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Zodiac Alive and Killing in Canada for 40 Years??

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posted on Sep, 8 2010 @ 12:38 PM

Originally posted by Olympios
...interesting and mysterious.

By the way "kokoras germanikos" is Greek and means 'German Rooster',

Hope this might help a bit...

Gallus (kokorasgermanikos)

There are several variations for the meaning..... If you check the following links you can see how it is possible that he is piecing words together that refer to "Zodiac Taurus, High Executioner, Underworld, Beast" Check the following links and you will see. If he is Zodiac I could see what he is doing with the email address..... or maybe he just admires Zodiac, who knows, but I would sure like to find out!

He was well versed in Math, chemistry, latin, and Greek mythology. Spoke of latin and greek all the time.


Interesting links that show the break down of his email address





Ko Ko is from Gilbert & Sullivan's operetta "Mikado", and refers to the "High Executioner". Zodiac refers to Ko Ko in two of his letters. Reference also speaks of women being used for barter and how Ko Ko gave "Yum Yum" for this purpose. In a birthday card he gave my daughter he says "They are ever so yummy. Happy birthday to a sweet little 8 year old lady".


Alpha Herculis is better known as Ras Algethi:

See for full details
Hercules also visited the "Underworld", often referenced by Zodiac


More at:



Germanikos refers to "The Beast". See

posted on Sep, 8 2010 @ 01:07 PM

Originally posted by Alexander the Great
Interesting thread.

I happened to have been looking through your
Zodiac/BC similarities pictures, and noticed something.

I hope this works!

At the bottom of the page, that weird symbol, looks just like the symbols
on the Predators Wrist computer thing when he sets it to self destruct.
Of course, in the movie "Predator" with Arnold Swartzenegger
If anyone can find a pic of what Im talking about, post it!

Maybe there is something to that, just pointing it out.

Interesting, but I think the movie may be copying Zodiac rather than the other way around as this movie wasn't out then.

I have been looking at hos this may reference the Chinese Zodiac symbols..... I think there could be something to that. According to the Chinese Zodiac he is born in the year of the Pig. I found someone on the internet quoting, "I am born in the year of the pig. I am a dragon". Not to say that was Henning quoting that, but refrencing how someone could think that.

I also found on another blog site a copy of a letter that was mailed I believe in 1986 and may be from Zodiac. There was debate as to whether it was real or not. The states that he has claimed 100+ victims and something about refrencing Gemini, Taurus, and Scorpio. Henning is actually a Gemini, born within days of Taurus, and the western Zodiac translation for year of the pig is Scorpio. Could be a coincidence, I don't know. The letter looked like his writing with the exception of the "g". Otherwise a very good imitation, or if it is from Zodiac, just a variation in that particular letter. I know my own writing varies. Sometimes I find old school work or diaries and I don't even recognize my own writing, It is possible for writing to change a bit, as Zodiac himself shows in verified letters. I also thought in the 1986 letter that the crosshair symbol did not look like Zodiac, but last night I was printing off letters for the graphologist and I noted a letter with the crosshair symbol more round and precise like in the 1986 letter.

I will see if I can find the copy of that letter again. Someone else had noted that they had never heard of the letter before and the person who posted it said then had an inside contact or something. Does anyone else know of this letter. If so post the link.

Another weird thing I found recently was someone named "Lagies", posted on a german site that the interpretation of Lagies is die Vollkommene which means "The Pefect". Coincidence???

posted on Sep, 8 2010 @ 01:20 PM
I think you need to take all of your "evidence" and go to someone that can actually help you. ATS is a strong community, but we're also stubborn. Denying ignorance is all about evidence and backing your points with undeniable proof. I see zero proof here. I hope for your daughter's sake, if this is true, that justice is served. I don't believe you're dealing with the zodiac, but maybe someone with some deep seeded problems. Then again, you may just dislike this person because they bought the last can of Spam at your local grocery and you had eagerly awaited frying it up devouring it by way of spoon, and now you can't think of a better way to spite them. Anywho, people here can only do so much. Anyone with as much proof and evidence as you claim to have should have no problem getting the attention from the proper authorities. I don't mean to be a Debbie Downer, but I really feel like a conspiracy forum is the wrong place to seek help in such matters. Good day. And Good Luck.

And if for some reason you get this "Zodiac", I shall congratulate you. Best wishes to you and your daughter, and in all seriousness if this is all true I hope the person you are dealing with is behind bars and justice is served.

posted on Sep, 8 2010 @ 02:23 PM
I am glad to see you are still working at this.I can only just imagine what a nightmare this must be for you.

I still really think you should try and contact some true crime authors. I know it may sound silly, but that is their bread and butter, and if they had any possible feelings that you may be on to something, I am sure they could come up with some more resources for you. I know Ann Rule is more of a writer for after the fact, but this is a very intriguing case and I think it might get her interest. If not, she may very well know someone it would intrigue. I took the liberty of getting her address for you.

Ann Rule
.O. Box 98846, Seattle, WA 98198. It can also be found here

I am also placing this link up as well. It has a list of true crime authors and if you look through it, quite a few are based in California. List here

I just cant see it hurting to try and open as many doors as possible, not to mention you need some help that they may be able to provide for you~

As one poster said, ATS is a tough place for this, though to me that seems a bit strange, as this site does like to get to the bottom of things. Of all I have read of all the work you have put into this, I highly doubt this would be considered HOAX type material. Frankly I don't think you are getting the respect you deserve it, but that is just mho. You would think someone around here really would like to get to the bottom of this to prove one way or the others some kind of answer.

Well, I hope at least my little input is helpful in some way. yig

posted on Sep, 8 2010 @ 07:46 PM
Thanks Yig. I was not experienced at message boards until recently, but have come to realize quite quickly that there are skeptics and rightfully so. Some people I find are just down right mean, but I have learned that comes with the territory.

If it were not for me posting on message boards such as ATS, I seriously doubt that I would be following this through, and I would not have as much information on Zodiac without others posting links that have helped me. No this is certainly not a hoax, and what happened to my child IS REAL and I have psychiatric reports to verify it is real. She had two evaluations, one from a Psychiatrist in the Emergency at Children's Hospital that she saw because of esculating agression an disturbing behaviour relatd to the crime commited against her, and the other was a one month residential assessment at Children's Hospital. In addition to the Play therapist hired by the Vancouver Police to work with her who reported that whatever this man had done to her, it was extremely traumatizing and she wasn't even qualified to help her after her theme began to become very disturbing. She was drawing pictures of bloody knives, and women with blood coming out of their head. Also, I am not sure how the "Sandpit", works, but apparently her play in the sandpit displayed very disturbing behaviour.

I am working day and night on this, barely even having time to earn money just to pay my rent. I am self employed so I can choose my own hours, and it gives me time to work on this. I am also incurring the expense out of my own pocket to hire a forensic graphologist, PI, and someone who is helping me write a book. I did contact Ann Rule, but never heard back from her. I have 4 Literary Agents, and one publisher interested in the story. Writing the story is about getting the word out, trying to find justice. At minimum maybe make Henning too nervous to commit any more crimes. I believe 100% that he has been killing women in BC. I cannot say for certain that he is Zodiac, I have only stumbled accross these coincidences along the way in my quest to bring attention regarding murders that have been happening in Canada for the past 40 years.

My details have been presented by media to the head investigator in the "Highway of Tears", murders, and other authorities who have seen my posts are taking this seriously. What they are doing with the information, I don't know. Telling me what they are doing would compromise their investigation. I have been reluctant to reveal this information, because Henning is likely reading all of this, and may give him opportunity to try and cover things up.

Imagine being a happy person with a beautiful little girl, working in a great job, making the most money you have ever made in your career, going to school at night and 2/3 of the way to graduating your program. Finally getting ahead in life after living in foster care, and struggling with no support systems except for someone who turned out to be preying on me and my child...... And then finding out this man whom you loved as a father, who you saw as a grandfather figure to your child, your only family in the whole world, turns out to binding, raping and torturing your child. Suddenly you have lost the innocence of your child, the man you loved as a father, you are so traumatized that you end up on disability for 6 years, and you cannot cope and the child is so disturbed that she needs to be taken into foster care herself? Six years of my live gone, living in the dark place that I lived, fighting to regain control of my live, to get past the pain and the guilt for leaving my child with such a monster. I cannot begin to describe how devastating this has been.

I tried to follow up with the RCMP in 2007, but they said my daughter would have to be the one to come forward. I told them some scary things about Henning and she encouraged me to forward the details, but after typing up an overview, I literally felt like the life had been sucked right out of me and I never followed through. My daughter is now a drug addict and she burries inside of her what happened. She is not able to cope with what happened to her and I cannot see her having the strength to try and pursue this herself. Most days she doesn't even know what day it is, and before she turned 19 her "Missing Persons", report file was thicker than a phone book. That is her transient life style, and this has taken it's toll on me. Never knowing if today is the day the police are going to knock on my door and tell me the worst thing I could possibly hear.....

I am not making this up, and I working as hard as I can to get to the bottom of this, to finally get someone to listen and see that Henning needs to be investigated. This haunts me every day of my life, and it will never go away. The only hope I have at finding any peace is to try and get the word out and perhaps with making this public, will find someone who can finally do something about this, actually do something about it. I alone am not strong enough to fight this battle, or important enough to have the police listen. It is with the attention of others, and the authorities knowing that I am not going away this time, that perhaps they will finally pay attention. This happens all the time, people try to tell the police about a bad person and they simply ignore them. As far as I know police here in Canada are "Taking this seriously", as has been quoted to me in PM. Then again the police here knew for 2 years about Willy Picton and many more killings happened before they finally stepped in. I cannot say what will come of this, but I am not giving up this time.

For the person who refers to me as being vindictive over the last can of spam.... what I have suffered and survived is much greater than your ridiculous attempt to discredit me. Was that supposed to be funny??? Henning may not be Zodiac, there is much to be found out to determine that, and I am doing what I can to get some real evidence, but I CAN say that Henning is an evil man who very grusomely ripped the soul from my child and destroyed her life. He nearly destroyed mine too, but after 6 years of counselling I was finally able to get my head above water again, after 4 more years have finally gotten the strength to try and finally find justice.

What I would give for this to have never happened. To have had my happy daughter continue with her dance lessons when she was little, to have been able to hold her and love her and be with her, and not have her ripped from my arms because I completely fell apart over what happened to her, and she was so severely traumitized that she needed special care. Why the hell would I make any of this up. This is a nightmare with no ending. I am only trying to finally wake up from this horror and finally be at peace.

posted on Sep, 8 2010 @ 09:05 PM
I have been following your story. I wanted to address the DNA issue. You said you had a number of personal things of his. If you feel so strongly about what you claim, you can still get it tested. Time passed does not matter and even though it may contain DNA from others, you can still get it tested. Even mummies buried for hundreds of years still contain DNA this is tested to this day.

If you are that serious about all of this, it does not hurt to at least try. DNA has been known to convict and set people free.

You also should sit down and take some time to begin writing out a timeline. Right now, your story is all over the place and at times very hard to follow. Truth_Hz is correct that there is no structure and you bounce around a lot.

I'm not trying to sound rude when I say this, but this could be the reason LE is not taking this seriously. You need to organize your thoughts put a proper flow to the person and events surrounding the person and put it on paper (so to speak) and be very professional about it. Don't use profanity and make sure everything is spelled correctly and grammar is correct.

First do a simplified timeline - like an outline. After that is done, add details to that timeline. Don't talk about comparison until your simpled then detailed outline is done. Focus solely on Henning. Once you have all of that done, then start working on a completely different outline of comparisons.

This will take time, but at the end of the day, if you are very serious about all of it, the time spent will be worth it.

Good Luck!

posted on Sep, 8 2010 @ 10:00 PM

Originally posted by greeneyedleo
I have been following your story. I wanted to address the DNA issue. You said you had a number of personal things of his. If you feel so strongly about what you claim, you can still get it tested. Time passed does not matter and even though it may contain DNA from others, you can still get it tested. Even mummies buried for hundreds of years still contain DNA this is tested to this day.

If you are that serious about all of this, it does not hurt to at least try. DNA has been known to convict and set people free.

You also should sit down and take some time to begin writing out a timeline. Right now, your story is all over the place and at times very hard to follow. Truth_Hz is correct that there is no structure and you bounce around a lot.

I'm not trying to sound rude when I say this, but this could be the reason LE is not taking this seriously. You need to organize your thoughts put a proper flow to the person and events surrounding the person and put it on paper (so to speak) and be very professional about it. Don't use profanity and make sure everything is spelled correctly and grammar is correct.

First do a simplified timeline - like an outline. After that is done, add details to that timeline. Don't talk about comparison until your simpled then detailed outline is done. Focus solely on Henning. Once you have all of that done, then start working on a completely different outline of comparisons.

This will take time, but at the end of the day, if you are very serious about all of it, the time spent will be worth it.

Good Luck!

I am kicking myself that I threw a shirt of his away. Wouldn't my DNA on stuff contaminate anything I tried to test? Somewhere I have bottle of Aluminum Jelly that I found in a pot I kept beside my fridge and it has a very obvious fingerprint on it. It wasn't mine and so I believe it came from him. I have no idea what he was doing with it in my place. That may be a good source to test for DNA perhaps. Other than that I have a camera that was his, but I used myself for years, the birthday cards, that I have handled a lot, and a book he gave me on Yiddish Jokes that I haven't handled too much. The coat he gave me, but I wore for years and have a washed several times. Do you think this can be tested? And once I test it, what the heck do I do with it if I don't have a profile to compare it to? Just sent the results to the police? From what I understand DNA testing is quite expensive too. It is going to take me time to fund all of this, but I will try.

I know I have to work on the timeline. That is what I did with the Vancouver missing women. First I created a time line of every significant event I could think of since I met Henning, and then I created a timeline of the missing women. When I sorted the data I was surprised to see how many women went missing during times he was out of town, or times he was really angry with me..... I will do as you say. It is necessary for the book anyway. There are some additional details that I want the PI to find. I meet with him tomorrow so I will find out what he says and how much this is going to cost. It is very difficult because all of this is really quite expensive. It's too bad the Vallejo Police wouldn't just get the FB| to dig up Henning's immigration application or something and get their own graphologist to check it out. Also if they just checked with the RCMP here in Canada for his prints, or even contact the living victim who saw Zodiac without his mask and show him the picture. Apparently Mike Mageau said he would never forget that face.....

Anyway I will do what I can with the timeline and raising the funds to try and get evidence to include/exclude Henning as Zodiac suspect. As far as here in Canada I am not sure what more I can do other than to have a graphologise analyze the Vancouver Bus Stop letters, regarding molesting children to see if that matches the capital letters that Zodiac uses in some of his letters and in his ciphers. If it isn't a match it is eerie how much many of the letters appear to match. Like the way the "G" is and the "B" with a smaller top and bigger bottom.... I am going to photocopy the letter, and cut out specific letters and then take Zodiac's letters that compare and glue them on paper side by side for quick reference, as well as submitting the letters in full for analysis.

posted on Sep, 8 2010 @ 10:25 PM
Here is the link to the copy of the 1986 letter claiming to be Zodiac. Just for curiosity, what do people think? I think it looks like a good imitation, but not sure if it is authentic. From what I can see the writing seems to look a bit controlled, and not naturally flowing. Some of the letters are not consistent at all with Zodiac's, particularly the "g", and the "y". Other letters look pretty consistent, but I still think the overall appearance seems to look a bit too controlled.

What do you guys think? Just curious about this.

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 09:52 AM
I read everything and one thng stands out as being true
there is someone named henning and you probably have some of his stuff and you probably have a daughter

the question remains if he did commit murder and you have his stuff why did yo not contact law enforcement, they would not ignore that

the only conclusion that fits is that "henning" is your estranged husband or boyfriend who you want revenge on for some reason and you came here for help with your "theory in progress"

If you really believe he murdered people then go file a police report and get them to bag some of his stuff so they can compare to unsolved murder evidence

and finally for the grammar Nazis
I typed this on my phone, so relax

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 10:37 AM

Originally posted by Davood
I read everything and one thng stands out as being true
there is someone named henning and you probably have some of his stuff and you probably have a daughter

the question remains if he did commit murder and you have his stuff why did yo not contact law enforcement, they would not ignore that

the only conclusion that fits is that "henning" is your estranged husband or boyfriend who you want revenge on for some reason and you came here for help with your "theory in progress"

If you really believe he murdered people then go file a police report and get them to bag some of his stuff so they can compare to unsolved murder evidence

and finally for the grammar Nazis
I typed this on my phone, so relax

If you read everything you should know that he was like a father to me, and that I met him in my foster home when I was a child. He is 33 years older than I am and NOT my estranged husband or boyfriend., and this is NOT about revenge. OMG like did you read the torment this man put me through?? And you think I am looking for revenge on a boyfriend relationship? Did you not also read that these details and more have been presented by a reporter the head investigator of the "Highway of Tears", murders? If you don't know what I am talking about follow this link

There are actually over 50 missing Vancouver, Eastside women still not accounted for, and over 30 missing/murdered women along the Highway of Tears and suspected murders in Alberta as well. This official list only has 18 victims, but there are at least 80 victims here..... Yeah I am a vindictive ex girlfriend.


The police have this information. Does that mean I am not allowed to post. What is this forum? Not a place where someone who has been a victim of a crime can post? It is people and cops like you that make this so difficult. WHATEVER, I WILL NOT BE DETERED BECAUSE OF PEOPLE WHO THINK I WOULD MAKE UP A FREAKY STORY LIKE THIS FOR THE SAKE OF BEING A BITTER EX GIRLFRIEND 10 YEARS LATER!!! DON'T BE SO RIDICULOUS!!!!!

I am usually pretty calm when I read this crap, but every now and then it really irks me when people like you go out of their way to stick another knife in the wound, and do what they can to kick a person and try to keep them down. Are you abusive in your own world? Do you have family, a mom and a dad. Did you grow up with family? Do you know what it is like to live in foster care and have NOBODY??? I was left to fend for myself just trying to finish my last year of high school, no food, no heat in my dump, bug infested place I lived in, having to bum paper off of other students, and not even having 25 cents to make a phone call because I couldn't afford a phone. YOU REALLY DON'T HAVE A CLUE!!!!!



posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 11:18 AM
Well then, i didn't attack as you'd just did, I postulated based on observation and opinion.

Much te same way your thread came into being.

If you attack anyone that disagrees in that way, the. The people who do agree will be afraid to post any of their own opinions.

Ats is not a self help club for people that are trauma survivors, it is a place to have discussions about fringe ideas. Most of the people who visit this site (including myself) are in no way qualified to address the problems you have experienced. What you need to do is if this is really true is to follow he advice of previous posters and "get your story straight". Figure what is evidence and what is conjecture and then go to your local PD and file everything in a police report

the reason I believe this might be fraudulent is the wishy washyness of the "facts" presented, it is a common tactic for humans to garner sympathetic feelings before conning each other

righteous anger is also used to mask lies as well
with the amount of drivel posted in this forum in order to sell books or movies, you have to expect to be prodded by skeptics

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 11:45 AM
I forgot to add

what set me off was your mention of "trying to raise money to ge evidence"

this is when the hook is set, however according to half the posters, your story doesn't checkout

what exactly does that mean?

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 12:09 PM
Just because my experiences come at me in all different directions doesn't make me wishy washy. I think I have been pretty graphic in my portrayal of events, and the multiple things that point at this man as being a viable suspect for all the missing/murdered girls and women that have been taking place for 40 years here in British Columbia.

Like if there was a killer in your neck of the woods getting away with murder for the past 40 years and you knew someone who was evil enough to bind, rape and torture a child, and you also realized this person was driving around in all these different vehicles, and even lying about why he had some of these vehicles, and why chains were hanging from the ceiling..... who lived in the center of where a number of bodies were found in the 70's, who continually went out of town up that highway of DEATH, who had a compartment under his bathroom floor, who had meat in his freezer not from the store when he is supposed to be a vegetarian, who had a jar of blood in his fridge ( I personally saw), who was always throwing away his clothes and runners even when they were new, who was always giving me used women's clothing, wallets, runners, and watches saying he got them from a swap meet, who had porn movies of people chained to brick walls and stuck all over their bodies with large safety pins, and of people defecating and eating it while he would laugh as he watched, etc, etc, you wouldn't consider him a viable suspect for the person getting away with murder for the past 40 years???

Boy if I could make all this up I think I could likely make a living like Stephen King or something.

Yes you did personally attack me by basically calling me a liar and accusing me of being vindictive for "Lover's" relationship I had when this man was like a father to me. Like if a man posted this would he be accused of being gay and trying to spite his ex lover??? I have every right to be angry when people like you attack me, or I get accused of being vindictive over Henning having taken the last can of spam..... when my child was raped and tortured, and has been a drug addict for 7 years, leaving me with her baby to take care of when the Ministry took the child away, and EVERY SINGLE DAY OF MY LIFE I WONDER IF THE POLICE WILL KNOCK ON MY DOOR AND TELL ME SHE IS DEAD!!!!

I understand there are skeptics. People are entitled to their opinions, but to slag someone for trying to find justice for over a decade for unspeakable crimes commited against their child and that person may very well be responsible for the torturous deaths of around 100 people here in British Columbia, I find it really irritating. I cannot fathom how someone could be so cold. I am not looking for sympathy, I am trying to stop this man from hurting anymore people. Can you imagine being chained and having someone rip your teeth out with plyers and rip off your toenails, stick a pin into your privates.... If he is the killer that is on the lose here, this is the type of things he is doing to people.

So should I just crawl back into the cave I have been in and keep my thoughts to myself, while he continues to torture and kill people??? Now if we found out it was him, and then you knew of someone who had all this information and didn't tell anyone, I am sure you would them to be a real a**hole for knowing this and not saying anything. That is exactly what I am talking about, you try to tell people and they just think you are either mentally ill or a liar. Like we have never heard of any of this stuff before. John Wayne Gacy having 33 bodies underneath his house when he was a respected business man.... What the f**ck is under Henning's floor??? Why did he tell me not to stand on that spot or I would fall through, and why did he bring me two big bags of dirt to my house and tell me it was fertilizer when it was dirt with wood chips, nails and cement in it, consistent with a floor being dug up. I dont think most of us know people like this.

So if I come accross as jumping around with my story, that is because it has haunted me for 10 years, and all these details just spin around and around in my head. Questions that I need answered. Who is he, what has he done..... Why this, why that..... I would think that if I were lying that perhaps I may be more prepared and have the story in chrnological order already.

I am trying to be stong, I am trying not to let this suck the life out of me, I am trying not to give up and to get the authorities to listen. I have nightmares that my husband has to wake me from, I have an obsession that I cannot put to rest, I have questions that need to be answered, and I am trying to be strong. Congratulations for being the first person to reduce me to tears over my plight to find justice and to stop this man from TORTURING AND KILLING PEOPLE. I may not have proof, but I believe with every fiber of my being that he IS the killer, and after the stories my child told me which experts say cannot be conceived by a child, I know that the acts he has commited are savage and I cannot imagine the pain and horror these women went through before dying.

I would welcome the police to give me a lie detector, psychiatric evaluation, drug tests.... whatever they want. I wish they would. This is real..... I think I have to vomit now.

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 12:54 PM
reply to post by melody_leigh

You know...I've thought it over, and this is too hard to buy. Partly because you choose to post it on teh interwebs and partly because, like others have said, it does not add up.

There are a few things you mentioned that were signs yet you did not see them, but not seeing them as harmful just doesn't make sense.

If this is really going on...if you REALLY think this dude is killing people, you are at the police doorstep daily.

And most importantly, you DO NOT post your story online. If this is real, I understand you gotta work it out in your head...the timeline...who what when etc etc, but you don't make it makes it really easy to refute later on.

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 05:36 PM
Not to be insensitive here, but this seems more like a jealous or jilted lover throwing out some rather serious and bizarre allegations as part of an obsessive fixation on someone, they are determined to get even with for jilting them.

Years has gone by, so there is not much of an excuse for not taking your time in laying out a clear and concise time line and opening piece detailing the events and details as you known them from start to finish.

I am detecting a near palpable level of hysteria and urgency in the posts, that suggests a break from reality.

For instance John Walsh has spent years methodically searching for the killer of his child, and doing it in lucid intelligent ways.

Interwoven with your story is definately some kind of intimate relationship between the original poster and accused that was strong enough to trust your child alone with the man.

Yet the story was not credible enough for the Royal Candadian Mounted Police? What led to the break between the two of you?

Guessing based on what I have read between the lines, you and the man had a BDSM relationship, and a psuedo Master/slave relationship, and it ended up badly, likely with him rejecting you.

Since then you have been utterly fixated on ruining the man any way possible?

Calming down, starting at the beginning, and laying out the details in a progressive, clear and precise order, would be the way to go, in establishing a case.

Otherwise it really just sounds like a love affair gone bad and a woman spurned making up a lot of elaborate stories about a man she is fixated on.

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 08:00 PM
Wow. I said I was raising money, that means working and saving my own money. I never asked any public support for money if I am being accused of tryig to scam people.

I also said that this man was like a father to me. I was in foster care and he was like a father. How many of you would think your father was doing this to your child. I hired him to daycare for me when he retired so he could earn extra money and I wanted to repay him for being supportive to me over the years, as I thought he had at the time.

There is clarification of what happened at the following links where I have posted hospital reports discussing my child's abuse, her talk of murder scenes, describing smells and textures, dismembered bodies in her play theme with the therapist, likely sexual abuse, severe stressors.... and how she is not deceptive or mentally ill.

It also discusses the police involvment, but there was no evidence and only the word of a child.

I don't know what more I can say. Obviously I am not welcome here. I get it.

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 11:38 PM
good luck man, u need to understand that there are a lot of keyboard warriors and haters out there, and they just hate

I dont know a lot about it, so I wont say anything ... just good luck, and I hope your daughter can recover from that or at least improve

just to add: if you thing theres a person out there killing people, u should try to get your own money to hire a private investigator or something like that ... if you really want to find out ... otherwise, u may never find proof

add2: better yet, u could find some way to get to the guys computer, he may have pictures or documents about it if he is the guy ... you have his email address ... a hacker could do it, but it would be "illegal" as you know

edit on 9/9/10 by Faiol because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 12:26 AM
I sent an apology to Davwood. Just wanted everyone else know that it isn't my style to be rude. Every now and then I reach a breaking point. I am sorry for my outburst. My pain is real, and sometimes that get's the best of me. Maybe just being able to share my story gives me some kind of resolve, because Henning is too smart to get caught.

At least I can know in my heart that I did what I could to try and prevent anyone else from ever having to suffer the kind of pain that I have experienced, and much worse the families of those who lost their loved ones.

I am sorry I couldn't do enough to help those families and to bring them peace. I tried.

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 12:59 AM

Originally posted by melody_leigh

Originally posted by fieryjaguarpaw
The Zodiac never ate people or sexualy molested anyone. Sounds like a compleatly different person to me.

The original victim they think to be associated with Zodiac, but not officially was Cheri Jo Bates in 1966 and he wrote a letter to the police in graphic detail how he grusomely killed her. He also refers to cutting off her female parts and displaying them for the world to see.


Cheri Jo Bates was beaten and stabbed multiple times with a short-bladed knife. There was no evedince of robbery or sexual molestation.


There was no letter describing the things you have mentioned either. Are you just making stuff up expecting us to not know the difference?

And Zodiac's MO didn't "evolve" over time. His MO was to change MO. He never killed in the same way twice. He was somone who got off on toying with the police, not sexualy abusing women. Infact many of his victims were not even female.

I'm sorry about your situation, but I don't think Zodiac had anything to do with it.

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 02:15 AM

Originally posted by fieryjaguarpaw

Originally posted by melody_leigh

Originally posted by fieryjaguarpaw
The Zodiac never ate people or sexualy molested anyone. Sounds like a compleatly different person to me.

The original victim they think to be associated with Zodiac, but not officially was Cheri Jo Bates in 1966 and he wrote a letter to the police in graphic detail how he grusomely killed her. He also refers to cutting off her female parts and displaying them for the world to see.


Cheri Jo Bates was beaten and stabbed multiple times with a short-bladed knife. There was no evedince of robbery or sexual molestation.


There was no letter describing the things you have mentioned either. Are you just making stuff up expecting us to not know the difference?

And Zodiac's MO didn't "evolve" over time. His MO was to change MO. He never killed in the same way twice. He was somone who got off on toying with the police, not sexualy abusing women. Infact many of his victims were not even female.

I'm sorry about your situation, but I don't think Zodiac had anything to do with it.

This isn't the original link I found, but this one states what I refer to. If I am wrong it is because the story I found on the internet is wrong. I only speak of what I have found on the internet. I did find something also somewhere along the way speaking of Zodiac evolving. If I find the link I will post it. Maybe what I find is bull, but it isn't because I made it up, it is because I found reference to it on the internet.

Again I am not saying without a doubt that Henning is Zodiac, I am questioning whether he moved north and has been killing here for 40 years as verified that murders have been happening here for 40 years.....

One thing for certain is that somebody has been killing in BC for 40 years and they are yet to be found.

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