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Are People Waking Up or are They Just Being Reprogrammed?

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posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 09:37 AM

Originally posted by AnotherSon
I have experienced an ego collapse, a shedding of all my labels. In that I experienced the Void or as the Vedas call it Lila, the Ultimate Reality. The Tao is that which cannot be spoken. The Tao exists but it can only be experienced. Anyone who attempts to write or speak of IT is no longer IT. In other words, I have Nothing to say on the matter.

Yet you truly did just say something.

Even in that attempt to disclaim ownership, you took ownership, setting up the catch 22, that ultimately speaks something you might imagine you did not say, but truly did.

A large part of our world is based on those proclaiming one thing but literally doing another.

It does manifest in some very creative ways people trying not to take responsibility for their own actions.

Lies become truth and truth becomes lie.

The guilty are by extension innocent, and the innocent guilty.

Ultimately we are all lost if we fail to take responsibility and ownership of our own actions and to accept no matter how small or large, they always have a ripple effect that vibrates on.

Thanks for posting.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 09:47 AM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

You have described the process of programming and the elimination of our original inherent universal awareness in exchange for a limited illusionary shared reality in exquisite and perfect detail my wise and noble Spartan friend.

As we are thus programmed we in turn perpetuate the illusion, programming others then who come later or we come into contact using the same described methods.

Because it ends up becoming just about our own reality, and it is so frequently done, we are all for the most part to varying degrees in denial about it.

Some will tacitly admit in part that it’s really happening, yet still dismiss it by way of saying well what’s the alternative, chaos, everyone doing what they want, no law, no religion, how would that work?

Yet increasingly many of us are dissatisfied with life as we know it, most of what we would like to enjoy in life is held constantly out of our reach as we dance on strings and march to other’s drums, helping a select few acquire and control everything that is vital to sustain our physical and corporal forms who then lord over us since they are in possession of it, and stingily distribute these things in the bare minimum of part and parcel provided we perform for them to their satisfaction and obey their rules.

Why aren’t we changing it? Some masochistic tendency, the programming itself, or some short circuit that’s caused us to distrust in our own ability to create a better system and solution, that would serve us all equally better.

The one thing about freewill is that should one sit on the fence, ultimately the decision will be made for you!

Great post my friend, thanks for joining in.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 10:16 AM
I've read thousands of stories, mostly lies. It's hard to find truth. I think anarchists are right: thousands of years ago someone (or some group) found out it is better to herd people than to herd cattle. At the moment we all still work for them, their offspring.

Now I see all 'truths' brought by the internet are negative. They win, we loose, and if you think you can win THEIR game you are mistaken.

But 'they' are still afraid of us. You can find dozens of people who tried to help mankind and then got killed. Let's skip Jesus this time. Examples: Dr Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, Ghandi, John Lennon, Bob Marley, and M Jackson not so long ago (make sure you find the story BEHIND the 'story'!!)

Most of them taught human values, how to be good, feel good. Most of them were strong people, because believing in yourself and trying to help others makes you stronger.

'They' are VERY afraid of positive people! The fact that we are strong (very!) and powerful (omni!) may not be told....

Now wake yourself up..? So far I failed, I am a working alcoholic, still serving the system.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 10:17 AM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

People are not just waking up but with the use of the computer everything you wanted to know, and much that you didn't want to know, is available at our fingertips. People are becoming more informed and knowledgeable about a variety of subjects.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 10:30 AM
reply to post by rusethorcain

I agree that people have more information choices than ever before, and easier access to many of them, but how accurate are some of those choices.

We see some pretty biased websites and news sources out there that are very popular.

The people who visit them are learning from them, but is what they are learning the actual facts and or truth?

A lot of people tend to believe anything in print from a source they trust based on their own criteria for establishing trust then becomes gospel.

In many cases it's not.

In many cases the people who visit these sources are being programmed through them to ignore the actual facts and truth, to create a new one.

Many of these people do consider themselves awake by the way.

I think it's important to note that many people find these sources credible because they were already inclined to think and feel along those lines.

So finding a source that validates that becomes more important to them than actually considering all the sources, and all the facts and all the pros and cons.

Its creating even deeper and more bitter divisions in humanity in many ways.

How long will it be before those divisions are turned on one another through manipulation to get the Hegelian outcome the powers that be desire.

That's a valid question based on history.

Thanks for posting.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 10:39 AM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
reply to post by rusethorcain

I agree that people have more information choices than ever before, and easier access to many of them, but how accurate are some of those choices.

The key is to discern everything you see and read, if it doesn't resonate with you it's time to look further, nothing should be taken at face value.
We haven't had the internet for that long, this information, disinformation, misinformation, programing if you will has always been out there, no matter the source we still need to check it out, we have become lazy and letting the internet do it for us is a big mistake.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 10:51 AM
reply to post by Keetla

This is a great post you made.

I've read thousands of stories, mostly lies. It's hard to find truth. I think anarchists are right: thousands of years ago someone (or some group) found out it is better to herd people than to herd cattle. At the moment we all still work for them, their offspring.

It's called free range slavery. We are given the illusion that we are free because we can roam in limited ways and make choices from a limited set of options.

At the end of the day we have to surrender most of what we earned while ranging back to our Masters in the form of taxes and rents and insurances.

What little we have left we get to entertain ourselves and feed ourselves with.

All herds are eventually culled though or taken to market, even the human herd.

People are taught to fear anarchy as a means to perpetuate this system and to conjure up visions of roving bands of blood thirsty rapists, murderers and theives preying off the herd because the herd has no sheppard.

Yet in reality who preys off the herd the most is the sheppard!

Now I see all 'truths' brought by the internet are negative. They win, we loose, and if you think you can win THEIR game you are mistaken.

They are the house, house rules will always favor the house in the game that the house is sponsoring or running.

If you play the game you will loose, if you play the game by house rules you are definately going to loose, yet are programming is all about obeying the rules.

There is virtue in following the rules, is what we are taught, there is infamy and other penalties to be paid for not following the rules.

We are free to follow the rules, that is not freedom.

But 'they' are still afraid of us. You can find dozens of people who tried to help mankind and then got killed. Let's skip Jesus this time. Examples: Dr Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, Ghandi, John Lennon, Bob Marley, and M Jackson not so long ago (make sure you find the story BEHIND the 'story'!!)

Being a good leader (good does not consitute moral) is contingent upon being able to attract people to you.

They do fear independent minded people who have that ability to attract people towards them, especially if they are promoting ways that will effectively loosen or end their controls over the herd.

There is little to nothing a sheppard or herder can do when the herd stampedes.

The numbers are and always have been on the masses side, it's why they have to program us to obey the rules, while discrediting those or eliminating those or imprisoning those who can attract people to them and lead the herd in another direction.

Most of them taught human values, how to be good, feel good. Most of them were strong people, because believing in yourself and trying to help others makes you stronger.

One's own sense of right and wrong is often contradicted by the laws that favor the establishment.

Rosa Parks knew it was wrong in their eyes to sit on the front of the bus, but she knew it was also wrong that she by decree and law and might makes right had to sit on the back of the bus.

She did the right thing by refusing to sit on the back of the bus, even though the law said it was the wrong thing.

Yet ultimately her own actions and her own risk convinced many other people to act out on what they believed was truly right, even though it was against the law.

Most of the world is prompted to do things that are wrong in exchange for one word, ABSOLUTION because it's the law, you get a free pass on doing what is wrong.

Much of the world is prompted not to do the right thing because of PUNISHMENT, break the law, pay a penalty, be denied absolution.

It is all part of the programming, and once again because people do need some basic agreements of conduct to ensure a reasonable security and equality for everyone, when you start talking about what's wrong with the law, their programming takes them to the extreme, where they will then argue but we must have some laws for our protection.

So finding what people themselves could agree on as being basic, simple minimal laws becomes almost impossible to broach as a result.

'They' are VERY afraid of positive people! The fact that we are strong (very!) and powerful (omni!) may not be told....

Ultimately the Powers that Be don't care what a person believes as long as they don't have the conviction to use it.

Most people are not Rosa Parks, they don't have the conviction, they are afraid of the punishment and stigmatism of not following the rules.

They might empathize with Rosa Parks but they will never take that first step towards changing the world.

Many people will say but what can I do, I am just one person.

It didn't stop Rosa Parks her singular action and conviction ended up changing the world she lived in.

Now wake yourself up..? So far I failed, I am a working alcoholic, still serving the system.

It remains by and large the only game in town.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 10:52 AM
I can only say that i am not feeling anything of new energies floating around. its all the same mess and top heavy stuff.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 10:56 AM

Originally posted by boondock-saint
well PT you have covered quite a few topics
that each could have their own thread, lol.

But I'd like to deal with the "Awake"
theory momentarily.

People can still be awake and have differing
opinions. The awakened state does not
nullify freewill or choice. So even folks
who are awake may have opposing
opinions and not agree.

I would say that being aware and cautious
is a more descriptive term for the
awakened folks.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by ionsoul

I agree with you totally on this thought.
Being awake to me is an individual thing that I tackled in a different way.First off I got rid of cable as it was not giving me any more gratification.
I stick to local news on the radio and follow patterns on the net.
Not living in the US I was still getting a lot of 'bleed off' programming
And found it mundane.
To me ,being aware I found that being in touch with my neighbors,the community and the world around us was intensely
more satisfying.
If this is being awakened then I feel I am. Peace!

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 11:10 AM
I wish the masons would wake up to the fact that slaves did not build the pyramids. Giants did with the help of some DNA programming and some help with anti-gravity technology courtesy of the Annunaki. Imhotep knew a thing or two about this. Even some of my own relatives whom were Masons were not aware of this though were mislead to 'some' extent.

*****>Knights Templars>FreeMasons/////Society of Jesus>the Awakening of mankind unto himself as unto his neighbor.

Many follow though it appears few listen to that lil voice inside which gives them direction on 'their' path, 'their' River unto the seA of life, that primordial soup of ~Creativity~ for greater things, a greater pUrpose.

As usual, excellent endeavor Protoplasmic!
You do 'mean' well my Man.
You know how to use your noodle.....

[edit on 6-9-2010 by Perseus Apex]

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 11:12 AM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

As always, great post, Proto-Trav...S&F

You are correct to question the underlying reasons for where we find ourselves today. I too see many claiming to now be "awakened" to reality. My observation is that though many claim this new found knowledge, we don't see much in the way of protest or push-back in the public arena.

In the late 60's we saw young people "awakening" to BigGov's promotion of a stupid war and we saw protests and push-back that forced BigGov to get out of Southeast Asia. BigGov feared losing control completely.

Today people are "awakening" and doing nothing except declaring their awakened status. What has changed? I'm not sure that it is the cause of any one element. It is nevertheless wrapped up into one word..."compliance", IMO. I would therefore conclude that yes people are really "waking up" but that the awakening serves little purpose. What will result is an awakened and informed populace being nevertheless, in the end, possibly enslaved by TPTB.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 11:14 AM
reply to post by Perseus Apex

Interesting take on the Masons not being awake, they seem to program them in stages too.

In regards to the pyramids though, locally here in Miami how do you explain the Coral Castle?

One man built it, and many theorize he used some form of magnetitism to build it all himself.

I doubt the Annunaki helped him with it. Yet he did accomplish a basically impossible feat of building in the wilds of South Dade.

Any theories on that? Have you ever been to the Coral Castle?

[edit on 6/9/10 by ProtoplasmicTraveler]

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 11:20 AM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

The Creator of Coral Castle was a master mason, was he not?
Perhaps he was 'aware' of some of those ancient 'secrets'.
Secrets?.....for No Good Reason.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 11:20 AM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

I only described what I know and how I know it in very limited detail, my Roman friend.

You are correct, as I see it, that we are programmed into that shared illusion.

Or if you will, shared delusion, we as a society, albeit not you or I, delude ourselves into so many beliefs, which are false, ignorant, and as well negative pattern behaviors.



Mistrust of Government.

Blind trust in Government.

Political correctness.

The list is inherently larger than either you or I.

It is however how we see that list, access it, ignore it, or control it that keeps us within our defined roles in society, sometimes at the low end of the spectrum.

Other times rising above others by going into politics.

Or perhaps losing ourselves by becoming a Church Tower Sniper.

Then comes the the outrageous like Theodore Kaczynski.

Yes, we can control our own reality, but just how we control it, and direct it is what is important, because we can and will seek out our own self-destruction.

This is according to each persons ability but as well society pushes us too.

Remember, peer pressure, never truly stops, even after Junior High or High School.

It happens at church, at social gatherings like NASCAR, or even standing in line at the D.M.V.

Accepted behaviors.

Unaccepted behaviors.

And what we as society are in a sense conditioned to do about it.

Snitch on your fellow man.

Ignore them.

Being indignant and upset.

Run away.

Or take that person down.

These are all inherently bred into us in some semblance, conditioned into us, but as well due to our experiences, our psychological woes, and our rebelling against programming.

Let us not forget the television, or as my stepfather called, the Boob Tube.

Somebody to Love - Jim Carrey (Cable Guy)

And then comes love and how we seek it out.

Mommy and Daddy teach us the things which lead our lives.

Dad teaches working on cars, playing baseball, being masculine, we learn from our friends games like Cowboys and Indians, Cops and Robbers, tag and hide and go seek.

Mom teaches washing clothes, accessorizing with Ken and Barbie, being feminine, we learn from our friends socializing, dressing to impress, Easy Bake Oven.

But our parents teaches us polar opposites in regards to boys and girls.

Dad teaches the boys war and teaches girls she is a Princess.

Mom teaches boys good behavior and teaches girls mothering duties.

But this is dependent upon our parents own knowledge, lack thereof, and experience.

Which either leads us to a functional family for ourselves or dysfunctional.

This as well leads us towards our own inherent qualities in life.

Do we belong, are we a part of the socially accepted, or do we become disenfranchised?

And land within the "fringe element" as in places like ATS.

Do not get me wrong as there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.

But just how we affect not only our own reality but that of others is important.

I keep telling, teaching, and training people that violence is not the answer.

If you want your country back, if you believe it has been stolen, it is because you did not stop those bastards from taking it, but just as much it is your responsibility and as well perception if you believe it was stolen, to begin with.

If it has been stolen get off your God-damned duff and take it back.


Vote those people out of office.

Rally people around you to help.

Get involved.

Voting is not the end of our responsibility as citizens, it is the beginning.

If you feel the elections are rigged, volunteer at the election locations.

But if you think honestly anyone will do things for you as an elected offical you are deluding yourself, because you passed up that option, of running for office.

Believe the corruption is too much in Washington D.C.?

Well, unless you're Bruce Wayne, and have trillions, you're sure not going to be Batman.

You do have other options though like making a non-profit and think-tank.

Organizing legally to do something about that corruption.

Or remain a sheeple, bleating, complaining, whining, bitching about the problem.

If you are not a part of the solution, you are a part of the problem, you are the problem.

Society is yours if you but take up your responsibilities and act upon them.

Are you asleep or reprogrammed to accept defeat?

I accept the challenge, adapt, modify, improvise, and overcome.

Or else.

Prepare to lose everything in order to win everything.

Or sit on your duff and be a sheeple.

[edit on 6-9-2010 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 11:27 AM
reply to post by romanmel

In the late 60's we saw young people "awakening" to BigGov's promotion of a stupid war and we saw protests and push-back that forced BigGov to get out of Southeast Asia. BigGov feared losing control completely.

Today people are "awakening" and doing nothing except declaring their awakened status. What has changed? I'm not sure that it is the cause of any one element. It is nevertheless wrapped up into one word..."compliance", IMO. I would therefore conclude that yes people are really "waking up" but that the awakening serves little purpose. What will result is an awakened and informed populace being nevertheless, in the end, possibly enslaved by TPTB.

What has changed are economic conditions. Economic conditions that were deliberately changed to prevent any such reoocurence of the sixties.

At the time a large middle class and high paying unionized blue collar jobs enabled many families to send their children to a higher education and provide them with spending money to boot.

Most people had several weeks of vacation and money to actually spend on those vacations.

So beginning almost immediately the Powers that Be transferred Steel to Japan, one of the best paying union jobs, the steel needed to make auto mobiles, one of the best paying union jobs, the politics of Israel should I say the manipulated politics of Israel then led to the 1st and 2nd Arab Oil Embargo and Opec making Japanese Cars much more attractive.

The Teamsters were crushed as more and more large corporations began doing their own trucking.

Slowly but steadily most good paying jobs were transfered overseas, and people were programmed by Wal-Mart to embrace the super store concept of cheap goods and cheap prices made possible by cheap overseas labor and materials and workmanship, and made almost a necessity by using their buying power and dominance of the market to force hold out companies to then transfer their manufacturing overseas too.

Today about our only significant industry is defense and aerospace.

In 1970 few Americans carried debt. Cars were typically paid within a year or two maximum and lasted for much longer.

There were no credit cards, save American Express and Diners club both had to be paid in full at the end of the billing cycle.

We were slowly programmed to embrace all these things, often in the guise of added convenience of one stop shopping, and low prices!

Not only can the masses be programed to do the most detrimental things to themselves, getting them to admit to themselves what they have actually done to themselves is almost impossible.

Most of this could have been avoided had Americans supported Made in the USA Products, and Unions.

Instead most Americans were programmed to believe Made in the USA Products were inferior and that Union Workers were over paid.

No one can now afford to go camp out on the Washington Mall!

That is not an accident.

This all happened in most of our life times.

So are we waking up, or are we just being reprogrammed yet again, like we were when we destroyed willingly our own manufacturing base, the health of a nation economically, and destroyed our own unions, and the ability to collectively bargain for a living wage.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 11:28 AM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

Good thoughts though that truly 'Was' the quickest post in the history of ATS, I believe, though I could be wrong. Wow, must have been 'inspired' on that one. Where did that come from? Inside? I believe so though looking Up?

It truly Is amazing what man'kind can do when he puts hIs mind to it.
This is not a question.
I'm sure you Understand.

[edit on 6-9-2010 by Perseus Apex]

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 11:35 AM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Excellent points....although...
If someone is predisposed to an idea they will follow that ideology down a natural path of study which may exclude any alternative explanation.
However if you are truly curious about something you will investigate it. You may not even be looking but will repeatedly stumble upon the truth of the matter, whether you decide to dig into it or not, the truth will be there amongst the other theories.
This is because only the seriously deluded will perpetuate and promote an untruth, a lie or false perception. The better adjusted and healthier individual will drag out the truth as it reveals itself and make it known. They will "out" the lies and attempt to correct the misconception.
There are MORE of the healthier perceptions and less of the seriously deluded and so eventually the truth will out.

People will pay attention. I think eventually, perhaps very soon, it will come down to "know the truth or perish."

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 11:37 AM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

Then comes the the outrageous like Theodore Kaczynski.

Thank you my Spartan friend for bringing up that name.

The Uni Bomber has he came to be known sent mail bombs to a number of people who were maimed and killed, some in the academic community and some in the corporate community.

Each time adding to his lengthy manifesto of why he targeted them and his agenda.

Yet years before he became a recluse living in a rural cabin sending out these bombs he was an Army Special Forces member in an Elite Counter Intelligence Unit in West Germany that were subjected to MK Ultra Mind Control Technigues!

Touted as a insane loner operating on his own violent agenda, was he really operating on his own agenda or was he operating on an agenda he was literally programmed to cary out?

Because we depend on Law Enforcement and Media and Government to connect the dots for us, on just why things happen, the precise importance of the people who were killed and how their own research or agendas likely were a concern to the Powers that Be will never be known.

My own research concludes Ted was not his own man, and that begs the question of others like Oswald, and the University of Texas Sniper who had all been filtered through Military Unites specializing in varous forms of intelligence and counter intelligence.

Were any of them their own man? Were any of them actually the lone nuts the Media, Government, and Law Enforcement and history paints them as?

Are we waking up or are we just being reprogramed?

Great post as always my friend.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 11:38 AM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

I accept the challenge, adapt, modify, improvise, and overcome.

The most important lesson to be learned in the military as well as surpassing one's 'assumed' limitations. Discipline, I found most difficult since it's not in my Nature to follow one when I see something is 'off' course. Somehow, with a little help from Above, I managed to adapt and 'overcome' and eventually moved onto the University and then some.
Good One.

[edit on 6-9-2010 by Perseus Apex]

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