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Are People Waking Up or are They Just Being Reprogrammed?

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posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 12:32 AM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
Are People Waking Up or are They Just Being Reprogrammed?

Yet one thing remains the same, those who consider themselves awake are not even in close agreement on many fundamental issues.

Yet the nagging question remains, if these things are real to what end are they being used.

What are your thoughts?

My thoughts are that people are waking up and being reprogrammed. Just like we get hungry every day and we eat every day (hopefully). Not saying that there aren't those that are permanently programmed, because I believe there are bio-bots "out there" that don't need reprogrammed because they never wake up. It makes sense to me that there isn't a one-size-mind-screw-fits-all. Same with degrees of wakefulness or awareness. Now what people are aware of is different than being aware. And what people think or say they are aware of is not always what they really are aware of (regardless of what reality and/or illusion is involved).

With that in mind, ATS mental projection trends are something that I frequently take into account. Your reference to fundamental issues, I agree with that, after calculating individual outlook, that there is much confusion and division from self-professed wakees on the most basic level.

That's bad news for humanity. Us wide-awakes, half-n-halfs, and semi-wakes don't have to give up our individuality to act together as a unit (or for a common cause like uh oh um saving humanity from extinction, for example).

Let's take a little break and imagine that ATS awakees are a flock of foul. Oh oh I see that we're not flying in formation! OMG we're going in every direction, in different sized groups. Up, down, sideways, diagonal, backward, high, solo, forward, etc. But we're all heading for the same watering hole,

What a fun picture that is. lol

On a more somber note, thank you very much for the links (I have book-marked them which means that they are important to me.

Mind control techniques are popular aren't they?! Mind control can be a good thing as long as you're the one controlling your mind. If someone else is doing it, without consent of the controlled mind, then that's just unethical. And not only that it's criminal. The perps need to be apprehended and brought to justice!

Brain-suckers. How would they like it if someone hypnotized them???!! URGgggggggggggg don't get me started. Okay that's all I'm gonna say until I calm down.

"Whatever you call it, SSSS is a technology that uses subliminal programming that is carried over Ultra-High Frequency (UHF) broadcast waves, planting inaudible messages directly into the subconscious human mind."

To what end? I'm saving my answer for a special moment.


edit on 16-9-2010 by Antoniastar because: I left a word in.

edit on 16-9-2010 by Antoniastar because: I had to take out a letter and all a word.

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 05:31 PM

Originally posted by Antoniastar
reply to post by DClairvoyant

Hi DClairvoyant,

You had an extremely traumatic experience. Thank you for sharing what happened to you in the military.

Dracs (I think that's the breed you're referring to?) are most definitely huge and about 9 to 10 ft. I've only seen them while asleep. They've tried to rape me. I cannot recall a time in my life that lizard mutants haven't harassed my dream-state. They are the most vile creatures I've ever had the displeasure of meeting. For years and years I didn't even know about Reptilians. I just thought they were demons. I never discussed my dreams with anyone until about 9 years ago. But that was only because the man kept probing and prying. I think he was a CIA agent (I won't say why I think that because Mr. CIA man is/will probably reading this and the info is not for the public..

Speaking from personal experience, when we sleep, in the dream-world, we are vulnerable to programming and obviously snake-face knows it.

My mind doesn't belong to them, they can't have it. Not as long as I am able to keep it from them.

You must threaten them in some way from them to take such drastic measures. They prefer to stay in to stay in the shadows, especially since sunlight hurts their eyes. Did you do any specific to show themselves to you? Just curious.


P.S. Thank you Proto for starting this thread!
I've have read pretty much every post. But It is late now so I plan to return soon to share my thoughts on the matter.

edit on 8-9-2010 by Antoniastar because: I left out a word

edit on 8-9-2010 by Antoniastar because: I left out another word

Your the first person I have ever told this from my encounter and the rest of you reading this will be the first.

Thankyou for your response and thankyou for your comment.

Where I have highlighted the above quote.

I called out in the barracks manning up and being brave to overcome the FEAR that was flowing through me that Wednesday afternoon whilst I had foot injury due to training so went to barracks to have a quick shower and cool off for 20 minutes, catch up on some sleep and then return to drill square for further briefing of my day schedule.

I didn't feel comfortable sleeping in the room by myself and felt the presence of something Evil in the room and ASSUMED it was a ghost because there had been hundred of deaths and killings on that Army base and was listed as most haunted in the UK up North of Gloucestershire. Rumour had it that my Staff Sgt said to me whilst I returned back to my Company that there had been reported sighting's in Block 177 for over 50 year's that I was currently housed at. The report was said to have had two NCO's Cpl's currently staying in the same room as myself 50 year's ago and had on two seperate and a third encounter with both of the men toegther and they said in the report that this blacker than black being shot through the door and twice the speed of double march and then vanished into smoke through the hallway even though it opened the door for itself. The door snapped back quickly and even both the Cpl's stated that with both of their strength put together neither of the men could have forced the door back as quick as that entity did.

These door's are firedoor's, heavy-duty and very very heavy. It takes a lot of force to push one let alone snap a door back into the wall. The sighting's occured at night and once in the day.

My encounter occured at 05:30hrs and all our curtains were fully opened that night as we needed to get up really early so relyed on the sunlight to wake us all up. We had the large windows opened as well.

My locker was partially covering the curtain opposite where this entity stood and it looked right passed me with it's glittery, yellow diamond cut-shaped eyes. It had no pupils, just pure diamond, cut-shaped eyes that sparkled lot's in the light. And it's teeth were transparent and it was scrunching it's face very aggressively and it's teeth were as thin as a wooden pencil and black and brown in texture, very oil looking and very long about each tooth was roughly two to three inches long and this entity had about hundred teeth all crammed closely together.

It had insignia's on it's forehead on it's elbow's on it's hands' and arms and bicep's and mainly Sumerian text all over it's belt.

It was so bizarre. It has taken me many year's asking people and around what these thing's are and only just recently found out it was Sumerian text on it's belt. Which my conclusion as well as other's, this entity would have to be a "Warrior Soldiier" of it's kind as it had a lot of strange weapong's on it's belt and lot's of metal looking insignia's.

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 11:16 AM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

!!! WAKE UP !!!

The CELL-PHONE is the MARK of the BEAST

WWW = 666 (Revelations 13)

From the Hebrew (kabbalah), Aramaic and Arabic (abjad) a "W" represents the number 6. The Arabic Numerals we use TODAY (0-9) assign value to position - unlike the Roman Numerals of yesteryear. Thus "W" in the 3rd position is 600, the 2nd is 60 and the 1st is 6 - 666 (Rev 13:18).

Think about it: A being known as Ba'alzebub (Beelzebub) – whose name literally means "LORD of the FLIES" created a World Wide Web like a spider – The Lord of the Flies.

The BEAST rising out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns (rev 13:1) is the G-7 (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, United Kingdom, and United States) and represents the meeting of the FINANCE MINISTERS from the seven “industrialized” nations – That cause “craft” (industry) to prosper (Dan. 8:25).

Upon his heads was the name of blasphemy (rev 13:1). THINK! If the “Majority” of the world is to be EVIL at the “end of times”, then DEMOCRACY would mean that DEMOns are ruling! (Demon-crazy - Blasphemy).

The Beast is like unto a leopard (fast mobile military), and his feet were as the feet of a bear (fast to dig in and set up military bases), and his mouth as the mouth of a lion (roars or speaks as King of the Jungle or Leader of the free world) rev 13:2. Why wouldn’t he speak as Leader of the free world, power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations – Leader of the free world (rev 13:7).

Germany is the Head that received a deadly wound in WWII - And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast. (rev 13:3). The healing of this wound was the destruction of the Berlin Wall representing the removal of a “Bandage” on 11/9/1989 – AS ALL THE WORLD WATCHED.

Who is like unto the beast (G-7)? who is able to make war with him? (rev 13:4) Whom maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men (televised Airstrikes - Missiles/Bombs) rev 13:13. The G-7 was Formed in 1976, when Canada, joined the other six nations – and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months - 42 years – until 2018 (rev 13:5) – much happens before then so be vigilant.

The 4 European G-7 nations (France, Germany, Italy, and the United Kingdom) plus 23 other European Nations, belong to the European Union (EU) – The Second Beast (rev 13:11-13) - who exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him (rev 13:12). The EU like the G-7 deals with FINANCES.

The second Beast, the EU, says to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast (G-7), which had the wound by a sword, and did live (rev 13:14). The BEAST (G-7), being financial, its image is the "EURO". THINK!!! - ??? When in history have countries grouped together to form a "currency" ??? In Revelations 13:14 the image (EURO) is to the 1st beast the G-7 but it is actually of the 2nd beast the EU.

And he had POWER to give LIFE unto the image of the beast (EURO), that it should BOTH SPEAK, and cause that as many as would not worship it should be killed (Rev 13:15). The “POWER” is a Battery, the building block of LIFE is the Biological "CELL" and the SPEAKING is the "PHONE". The CELL-PHONE, which goes in your “RIGHT-HAND” gives life unto the EURO (image of the Beast), so that it may BOTH SPEAK and cause all who won’t worship it to be put to Death - with a PHONE-CALL to the authorities. In case you don’t want a CELL-PHONE in your “RIGHT-HAND” - Get a BLUE-TOOTH to place it on YOUR HEAD!!! (rev 13:16)

NO other interpretation can explain this IMAGE of the BEAST - Having BOTH LIFE and SPEAKING except for the CELL-PHONE, which is literally saying (LIFE-SPEAK). ALL, small and great, rich and poor, free and bond (house arrest, prison contraband) have CELL PHONES (rev 13:16) - Not RFID implants or credit-cards (which neither have life, nor speak).

WE shall not be able to buy or sell without the internet WWW or 666 (rev 13:17). What more do you need? What are you worshipping? CELL PHONES emit radiation that WILL cause cancer! - and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast (Cell-Phone), and upon them which worshipped his image (Rev 16:1). Look at the frequencies of 3G and 4G cellular networks and compare them to Microwaves. What happens when a microwave is placed on your temple or in your HANDS!!!

DONT be FOOLED - the CELL PHONE is the MARK of the BEAST giving LIFE (CELL) unto the IMAGE (EURO) of the BEAST (EU) so that it may SPEAK (PHONE) and WWW is the 666 - the medium a cell phone uses to conduct (Finances) and WILL replace the EURO once the economy collapses!!! (Rev 13:15) Can any human out-smart Ba’alzebub, when he fooled Angels? - all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life (rev 13:8).

The Name (Euro or Internet (e-commerce)), the number of his name (WWW or 666), The mark (CELL-PHONE) - rev 13:17. WWW is 666 and the Number of a Man - the EUROpean commonly called the White-man or The “man”; of which the EURO is an image of and the DOMINANT world currency today - surpassing the Dollar in usage in the year 2008 (rev 13:18).

The "BIBLE" says: a Kingdom divided amongst itself will surely fall: (Matthew 12:25-28)

Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand. If Satan drives out Satan, he is divided against himself. How then can his kingdom stand? And if I drive out demons by Ba’alzebub (Lord of the Flies), by whom do your people drive them out? So then, they will be your judges. But if I drive out demons by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you.

ThereFore: By LOGIC AND Common Sense:

if Hitler was evil, then whom he call MASTER was the devil. His BLOND-HAIRED, BLUE-EYED "MASTER" race has been ruling ever since. They came from the Nephilim and are The FALLEN ANGELS (Anglo's) mixing with the Saxons (Anglo-Saxon). The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown (Gen 6:4, numbers 13:32,33). I am NOT racist, These are NOT the BHBE, that any of you have seen. Their eyes are NEON BLUE - Glowing.

If all Else Fails (Logic and Common Sense), Just FOLLOW the MONEY:

$ -> Hitler/Germany -> SWISS BANKS -> EU -> EURO -> WWW/666 -> CELL-PHONE!!!

We are at the end of the money trail, the end of times, who do you think is ruling? To help save lives, copy this letter and distribute it. That’s all GOD asks of us, For Now. Our Faith is being tested by fire, it is not a matter of whether we Believe IN GOD, the test is: ??? DO We Believe GOD ???

If any man have ear, let him HEAR! He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints: (rev 13:9,10). And also through his policy also he shall cause craft (industry) to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many (peace keeping forces): he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand. (Dan 8:25)… If thy hand offend thee, cut it off:.. (mark 9:43)

Warning: This message will be considered the ramblings of a Mad Fool, by all not chosen! The days of visitation are come, the days of recompence are come; Israel shall know it: the prophet is a fool, the spiritual man is mad, for the multitude of thine iniquity, and the great hatred. (Hos. 9:7)

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 11:44 AM
Greetings my friend,

The book of revelations was written by Man to deceive Man until the day the beast takes his throne. It is an unsolvable puzzle, with pieces that fit in when the steps of the beasts plan are complete. Know the will of God, love each other. Love each other as you love God. Remember he gave us all free will. Use it to accomplish Gods will, love each other. The beast is any Man who seeks to usurp anothers free will. Don't fall for the trap. Find God yourself, ask and he shall reveal himself to you. He is all around you.

Read my Plan at the bottom of this page. Teach others to recognise the Heavenly Kingdom. Believe in it and it will come to pass. Ask God with an open heart and he will tell you all that I say is true.

Judge not, Love all, be at peace

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 10:26 AM

Originally posted by IAMIAM
Greetings my friend,

The book of revelations was written by Man to deceive Man until the day the beast takes his throne. It is an unsolvable puzzle, with pieces that fit in when the steps of the beasts plan are complete. Know the will of God, love each other. Love each other as you love God. Remember he gave us all free will. Use it to accomplish Gods will, love each other. The beast is any Man who seeks to usurp anothers free will. Don't fall for the trap. Find God yourself, ask and he shall reveal himself to you. He is all around you.

Read my Plan at the bottom of this page. Teach others to recognise the Heavenly Kingdom. Believe in it and it will come to pass. Ask God with an open heart and he will tell you all that I say is true.

Judge not, Love all, be at peace

With Love,

Your Brother

This erroneous thought has been removed as the word "REVEAL" means to let be known - not a unsolvable puzzle - the pieces are there - all one must do is believe. There is confusion in the acceptance of such things; but why would such text be written to keep things "hidden" yet be called "revelations". There is NOTHING abstract being revealed - most of revelations 13 is within the post provided - and it ALL makes sense.

Remember, this was written 2,000 years ago with blazing accuracy. It can only be interpreted ONE way or else it would appear to be a bunch of abstract non-sense....

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 10:39 AM
Most are being reprogrammed. A good con-artist gives you some truth to earn trust, then pulls the con with falsities. On the 2012 issue, people are being spiritually reprogrammed from traditional religions which are breaking apart at the seams, to a more universal grasp of spirituality that also puts in a whole lot of nonsense.

Our emotions are constantly being used against us to keep the systems of control churning away. The deepest emotions are spiritual inclinations. It's my understanding that any belief system which is based in a spiritual nature is invalid. That is, it does more harm than good for humanity. When the people begin to truly grasp this, and keep to the mere acts of being compassionate and altruistic without all of the baggage in these belief systems, perhaps mankind will be truly ready to the point that one could objectively say we are awakened.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 11:16 AM
Personally, I think a person isn't truly "awake" until they've laughed in the face of madness and overcome the obstacle of near insanity. You can't awaken until you've confronted yourself and your true nature. Just my opinion.

If you can't decide whether your current mind-state is natural or not, you really have to look deep inside yourself to find out the truth. If you spend your days delving into conspiracy theories, you're probably going to have a panic attack when you actually do awaken. Not saying CT is a bad thing, you just have to be careful with your own thoughts.

MK Ultra...meh. I'm more worried about the possible natural "awakening" of millions of people on the individual level, and what each individual is capable of.

edit on 28-9-2010 by xiphias because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 11:33 AM

Originally posted by IAMIAM
Greetings my friend,

The book of revelations was written by Man to deceive Man until the day the beast takes his throne. It is an unsolvable puzzle, with pieces that fit in when the steps of the beasts plan are complete. Know the will of God, love each other. Love each other as you love God. Remember he gave us all free will. Use it to accomplish Gods will, love each other. The beast is any Man who seeks to usurp anothers free will. Don't fall for the trap. Find God yourself, ask and he shall reveal himself to you. He is all around you.

Read my Plan at the bottom of this page. Teach others to recognise the Heavenly Kingdom. Believe in it and it will come to pass. Ask God with an open heart and he will tell you all that I say is true.

Judge not, Love all, be at peace

With Love,

Your Brother

I read your plan, and it is along the lines of all whom have been "awaken" by a shift in the frequency of electrons orbiting the nucleus. No matter what is done, the Cell-Phone is the Mark of the Beast. People wont be saved while they have one.

Now imagine John, on Patmos, 2,000 years ago. Not only is he stating that people will have something in their hand (that speaks), but they will be using it to buy and sell. He even predicted "Blue-Tooth" or placing the device on your head instead of having it in your hands.

Everyone, not chosen will ignore this prophecy and message - until it is fulfilled. Seems that someone might be smart enough to say: these things work off of microwave frequency and may cause cancer (slowly cooking the user). But NAH - if the Gov't says it's O.K. then it's O.K. and if the Priests and Pope says "revelations" is not to be interpreted, it is a puzzle (then no interpretation will suffice).

As long as we take our beliefs or interpretation from the ruling party, we will stay lost. How can one actually believe that a word "Reveal" means a puzzle that is unsolvable. The solution is given to you - try to find any errors in it. I guarentee that each point can be thoroughly made and elaborated upon.

If you were to have a "Revelation", would you say that you had an unsolvable puzzle? When you say: "with pieces that fit in when the steps of the beasts plan are complete." I'm tellin you that his plan is complete and here are all the pieces - the solution...

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 12:48 PM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
We hear it all the time here on ATS as one member after another proclaims they are awake. That more people are waking all the time. That the powers that be are in trouble because fewer and fewer people believe the spin that the mainstream news media places on events.

Yes risky thing I would say, who to trust ? The awakening or better put the brainwashig into the collective.
Awake is sharp but these people are braindead, somehow instructed.

Yet one thing remains the same, those who consider themselves awake are not even in close agreement on many fundamental issues.

Do you want them to agree that this is it ? If they did then they would be more convincing.
It shows that people can't really be controled, to a point for haps, but you got your will, and god is only for the individual, and not for the collective. For many individuals, creativity, diversity and that the collective fails over and over again. I'm for the collective to a point where I see it as a mistake, it's like a plague. Who would want walking and talking machines on the streets, maybe the kings need servants, to serve them so they can continiue to live like kings at the cost of the robotic human. You can't be king if no one obeys you.

Subliminal Messages in Television, Music, Movies and Advertising including such technologies as Silent Sound Spread Spectrum and possibly the mysterious and hotly debated HAARP device might all be actively engaged to influence moods, thoughts and prompt emotional reactions and alter perceptions

It's in the movies, it's the same story only it's not on point and distorted, same idea. No one dare come and say it as it is. I have a "hunch" these people will be held resonsable, "I can feel it" like a breeze. They promote it in movies to change the perception, promoting the good guy as a bad guy and the bad guy as a good guy. Who is going to forgive these people ? they thought they can pull it off. They are so insane that they even trick their selfs, they don't have the notion of what is to be human, they lost it, it's a game for them. They can't grasp.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 12:53 PM
reply to post by dewaite1

Thank you for the reply my friend, and for taking the time to read my "Plan". The problem with ATS IMO is there is so many overlaping topics, and so many pieces strewn about, unless you spent every moment of your day searching every topic, you would not get a clear picture. Here is my thought on Revelation, it is a reply to another thread, so I will just link it in.

Cellphone the mark of the Beast. Hhhmmm, let me know what you think.

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 01:02 PM

Originally posted by p51mustang
the minute you start to become more aware/intelligent
there will always be a new clever thing to distract you..
the psy-ops rolls along..

Not without puting something in your food, or you going on a frequncy they can't tap in like that. You have to do something.

should you remain intelligent/aware and talk that way-
they will attack/ridicule or in someway neutralize you.
or if you persist - things could go badly for you.
they know how to intimidate. it's their main tool.

Yes so it's time to talk even more worst about them.
Blame it on them, for them to take the blame, expose them to anyone you can, spread it like a virus.
I will talk bad about them to anyone I meet, explain it to them. Anyone I encounter, I will be like a virus.
If I go out even worst, people will know who did it. Next in line is their heads, it's time to put out the lights on these control freaks.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 01:18 PM
reply to post by Aquarius1

That is where you are wrong, you are born free and then conditioned to accept it by the sociaty you live in.
There is no bondage, only influence. My opinion is after you go, you can chose where to go and very soon we will find that out once the shift takes place. It would be smart to do nothing at all and wait for it, the universe is not the villan so I'm thinking it is the end but not the ending. After an end starts a begining, it is a cicle.

I am now convinced I can't trust these people, it's only lies and tricks, I'm thinking it's not the best side of things.
This side is sort of "yes we can" no matter what the cost is. Not noticing that they are indeed free and that all that is requierd is paying a little bit of more respect to the suroundings. It's the problem, they hate the very notion of freedom, they like to control, they get upset when you do what you want.

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 08:11 AM
"Waking Up" to a higher consciousness is a simple scenario. One must ONLY real-eyes that this life is but a dream of which we are both watching and actively involved in. This entire universe is a mere thought in the "back" of the Mind of whom we call God. As the thought of this universe enters God's awareness, the universe will become infinitely brilliant and there will be NO Darkness.

...Wake Up...

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 11:17 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Ya know, i was wondering the same thing... Especially after spending time on this website.. I have been on her for about 2 months and have seen far more people that say "WE WANT FREEDOM" than actually practice it...

For example, there was a thread on ATS about euthanasia of drug addicts and the amount of people that were cheering it on was astounding.. I'm not trying to get into an argument over euthanasia, but you can't say it would be ok to take away somebodies rights, while you enjoy them yourself, while on another thread talk about your rights being alienated by "Big Brother"

That doesnt sound like an awakened mind to me, but maybe I'm mistaken..

I got onto ATS to get away from that kind of mean, selfish and small minded mentality but unfortunately i see it here too

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 12:07 AM
reply to post by squirelnutz

Its a very valid observation as a lot of the members do have some very obvious double standards. They will reject one dogma while still embracing another fully that actually just serves to reinforce the dogma they rejected without them being able to percieve it.

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 12:14 AM
I think people's thought patterns are merely being "tweaked" I guess would be the best word. There are some who seem to be becoming more conscious of things around them as well as things "not around them". I would have to say that the vast majority still though are just being tweaked and are simply staying within' the hands of those doing the tweaking/playing with the strings. I guess what I am getting at is the media is allowing more information to be slipped out just enough to wet the ears of those who watch and listen. Yet the underlying story or perhaps the whole may not be transmitted. So I think we are pretty much in the same spot we were at a few years ago before 9/11. At least this is my take on things.

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 12:29 AM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler


I think it's just turned into hipster slang.. It's "cool" to say your into politics and awakened and stuff.. But whenever you bring up a valid conspiracy, they look at you like a loon...

Like the Roman conspiracy.. everyone calls bull# because it's not written in a text book..

They've never heard of people like Stalin who would erase full documents to erase the truth

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 01:50 AM

Originally posted by squirelnutz
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler


I think it's just turned into hipster slang.. It's "cool" to say your into politics and awakened and stuff.. But whenever you bring up a valid conspiracy, they look at you like a loon...

Like the Roman conspiracy.. everyone calls bull# because it's not written in a text book..

They've never heard of people like Stalin who would erase full documents to erase the truth

Actually that's a great example of what I mean by people will abandon one dogma but still embrace another that basically essentially enforces the first dogma they abandoned.

A lot of members embrace a lot of aspects of my Rome conspiracy but there other dogmas they want to keep a part of it, or add to it, that really keeps them from moving forward in any real way.

So while that's not a prime example for instance this would be a better one, people who feel they are awake to the charade of the two party political system, but then still buy into the war on terror that fuels the whole miliatry industrial complex that subverted the two party system to entrench it's own power to begin with.

They don't really see how support for the latter really ends up reinforcing the former.

So whether they get you coming or get you going, they still get you.

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 03:16 PM

Originally posted by dewaite1
"Waking Up" to a higher consciousness is a simple scenario. One must ONLY real-eyes that this life is but a dream of which we are both watching and actively involved in. This entire universe is a mere thought in the "back" of the Mind of whom we call God. As the thought of this universe enters God's awareness, the universe will become infinitely brilliant and there will be NO Darkness.

...Wake Up...

You sound like a brainwashing machine, does not sound too good to me.
Too illuminated for haps ? You see things were created to be, not to merge, to be individualistic.
The individual in any animal on this earth.
Div-in-e, in-div-idual. So god created things in his image, the divine, the individual.
Same thing if you look at the words, in-o cent, not to waste it, all we are is like a cent inside, so there are other cents, many cents, all are 1 cent. there are many ones, they are people, animals. Inside not outside to merge with what ? with the collective ? The creator created individuals, diversity. Broken promises broken from people
that throw it all away.

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 04:52 PM
reply to post by pepsi78

There are those that believe the Universe is comprised of only one singular entity that has divided itself infinite times to try to percieve it's own self in it's entirety.

That each living thing and bit of matter and anti-matter, and invisible matter is simply a fragment of that one thing, trying to perhaps in vein understand and percieve itself through examining itself in every concievable way from every concievable angle, until it reaches a conclusion and pulls it's self all back into one singular entity.

In many ways this is the extension of the Big Bang Theory where the universe travels outward and onward to a final stretching point, reaching it's own limits to exand and divide, and then reverses collapsing back in on itself.

Whether it does this out of exhaustion or reaching a universal conclusion regarding itself through all it's divisions is of course also a matter of conjecture and speculation.

In a world and indeed a universe that seems to function by trying to attain order out of chaos, ultimately ordering the chaos would eliminate the need for the divisions.

In other words the universe would order itself out of existence.

It's one theory that some people share.

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