without incoherence. Life
from below is fruit by Life from above.
Death is a dumb force which draws in to nothingness. The same way a dream is not real, even when it can feel overwhelmingly real. While physical
energy on our plane may be preserved normally, just as our rational playground is not substantive, if what resides in our minds, hearts, and souls is
a dirty playground, our dancing is not remembered beyond the cycles of our bodies regardless of being historically true forever (as a dream).
Conversely, if what resides in our minds, hearts, and souls is an eternal playground, our dancing continues from a place of temporal limits on to more
complex and lasting places. Consider this place a giant cocoon which provides life to a larva. This larva begins in strength, seeks "freedom and
honor," becomes entangled by the weights not able to be moved, and either returns to the dirt (to form the cocoon), or is simply part of the true
larva, which is humbled, but provided for, and in the right time, comes bursting forth, leaving the cocoon behind to take flight into places unknown
within the cocoon.
I know it's a childish analogy, but it does work for this explanation.
So then, while what I am communicating is a very large picture, and while I am not trying to be contrary for the sake of being contrary, I have to
insist that most people are not aware that Life is Alive. Not just physically, but also cognitively. Death is dead and acts upon us as a force using
Life as a catalyst to impart effect.
I know people will differ from this view. I am not intending to alter people's views, but rather, I am intending to bring to mind ideas that will
tickle the memories of the Children of God (we are certainly strangers in a strange land).
@snowen - I will reply to you soon. I have much to do, but I do look forward to communicating more with you on this topic.