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Why people don't like the United states of America.

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posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 09:14 AM
reply to post by VreemdeVlieendeVoorwep

No you see he brought the situation up by starting this thread, Yes I am patriotic, yes at times my country has done many wrong things but I will stand by her all along. So the slamming started with the start of this thread which slammed the United States and no I am not afraid to express my opinion or my thoughts when it comes to my country, I am not ashamed at all. And I was simply reminding him his country was not innocent and it doesn't matter how many people are in your country what they did to their own citizens was wrong and always will be.

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 09:23 AM
reply to post by jaynkeel

I don't want to burst your bubble here but without the Russian hammer beating down on the German troops ever since the war turned in their favor since 1942. Normandy would be the end station for American troops.

I am grateful for not having to learn Russian.

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 09:28 AM
Posted in OP...

"Afghanistan, 1979-92:
Everyone knows of the unbelievable repression of women in Afghanistan, carried out by Islamic fundamentalists, even before the Taliban. But how many people know that during the late 1970s and most of the 1980s, Afghanistan had a government committed to bringing the incredibly backward nation into the 20th century, including giving women equal rights? What happened, however, is that the United States poured billions of dollars into waging a terrible war against this government, simply because it was supported by the Soviet Union. Prior to this, CIA operations had knowingly increased the probability of a Soviet intervention, which is what occurred. In the end, the United States won, and the women, and the rest of Afghanistan, lost. More than a million dead, three million disabled, five million refugees, in total about half the population"....

This explanation of what happened here is very weak even stupid. In fact it look like it was written by a BS artist.

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 09:30 AM
reply to post by Sinter Klaas

Still doesn't negate what the Dutch did to their own people. Nice try though. What you can start a thread slamming the United States but we are expected to not offer resistance? If your looking for me to bend over to your logic it won't work I am not going to be one of these people that post on here that live in the US and agree with what your saying because I have no backbone.

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 09:37 AM

Originally posted by ohsnaptruth

Originally posted by airspoon
Americans ourselves are disliked because we are so oblivious to what's going on in the world and the consequences to our actions. It's kind of tragic and would be funny otherwise, but Americans are known around the globe as ignorant. --airspoon

Sad it's like that too... I think it's mostly because while MSM are dumbing down younger generations (like mine) with reality TV, they also only report on local news, news going on only in America. Of course we have a few rare channels that report on world news but not without making the U.S. look like it's the most civilized in the world.

One of the few things I love about the U.S. (besides air conditioner, going to Walmart in PJs and no one cares, and diversity) is our love for animals.

Honestly though, most Americans are good people. Gullible and usually wrong but they try to do what they think is right.

But yeah, we are pretty ignorant. Hopefully the mixing of many different cultures will change that...

[edit on 9/7/10 by ohsnaptruth]

That's what makes democracy dangerous. For democracy [as an ideology] to be successful, requires an educated and informed voter. This role was usually taken on by the fourth estate, which we no longer have. What do we have now? We have a small group of people controlling the dominant mass media. These same people that poison our minds, poison our bodies, or their associates do.

These days it's more likely to be moron rule, than mob rule.

The US's population is too large for Democracy to work maybe? Too many mushrooms

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 09:39 AM
reply to post by jaynkeel

This thread does did not start with slamming America.
This thread simply gives a bunch of reasons of why there are people that don't like or even hate America. Nothing more nothing less.

That is also the reason I did not mention the good things as they are not part of the topic.

If you would have taken the time to read the replies as well, you would have known, I do not think my countries wrong stuff. As I have mentioned it.

My country isn't the one we are discussing here.

Feel free to post your own thread on everything the Netherlands screwed up.
I guarantee you. I know about it and probably have some juicy stuff to add as well.

Personally I do not hate America I don't even dislike America, but I do think America is responsible for a number of issues, which IMO should be subject of discussion. For a better future, a better understanding, another perspective and so on.

Before you post again, please take some time and read the replies.

Edit :
It is not a backbone that seems missing.

[edit on 9/7/2010 by Sinter Klaas]

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 09:40 AM

Originally posted by airspoon

Furthermore, Americans ourselves are disliked because we are so oblivious to what's going on in the world and the consequences to our actions. It's kind of tragic and would be funny otherwise, but Americans are known around the globe as ignorant, just as the British are known as proper, the French rude, Germans strict, Jews froogle and the Japanese loyal. I have to tell ya, ignorance is not something that we want to be known for.

Spoon you are a tool of the first order man. You know good and well americans are not seen as ignorant save by those that buy into this hate america propaganda.

Anyway the world knows who to call if they have an earthquake, flood, tidal wave ect.

Who kills a group of surgeons doing top flight work in the Afgan outback? A bunch of ignorant radical muslim hillbillies thats who.

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 09:43 AM
reply to post by Logarock

Please correct what is wrong ?

There are more then enough lies in the world as it is.

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 09:44 AM
reply to post by jaynkeel

It is not about wheter you have a backbone or not. Surely you do, otherwise you would be a jellyfish. jk

I understand that you are very patriotic and proud, but it is in the bombastic manner that the message is delivered wherein the problem lies.
Look i am not trying to defend sinter klaas (father christmas), since i am not from any of the two countries.

I am just saying that you sound like the type of American that Sinter is refferring to.

Also, what exactly did Holland do wrong back then? Surrenderd? Where is the sin or wrong doing in that?


posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 09:51 AM
reply to post by Sinter Klaas

I have read most of the replies, but you cannot expect to start a thread like this and not have a counter argument. Like another poster said perhaps you should change the title of your thread to something more representative of your intentions. I posted one thing about your country I could of listed many but I only listed one thing to support my counter argument of your claims that why America is hated. If this wasn't an expected outcome of yours I don't know what to tell you on that. Every reply I have made on this thread has been on topic and has contributed to your "theory" just it has been the other side of the argument, perhaps that is what bothers you? I have nothing personally against you or your country but I feel my country is deserving of a bit more respect than what it receives.

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 09:56 AM
reply to post by VreemdeVlieendeVoorwep

Surrender? Fine if thats what it's called no shame in being outnumbered and fighting the good fight. But when you surrender and then aid the enemy, thats where the problem lies. Only my opinion which I am aware is a minority on this site. Lol @ the jellyfish all in good humor!!

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 09:57 AM
reply to post by ofhumandescent

Thank you for your post.

There is just one thing. When you look at Europe and Nations like the Netherlands and the UK...

There are a lot of freedoms already taken. The Uk is called the big brother is watching you state with cctv cameras all over the place. in the Netherlands we are already forced to wear ID cards and even not allowed to vote without it.
However we have been letting it all happen. There is more coming up.

Actually with the Lisbon treaty the Dutch Prime minister signed. Against the will of the people. As we said No to a European constitution. He gave us away to Europe as European rules and laws are above national ones and Europe is not even a democracy. We can not choose who will lead Europe.

We were in the front row and let it happen. I hope this will not happen to you.

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 10:14 AM
reply to post by jaynkeel

I'm sorry you are right.

What bothers me is that this thread is intended to show stuff about American policies that cause America to be hated. Not by me, but for example people in the M.E. I posted because of a few threads I read that asked why America is hated.

As it is America and not the Netherlands which is the recipient of hate.
The Netherlands don't have a place in this thread.

That's why I've asked not to take this thread as an attack, but as an opportunity to discuss the issues so you as an American are able to change the perspective of those who hate and maybe even learn and do something about stuff you think that could be handled different and actually address it at home.

I'm am aware of a lot of the black pages of Dutch history which I will be happily discussing with you. But not on this thread.

Just a juicy example.
Did you know that the royal family actually lost their rights to the throne the minute they fled to the UK.
German victory was in favor as the royals had placed their loyalty towards Germany. Not so strange considering Prince Bernard was a German. Prince Clause was a German. The house of Nassau was German of origin. Even our National anthem holds a sentence that says. Am I of German blood.

They say Bernard wrote a letter to the fuhrer where offered his full corporation

[edit on 9/7/2010 by Sinter Klaas]

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 01:56 PM

Originally posted by Sinter Klaas
reply to post by jaynkeel

I don't want to burst your bubble here but without the Russian hammer beating down on the German troops ever since the war turned in their favor since 1942. Normandy would be the end station for American troops.

I am grateful for not having to learn Russian.

Without convoy after convoy of US and allied transport ships packed with war equipment and supplies, that Soviet war machine would never have developed the way it did. Murmansk wasn´t a sleepy little fishing port, it was a lifeline.

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 02:18 PM

Originally posted by LAUGHING-CAT
And the point of this thread is........
To explain why it is O.K. to hate Americans?
Are you frigging kidding me?
You gloss over the , no, you fail to even address all the good the U.S. has done.
Get a life, you people that are part of the "blame America" crowd are wearing thin on my good nature.
I lost a part of me in the military and I will not have people that live in their parents basement go all superior on me and mine.
Dirt-bag troll thread, I'm embarrassed by even replying to it.

I agree.

In my opinion most people who bash the US are just jealous. Its lonely at the top.
Just as people resent their boss at work because he (or she) drives a nicer car, has a nicer home, hotter wife, more money, power etc, I think deep down they are jealous and more frustrated at themselves for not wanting to work hard to achieve a good position.

If the United States is so bad, stop trying to come here illegally, stop complaining that US doesnt do enough for the international community, but then we try and go help and they say we're staying too long, not doing it right etc.

Dont ask the US for help and then go on to criticize the way we help.

Stop trying to adopt our trends, music, culture, forms of speech.

Stop whining about how arrogant we are, then go on and act arrogant yourself.

I think anyone who criticizes others needs to take a long look at themselves and see what is wrong in their life, and why they feel the need to be superior.

Like I said, its lonely at the top. Everyone's a critic, everyone has an opinion, but no one wants to put in the work to actually do something.

We're not a perfect nation by any means, clearly we have many severe issues we need to deal with. But as a nation, we try to be good people. We try to do the right thing. We TRY to be the big kid on the campus who stands up for the little guy getting his lunch money stolen by a bully.

Sometimes we are the bully...yes I know.

Judge not lest ye be judged yourself.

Oh, and stop fantasizing about our women.

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 02:35 PM

Originally posted by jaynkeel
reply to post by Sinter Klaas

Still doesn't negate what the Dutch did to their own people. Nice try though. What you can start a thread slamming the United States but we are expected to not offer resistance? If your looking for me to bend over to your logic it won't work I am not going to be one of these people that post on here that live in the US and agree with what your saying because I have no backbone.

It seems there is an abundance of anti-american sentiment on ATS.

I love how everyone bashes our nation as a whole, but then we're the first ones to call whenever TSHTF.

There's no shame in expressing a dislike for a nation of people. But just dont expect us to bend over backwards for you the next time some a-hole start invading you again. You know its going to happen sooner or later......

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 02:44 PM
You should rename this thread to "why people don't like people."

It's easy to sit here and pick apart a country and its people, you should try it with every other nation around the globe and see what you find.

I stopped taking you seriously after I read your "American culture" section. You could not be further from reality.

People are the SAME around the globe, its just idiots who pay attention to the media and pretend that they know something about people they have never met when true hostility arises.

I spent a good bit of time in the Middle-East, outside my military service, and the people treated me as a brother (and no, I'm not a Muslim). Most of the people understand that the media is an unreliable source for learning about the world and its inhabitants, and they understand that the same corporate greed and corruption that exists in America, exists in their country as well.

The sooner people focus their disgust and outrage at the GOVERNMENTS and the MEDIA, the sooner we will find peace on this planet.

Most educated people do not hate the U.S., most educated people hate ignorance, regardless of its geographic location.

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 03:13 PM
reply to post by frugal

Hello ! What I am saying is that the average family person in America is just trying to raise kids in a crazy world. We are not evil! These politican people we vote in to office we are hoping will do a fair and equitable job.
You can't slap a label on an entire country of individuals. People are people, there are no winners, we are all coping with our lives trying to make lemonaid out of our lemons.
The whole planet is in constant change, it is all a battle of good and evil. Just learning to cope is what most of us reallly can afford and have time for. Believe me when you get older you get a whole lot less idealistic and a whole lot more complacent and compassionate and just coping with the situation you have. Otherwise, my only answer is move away if you don't like what's going on around you. That's all I've got today as a practicle solution.
My deceased father used to say" Becareful of the few choices you get to make for it will make up a thousand other choices you never thought of as a result. Consider the long term consequences before acting." Getting along as a planet is hard work and a work in progress.

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 03:38 PM
Lets see, i dont hate America, why should i hate Puerto Rico, Argentina, Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Chile, Haiti, Jamaica, etc etc, they are countries in a continent called America so all its citizens are Americans, i was born in Venezuela so that makes me an American.

Now, "The United States of America", thats another thing, i dont really dislike them, they are nice people, but nothing is perfect and there are things that of course i see with bad eyes, there are idiots in all countries.

For example, like i say in the beggining, i am a American, we hispanics really hate the fact that the United States has taken the word for them and now they are the only americans and us i dont know what, we were the first to use that name, and now we can't use it because "there can be only one", we never call them Americans, we call them "Estadounidenses".

I dislike that for a lot of people in the US, all hispanics are brown, we are not a race, not all are brown, im not brown, im white, is not nice when i have to go to the US with a brown cousin and the police stop to ask for his papers but not for mine.

But anyway, If i have a problem with the US is with their government, i understand pretty well that all countries have interest and they must protect those interest, and i totally hate when the US try to protect their interest but they lie and say is all about freedom and democracy, that fake moral superiority.

I really understand if the US invades Irak, but why is so hard to say the truth and declare "we want the oil", why they have to say "hey Irak, we came here to give you freedom and democracy", thats bull#, is not what they want.

So thats my real problem, of course im from a country where his president talks always against the US, i want everyone to understand this "I DONT SUPPORT THAT CLOWN", i don't agree with him, but even if i dont agree with him, to someones with eyes is very clear that the US have taken a role in the world that is problematic because you cant go all around kicking ass and make everybody behave like you want.

[edit on 7-9-2010 by MonteroReal]

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 03:48 PM
reply to post by WhiteDevil013

Just as people resent their boss at work because he (or she) drives a nicer car, has a nicer home, hotter wife, more money, power etc,

The grass often looks greener somewhere else. A nice thread : Is the grass greener ?

As far as I know nobody on this thread bashed America. Unless you think stating facts is the same thing.
More important is it that at least for me personally, I do not blame the US as a whole and any criticism from me is only towards US policies in the past, but initially I was only posting what I observed and my conclusions as a result of just that.

I think anyone who criticizes others needs to take a long look at themselves and see what is wrong in their life, and why they feel the need to be superior

I honestly do not understand what criticism has to do with feeling superior ?
Do you tell someone that is wrong or how something can get done better because you want to feel superior ?

We're not a perfect nation by any means, clearly we have many severe issues we need to deal with. But as a nation, we try to be good people.

Of course not and how could you live in a perfect nation ? Never gonna happen as long human beings are in control.

I agree their are some major issues and most of you intend to do the right thing.
Only US issues are not just US issues they are shared with others on both side of the fence and some are even global. As a result we will annoy you about it.

I love how everyone bashes our nation as a whole, but then we're the first ones to call whenever TSHTF.

There's no shame in expressing a dislike for a nation of people. But just dont expect us to bend over backwards for you the next time some a-hole start invading you again. You know its going to happen sooner or later......

Like I said there isn't any bashing and criticism is directed at political stuff.
Absolutely not about the whole nation.

I don't take the whole allied role excuse very highly.
As the US only became so powerful through and because of the destruction of the former European powers. It is even suggested that the US has been the catalyst factor. ( Not the whole nation, but only a few evil people with power. )

I wanted to address these issues because I feel we are all in it together.
You see your problems are or will be my problems.
This means that when I see that certain stuff creates hate in a way some would even want to kill you, somewhere down the line they become my enemy to.

As my big brother I don't like to see you getting hurt or be an idiot. Not only for your sake ,but for mine as well.

So yeah there is stuff going on in th world the US is directly responsible for. Stuff I don't only not like or disagree with, but where I'm disgusted with. Wrong , bad , evil... So being the good little brother that I am.
I will complain about it,bother you about it until you blow. Instead of commit terrorist attacks against innocent people to get your attention.

To bad that my brother can't stand being criticized.

I'm sorry about the long reply. I needed to dig really deep to find why I even bother in the first place. However self preservation was my first reason.

Ohh... American women aren't that nice. I prefer mine to be Dutch
from the country side

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