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Why doesn't this whole 9/11 truth thing stop - its been a long time

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posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 06:42 PM
Because we know the truth. And once you know the truth, you can never un-know. We are not swinging voters.
We will be vigilant to the end. The real 9/11 plotters will be brought to justice, one day.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 07:08 PM
Seriously folks, if you still believe the OS and you can see a Boeing hit the Pentagon, and the wreckage and the bodies and the black box and you dont shiver when you see Tower 7 fall, you are kidding yourself.

Once you get over the physical evidence, start at the circumstantial. Check out what wing of the Pentagon faces the river (in the direct supposed flight path), what wing was reinforced and what wing housed the good folks looking for the $trillions that went 'missing'.

Check out the full building outages (even security/cameras) in the weeks prior to 9/11.

Look at the ownership chain of the Towers.
Watch the BBC report Tower 7 collapse 25 minutes before it does. Please explain that! It was not hit by a plane, although it did house some interesting tenants.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 07:44 PM
9/11 was the biggest change in histoory the day the president put his greed before his people

the american goverment is a sham and should be restarted with honest working folk they ran the country years ago they can do the same again

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 08:07 AM
There's no statute of limitations for murder.

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 09:49 AM

Originally posted by hmmmbeer
Because we know the truth. And once you know the truth, you can never un-know. We are not swinging voters.
We will be vigilant to the end. The real 9/11 plotters will be brought to justice, one day.

In every major event on our history, there have been a type of mentality who instantly screams CONSPIRACY in knee jerk reflex, out of their own antiestablishment outlook-

-the British faked the Zimmerman lettrer to get us into WWI
-FDR knew the Japanese were going to attack Pearl Harbor
-the Federal Reserve wants to steal all our money
-The gov't is hiding UFOs that crashed in Roswell
-The gov't staged the USS Liberty attack with the Israelis
-the CIA assassinated JFK
-The moon landings were faked
-The SAS murdered Princess Di
-the gov't blew up the OKC building
-the gov't was behind the 1993 WTC bombing
-the gov't invented AIDS to kill off all the black people in Africa
-Bush stole the election
-the gov't blew up the dikes in New Orleans
-global warming is a hoax
-the gov't is putting sterilization chemicals in aircraft chemtrails
-NASA is hiding evidence of life on Mars
-Nasa is hiding evidence that the world is going to end in 2012

...and now, the gov't staged 9/11. And on and on it goes. So, what difference would it make even if this whole 9/11 thing did stop- Tomorrow someone will come up with some other whacko thing about how the gov't is secretly plotting to murder us all and all the paranoid irates will simply migrate to the new conspiracy.

+14 more 
posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave
In every major event on our history, there have been a type of mentality who instantly screams CONSPIRACY in knee jerk reflex

The knee-jerk reflex was immediately after 9/11, and it got us into 2 wars. Thanks a lot, "Dave."

What has been developing here has occurred over the course of about 10 years now. Ten years; not a "knee jerk reflex."

Knee-jerking is what you do every time we ask you to actually prove something about 9/11 and you go off into epic rants instead, that have all of us thinking, "Aw, Jeez, not this crap again!!"

And maybe the reason there are so many alleged conspiracies is because THE FEDS ARE CORRUPT AND --YES-- THEY LIE TO YOU, ALL THE TIME!!!

The naive crowd who has always like to plug their ears is becoming smaller and smaller as the lies become more and more blatant.

It takes a "special kind" to stay behind and keep trusting everything they say despite their history.

Oh yeah, speaking of history,

-- Gulf of Tonkin that got us into Vietnam:

PROVEN TO HAVE NEVER HAPPENED, by the NSA's own declassified documents.

-- Destruction of USS Maine by Spain, got us into Spanish-American War:

PROVEN TO HAVE BEEN CAUSED BY AN INTERNAL EXPLOSION, but it took 70 years and we were lied to about it during that whole time.

Two cases off the top of my head, out of a LOT that's been proven in recent years.

Are you going to pull your head up out of the sand, or do you just like the way it tastes down there?

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 02:04 PM
9/11 will be just like who killed JFK, there will be questions and new theory's. Will we ever get the real story or the truth? One must keep asking and digging to find it, and when they do will they be silenced?

[edit on 7-9-2010 by bekod]

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 02:12 PM
Why would it end when the death of 3000 US citizens are not yet justified? Why would it end when war criminals are still on loose and laughing happily with their Oil money? Everything has retribution whether in lifetime or death.

Justice maybe blind but it can see in the dark.

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 02:22 PM

Originally posted by VirginiaRisesYetAgain

Originally posted by GoodOlDave
In every major event on our history, there have been a type of mentality who instantly screams CONSPIRACY in knee jerk reflex

And maybe the reason there are so many alleged conspiracies is because THE FEDS ARE CORRUPT AND --YES-- THEY LIE TO YOU, ALL THE TIME!!!
So the truth movements response to the fed's lying is to lie about them back (i.e. Controlled Demolition, No planes, Thermite, etc.)? Seems kind of childish if you ask me.

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 02:37 PM

Originally posted by bekod
9/11 will be just like who killed JFK, there will be questions and new theory's. Will we ever get the real story or the truth? One must keep asking and digging to find it, and when they do will they be silenced?

[edit on 7-9-2010 by bekod]

Yep, you're right. 9/11 is just like JFK, the moon landing, Area 51, Roswell, crop circles, etc. Just another product line in the conspiracy industry. Just another reason to trot out debunked myths, repackage them and try to resell them. The only difference here is the thousands of dead innocents and the cowardly attack on innocent Americans.

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 02:41 PM

Originally posted by VirginiaRisesYetAgain
Knee-jerking is what you do every time we ask you to actually prove something about 9/11 and you go off into epic rants instead, that have all of us thinking, "Aw, Jeez, not this crap again!!"

Bovine scatology! I have the facts on my side and I have nothing to hide, so whenever someone asks a question I try to answer it, and I KNOW you've seen some of the photos I've posted of the steel recovered at ground zero. You people can't even explain why the steel shows NO signs of sabotage from explosives whatsoever, and yet you obviously don't want to give these "controlled demolitions" stories up so you'll grasp at any and every straw you can find to keep them alive, like arguments over what "pull it" means. Is your head so genuinely up in the clouds that you really think that the occupants in the buildings being rigged with controlled demolitions wouldn't notice what's going on?

Proof has nothing to do with this, it's out of the WANTING to believe these conspiracies are real, which is what I said in my response to the OP. If people want to believe the moon landing was a hoax, then that's what they're going to believe come hell or high water. If people want to believe there are UFOs at area 51, then that's what they're going to believe come hell or high water. Likewise, if people want to believe the 9/11 attack was staged, then that's likewise what they're going to believe come hell or high water. You only need to look at Dr. Judy Wood's lawsuit against NIST over her "laser from outer space" scenario to see that in spades.

-- Gulf of Tonkin that got us into Vietnam:

PROVEN TO HAVE NEVER HAPPENED, by the NSA's own declassified documents.

So flipping what? The footage of NVA tanks busting down the gates of the presidential palace in Saigon is all the proof anyone needs of North Vietnam's desire to subjugate the south. The expansionism of North Vietnam and cold war politics of containment is the WHY of our involvement in Vietnam. The gulf of Tonkin is the HOW.

I've said before and I'll say it again- I find the large majority of people who believe in these 9/11 conspiracies subscribe to one or more OTHER conspiracies, long before 9/11, so if they're wearing conspiracy colored glasses then of course they're going to see 9/11 as yet another conspiracy. How would they not see it as yet another conspiracy?

So what other conspiracies do YOU subscribe to? The JFK assasination? The Jewish world order? Chemtrails?

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 03:07 PM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave

Originally posted by VirginiaRisesYetAgain
Knee-jerking is what you do every time we ask you to actually prove something about 9/11 and you go off into epic rants instead, that have all of us thinking, "Aw, Jeez, not this crap again!!"

Bovine scatology! I have the facts on my side and I have nothing to hide, so whenever someone asks a question I try to answer it, and I KNOW you've seen some of the photos I've posted of the steel recovered at ground zero. You people can't even explain why the steel shows NO signs of sabotage from explosives whatsoever, and yet you obviously don't want to give these "controlled demolitions" stories up so you'll grasp at any and every straw you can find to keep them alive, like arguments over what "pull it" means. Is your head so genuinely up in the clouds that you really think that the occupants in the buildings being rigged with controlled demolitions wouldn't notice what's going on?

Proof has nothing to do with this, it's out of the WANTING to believe these conspiracies are real, which is what I said in my response to the OP. If people want to believe the moon landing was a hoax, then that's what they're going to believe come hell or high water. If people want to believe there are UFOs at area 51, then that's what they're going to believe come hell or high water. Likewise, if people want to believe the 9/11 attack was staged, then that's likewise what they're going to believe come hell or high water. You only need to look at Dr. Judy Wood's lawsuit against NIST over her "laser from outer space" scenario to see that in spades.

-- Gulf of Tonkin that got us into Vietnam:

PROVEN TO HAVE NEVER HAPPENED, by the NSA's own declassified documents.

So flipping what? The footage of NVA tanks busting down the gates of the presidential palace in Saigon is all the proof anyone needs of North Vietnam's desire to subjugate the south. The expansionism of North Vietnam and cold war politics of containment is the WHY of our involvement in Vietnam. The gulf of Tonkin is the HOW.

I've said before and I'll say it again- I find the large majority of people who believe in these 9/11 conspiracies subscribe to one or more OTHER conspiracies, long before 9/11, so if they're wearing conspiracy colored glasses then of course they're going to see 9/11 as yet another conspiracy. How would they not see it as yet another conspiracy?

So what other conspiracies do YOU subscribe to? The JFK assasination? The Jewish world order? Chemtrails?

Please, you need to settle down and step back. Look at history from an honest and objective point of view.

Read Machiavelli, Brzezinski, Chomsky.

Hell, read some Cass Sunstein.

Also, I discovered the 9/11 conspiracy before all of the other previous ones.. although I had heard about Kennedy, MLK, and Lennon of course - but I never understood the broader context of why they were killed.

Likewise, I understood that the 3 WTC towers were brought down by controlled demolition before I understood why they were taken down. In order to understand that, It was necessary to learn about such things like the USS Liberty and the Gulf of Tonkin - and why governments sometimes use false flags.

Also, I find your 'debating' tactics time and time again are full of slippery slopes and false associations.

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 03:18 PM
I have no idea how anyone can call it a truth movement when it has no single story. In other words you want a truth movement then those who want to sell it should agree on what the truth is. People pick and choose real evidence then proceed to ad myths, theories, out right fabrications, misinterpretations, politcal slants, and then they all come out with different stories. Most of those theories use the save evidence to contridict each other. Anything that backs up the offical version is sold as fake or tampered with. As the years go by and more and more classified info on 911 is released it will also be declared as fake or fabricated. This movement just like any other conspirecy movement will never die because the people who sell them only believe the facts that back what they claim and toss everything else aside as TPTB working against them. Its just enough to keep a small group of people interested but will never be enough to go mainstream.

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 04:32 PM
As I figured, hijacked by the same old agents.
The good news is that people power will win. Those who know and spread the truth is an ever-increasing number, and due to the seriousness and scale of what happened we will be vigilant and fight on.
The western world is being deliberately dumbed down, but really anyone who can free their mind for a few minutes and look at the evidence will smell a rat. Dig a bit deeper and the truth emerges. Not the whole truth - that we dont know yet - but we do know the OS is toilet paper.

I had to clear my ignore list to see most of the replies here.

Time to restore that list.

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 04:40 PM
OK, one more post.

I would like any of the good folk who believe the OS to explain, in their own words, any of the following:

Why flight 77 chose to not hit the first face of the pentagon it came to up the river - the one that houses the big brass, but instead did an amazing manoever and hit an almost empty rewly reinforced side. And of the fact there is no video of that, and no wreckage - no engines - no bodies.


How the pancake theory of the twin towers can explain a collapse at nearly freefall speed (without preplaned explosives).


Why Tower 7 fell neatly into its own footprint at nearly freefall speed (without preplaned explosives).

No quoting or links - in your own words please. My preference would be the first. Photos exist of the pentagon prior to the roof collapse and there is just on little hole. Where the engines would have been on a boeing relative to the hole are still intact. Reinforced windows eh? 3 tonnes of metal travelling at great speed....

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 05:34 PM

Originally posted by hmmmbeer
OK, one more post.

I would like any of the good folk who believe the OS to explain, in their own words, any of the following:

Why flight 77 chose to not hit the first face of the pentagon it came to up the river - the one that houses the big brass, but instead did an amazing manoever and hit an almost empty rewly reinforced side. And of the fact there is no video of that, and no wreckage - no engines - no bodies.


How the pancake theory of the twin towers can explain a collapse at nearly freefall speed (without preplaned explosives).


Why Tower 7 fell neatly into its own footprint at nearly freefall speed (without preplaned explosives).

No quoting or links - in your own words please. My preference would be the first. Photos exist of the pentagon prior to the roof collapse and there is just on little hole. Where the engines would have been on a boeing relative to the hole are still intact. Reinforced windows eh? 3 tonnes of metal travelling at great speed....

How about this. All the info you want on 911, all your questions can be answered by experts and they have many places that dumb it down for the lay man all over the place online, books and TV. Or you could even get in touch the experts themselves. Unless of course they all work for the NWO as well in your opinion. Nobody needs to rehash it here. The fact is you refuse to either go to credible sources and read about it or you think its all fabricated. So why do you not tell us your version of things. There dozens of Truth theories what is yours? Do you have planes in your version? Do you have missles? Are they remote control in your version? Were they Holograms? Did someone waste time planting explosives in the towers to make it look like planes hit them? Was a plane at the Pentagon or were the plane parts brought in later? If they were faking a plane hitting the Pentagon then why did they not make it look more like a plane crash that joe six pact would expect to see? Who did it in your version? The Jews? The CIA? The Queen? The Vatican? Muslims controled by the US? It was all remote control? Why would anybody waste time adding planes to the equation? That would require getting thousands of people involved who would not need to be. Why not just bomb the WTC and maybe the Statue of Liberty and the Washington Monument for a better psyhological effect with much less chance of something going wrong? How many thousands of people have to be involved to pull this off all over the world? What is your version of the truth and why are all the other truthers version wrong?

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 08:37 PM
reply to post by hmmmbeer

Why flight 77 chose to not hit the first face of the pentagon it came to up the river - the one that houses the big brass, but instead did an amazing manoever and hit an almost empty rewly reinforced side. And of the fact there is no video of that, and no wreckage - no engines - no bodies.

Its ignorant statements like this that just irritate the crap out of some people. To me, it shows me that all you have done is read conspiracy sites online. You really should go to DC, take a trip around the Pentagon, IF you are cognizant of what is going on around you, it wont take much for you to figure out the terrorists picked the side of the Pentagon that would give the greatest chance of success...

No video....well, there is a couple of security cams, but their frame rate just wasnt fast enough to capture a high speed airliner.

No engines....umm yeah, what was left of both engines...was found in the wreckage at the Pentagon

No bodies....remains of each and every person known to have been on board, were found at the Pentagon, save for an infant...whose parents WERE found.

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 09:57 PM
9/11 is the major awaking in alot of peoples minds...I personally would not be on this kinda site if it wasn't for 9/11...I was a believer in our system, in humanity ,and morality...Now I believe greed runs our world...And there is a grand cover-up of some BIG STORY that us regular life forms ,the average joe, would like to know...
So you might ask why don't 9/11 truthers just accept ,and go on...I say we can never forget, never stop fighting for the truth.Until those liers come clean and the American people have justice for there evilness...We must never stop

posted on Sep, 8 2010 @ 03:15 AM

Originally posted by vipertech0596
reply to post by hmmmbeer

>>>>Its ignorant statements like this that just irritate the crap out of some people.

Please do not bother replying then. I have a point of view I am trying to share. Ignore me please.

posted on Sep, 8 2010 @ 03:18 AM
reply to post by MrSpad

OK, so lose - you wont take the challenge.
In your own words explain any one of these.
If I bore you or otherwise offend you with my thoughts, plesae ignore me and all my posts instead of replying with useless banter.

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