posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 10:18 PM
This topic could be placed in another forum, but it's base is in psychology, so here it is.
How often have you been going back and forth with someone here or elsewhere on the internet with the sneaking suspicion in the back of your head that
your adversary, for lack of a better word, was not what they seemed?
Have you heard of the government programs, specifically targeting online sites like this one and others, with express intent to sow suspicion, doubt,
and divisiveness?
I, for one, am very interested, to say the least, in this subject. I look at any given comment section or thread on a relevant issue that would stand
to have COINTELPRO, the self given name of such described government financed spooks, and deeply wonder which posters, if any, are the snakes in the
We know they are there, we know they are devious, we know they are cunning, but we don't know for sure exactly how and where they operate. Sometimes,
it seems they only attempt to go the ad hominem route, casting doubt on their qarry through derision and strawman tactics. Sometimes, they use the
guilt-by-association tactic; aligning themselves with their target but making wild and baseless claims, hoping any uninformed readers will see the
nonsense and equate it with the truthful assertions.
There are many tactics they can and will use, but a creeping thought has crawled it's way into my thoughts: what if they aren't just trying to keep
people away from conspiracy related subjects?
What if there is a whole other layer to this subversion we aren't aware of?
Have you found yourself parousing a thread of seemingly innocuous subject matter that wouldn't stand to have a paid COINTELPRO operative sowing
disorder, yet still seem to have the nagging feeling one is there? This thought disturbs me. If they really are in these seemingly unrelated,
unthreatening(to the PTB, of course) subjects, then the question of how deep the rabbit hole goes is beyond simple totalitarian control of the
physical and basic mental world.
If they really are trying to pry into every facet of thought, this means that the game goes all the way into your deepest subconscious, mayhap your
very soul. But why? How? This would go beyond an orwellian state, beyond the nightmarish situation proposed by The Matrix, beyond anything I have ever
heard proposed.
Is anyone else picking up on this? I would like to know your insights into COINTELPRO, your thoughts and experiences in dealing with these most
mysterious of strangers, and your take on my last paranoiac suppositions of total mindf**kery.
I suspect this could either go unnoticed or produce a highly interesting exchange.
And, concerning potential agents provocateur, please, don't be afraid to chime in, you must have SOMETHING to say on this.