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Can't shake the feeling

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posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 04:12 PM
In the last ten minutes, I was overcome with a very strong emotion. Bare with me, as I try to describe this as best I can.

I was just about to tuck into my late meal, when all of a sudden an abnormally strong emotion washed over me, leaving me in a kind of detached state of mind. It was a sense that something had just happened, and led me to feel as though I have to protect my family at all costs.

The only other way I can describe this feeling, is that it would probably feel the same as discovering a war has just started, that involves the whole world.

I feel on edge and overly defensive, like everything I have come to hold close to my heart, is about to be violated by an outside force.

Any one else here, have something wash over them, or am I going banana's

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 05:20 PM
I have flagged this thread and given you a star as well (mostly for bravery lol)! I have felt this very same emotion, which described quite well by the way, but have not had the courage to talk about it, let alone post it on an international website hehe

I will keep an eye on this thread and see where it goes before I go into too much detail. Some people have made a habit out of being extremely insensative when things like this get posted, ya know? However, just know that you are NOT alone, no matter what type of replies you get here dear heart!

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 05:55 PM
I think you may have sensed what I am calling the step-up or the reaching of a threshold that there is no turning back from now..... sorry, hard to put it into words.

For two years I've been telling my friends and mentor that I was 'waiting' for the big EQ in New Zealand, as it tells me that we are moving into the next phase towards what I've "Seen" for our near future. And of course it happened on Saturday.. so since then I'm on alert because the main message I've been getting is that time is short.. followed by it is Time and that we need to work on health and survival skills in order to make it through the very hard times that approach us quickly now.

Sorry for waffling on, but that's the best I can do this morning.

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 06:12 PM
I suppose nothing happened?

I'm gonna guess you experienced some sort of panic attack.. Caused by somesort of chemical imbalance. Or your subconsious picked up something, "goofed up" and you just spooked your self

I know you have a presumption that this is something paranormal as you posted this here, but I think you should atlest consider some more down to earth possibilities..

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 06:28 PM
Tayesin, I believe you are really onto something here and I am also of the mindset that we must focus on improving our overall health and learning some very basic survival skills! We have lost much knowledge in these areas over the last hundred or so years due to the ever increasing rate of so called technological advances! We are spoiled and beyond complaicent (total sp)! If we want meat right now, stop at the closest fast food joint and buy a burger for $1 off the dollar menu. It's easy and cheap! If we want to get into an altered state of consciousness, simple buy a six-pack or pop a prescription pill (or two)! Easy!

Everything is at our fingertips and nothing really has to be worked for any more! We must re-learn how to work in synchronicity with the planet in order to gain the things we need and even those we want. I firmly believe that the poop will hit the fan here shortly! I do not pretend to know what exactly that means or what is about to exactly happen, but I know it is going to be HUGE! I feel this on a cellular level and the most important thing we need to survive this; is a reason to (as told to me by another wise ATSer)!

Believe what you will, but those who think this is all bunk will be at my doorstep on "The Day After" begging me for shelter, food, water and/or whatever else I have been storing for that very occurance! And you know what? I won't turn them away!

[edit on 5-9-2010 by IrishCream]

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 07:35 PM

Originally posted by IrishCream
Believe what you will, but those who think this is all bunk will be at my doorstep on "The Day After" begging me for shelter, food, water and/or whatever else I have been storing for that very occurance! And you know what? I won't turn them away!

Excellent. So glad to hear it.

Yes, many people have slipped into only thinking about themselves and their immediate family.. so it is refreshing to hear of someone who understands that we must do what we can for ourselves and those who come to us seeking help.

I must say that this Feeling is widespread. I know a few people who began to feel it as far back as the late 90's and were then able to feel it grow steadily closer. As each week becomes months I hear of more people who are feeling it and who are likewise a bit confused about the cause for this un-thought Feeling.

Notice the words Un-thought Feeling. I said it that way for a reason... when we have thoughts we have Reactions to them.. which is what we tend to think of as a Feeling.. mostly emotional in nature.. and mostly uncrontrolled when we allow the Instigating Thought to be fueled by the Feeling it created.. which leads to sleepless nights and much over-use of mental and emotional energy.

And this is different to The Feeling we are discussing here.. very different because The Feeling comes uncalled for... we are not having an Instigating Thought to create the Feeling, it comes to each person fully formed.. which makes it a stand-out as far as I am concerned.

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 07:40 PM

Originally posted by lynxlynx

I'm gonna guess you experienced some sort of panic attack...

Yeah I'm going with that explanation as well. Has this sort of thing happened to you before OP?

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 08:23 PM

Originally posted by Tayesin

Originally posted by IrishCream
Believe what you will, but those who think this is all bunk will be at my doorstep on "The Day After" begging me for shelter, food, water and/or whatever else I have been storing for that very occurance! And you know what? I won't turn them away!

I must say that this Feeling is widespread.

And this is different to The Feeling we are discussing here.. very different because The Feeling comes uncalled for... we are not having an Instigating Thought to create the Feeling, it comes to each person fully formed.. which makes it a stand-out as far as I am concerned.

Yes, the Feeling does come very "uncalled", I have felt it over the last few years and it is extremely random! I could be at work, at home or even when I'm driving (which can be quite unsettling)! It has been increasing in frequency and even my husband has felt this as of late. Which bares mentioning that my husband supports my theories and thoughts, but does not feel overly moved by the same. He's watching the NASCAR race as I type this lol!

I do hope that the OP is really hearing what we are discussing in his favor as oppossed to the other responses being posted in this thread. "Just a chemical imbalance, take a pharmaceutical company developed pill and it will all go away"! There are far too many "pharmaceutical" fixes than I would like these days. Hell even the schools are in on it. They tell you that your child has some disorder and that you must put them on such-and-such drug and if you don't you're neglecting them!

To the OP, you are onto something, please remember that your gut instinct is the ONLY thing that should guide you through this time!!

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 02:04 AM
Yeah...I know what you mean (methinks) - For the past few days to a week, a very paranoid feeling just cloaked my whole body.

I know you didn't actually say "paranoid" but it's the word that popped into my head. I kept receiving glimpses of flames popping out of a roof as if a massive fire was raging in a house (couldn't tell whose house it was). Not only this, but just a nasty feeling of gloom will pop in my head for about twenty minutes to an hour.

Not sure if our situations are related...but it is definitely interesting.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 02:06 AM
I've F*S'ed you as well; I've had the same feeling at times as well

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 06:19 AM
I have had the same sense of doom at various points of my life. I have had on and off this year more then a few. May-July once a week. I would have to agree that it feels like things are falling into place on some grand scale. My intuition pushed me back to this site a month ago after checking it only maybe 1 or 2 times a year since 2003. I have started reading more survival books again and have been getting the urge to prepare at least a game plan in case of emergency. There has been an alarming amount of powerful earthquakes this year. Weather has been strange, the economy is not so good, and it seems like the MSM is trying to incite a race riot in the US as far as Anti -Muslim and Anti-Mexican fervor. I know back in May it felt like War would break out here in the Arizona.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 06:57 AM
I know for me, I get that kind of feeling just before some kind of natural disaster,

Every time there is a large quake for the hours before i get tired, feel like something is just not right,

I dont know i guess i have some weird instinct almost like and animal, where i just sense a change,

Im wondering if you are connected to something like that also,

always note down your feelings and anything that happens around the coming days, Who knows what pattern may emerge..

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 07:24 AM

Originally posted by asala
I know for me, I get that kind of feeling just before some kind of natural disaster,

Every time there is a large quake for the hours before i get tired, feel like something is just not right,

I dont know i guess i have some weird instinct almost like and animal, where i just sense a change,

Im wondering if you are connected to something like that also,

always note down your feelings and anything that happens around the coming days, Who knows what pattern may emerge..

Asala, this is a great idea, I think I may just do that! Very interesting to me also the way you describe the feeling. It is very much a "something is just not right" kinda feeling. That is the way my hubby and I have been describing it to each other whenever one of us has it. After saying it out loud, the other almost always confirms the feeling.

I had this feeling off and on all day Friday (US EST) and then BOOM, Saturday I hear about the eq in New Zealand! Or for another example, early last week the feeling nudged me slightly for a few days and then there's another oil rig explosion in the Gulf?!?!

I think anyone who has this feeling, this gutoral uneasiness should start taking note, maybe start a journal of some sort. Not that this would do anything to prevent such disasters, however it could be an effective tool in predicting and preparing maybe?

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 07:48 AM
I am usually one of the people that are very focused on facts, and hard data. My daily rountine is coffee, then MSM, then ATS to debunk the MSM I just read, and then USGS, NHC, SolarWeather and a few others.

I am the type of person that I can not stand it when someone uses what I consider 'hokey' terms of impending 'uh-oh'. And I can not stand 'doomers' at all either.

With that said, I am starting to not like myself a bit, because I have been having that 'hokey' feeling of impending 'uh-oh' at different times throughout this year.

For me, it starts with some intense ear ringing in one ear, and then it stops, goes to the other ear. From there, I either get strong fatigue or a headache that at times, has been lasting for days.

As I said, this has happenned several times this year, but this last one has been incredible for me. I got the ear ringing last Thursday, and then the headache. But this time, I felt in the core of my soul like something was about to happen. Not paranoid really, but it is the same feeling I get when I am about to close a major deal for my company, a boiling stew of anticipation with a strong feeling of personal strength.

On days that this happens, I always do my normnal routine, but I do find myself watching USGS more often than anything. Since last Thursday, I can't stop looking at my droid and going to the USGS, Eruptions, and NHC site almost hourly.

When the New Zealand EQ went off, I felt about half of that feeling leave, and the same with the headache. But last night the ears started ringing again. Woke up this morning to a feeling stronger than before the EQ the other day, and it is really weird for me.

I am not sure what to make of it. And yes, I do keep notes about this, and will continue to track it, but I just cannot shake the feeling that something really big is about to happen.

As a person firmly planted in the material world of business, I am at a loss to explain this, and it is just not a water-cooler topic at my office.

I hope I am wrong, but I am actually starting to do the 'hokey' thing, and believe in this super strong premonition of something, and I wish I could describe the something better.

Rrr, where is the data?

Anyway, thanks for letting me ramble, and thanks for making this thread which I S&F'd for sure.

edit for spelling

[edit on 6-9-2010 by lasertaglover]

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 08:06 AM
The ear ringing and headaches I had not even associated with this occurance until you mentioned it!!!

Now that it has been mentioned, I will concure with those symptoms and add another. The other symptom is a sour stomach as my great (and wonderful hehe) grandmother used to call it. At first I was simply attributing the sour stomach feeling to my IBS, which acts up when I get nervous or have eatten far too much tomato based product lol! But seriously, there are also physical symptoms that accompany the "feeling"!

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 09:07 AM
Thanks to everyone that has replied, it has been really interesting to read about other people's thoughts, and emotions.

Sorry for my little input so far, I have a hectic study schedule.

Any way, I thought I might clarify my experience a little more, as I have had time to think about what I experienced. Last night was rushed, as I was pretty bowled over.

As per some comments, it was certainly in no way a panic attack. Not once did it feel like I was panicking, or experiencing fear in any way.

I view myself as a naturally sensitive person. I meditate twice a day, and exercise 5 days a week. I do not consume alcohol, or any other recreational drugs of any kind. My body to me, really is my temple, and to the extent that I know my emotions inside out, what is right, what is wrong.

A few years back, I had a similar experience, but much more subtle. I basically felt that I had to change, as in a complete reworking on how I live my life. The only reason being, because I had to become part of a solution, to an impending problem. A problem on a scale so big, that it requires everyone to make a change.

So for the past few years, I have looked after my health, to the extent that I could probably join the Royal Marine Commando's if I wanted. But I also developed a thirst for knowledge, and felt compelled to go back to study.

But what I experienced last night, had more feeling and clarity than the previous experience, ten fold.
Before it happened, there was a kind of detachment. I noticed it when I looked down at my arm. That's when it started.

My partner asked me what was wrong, and I told her that it was my arm. I explained to her that I know what I'm seeing is my arm, and I can will it to move, but it didn't feel like my arm.
I know this sounds strange, but to me, it looked like I was viewing someone else's arm, or maybe how an amputee would feel looking at a prosthetic limb.

That feeling then started to apply itself to everything around me, like everything wasn't really there. The only thing I could pay attention to, or notice was the feelings that I described to you in my first post.

I can still feel it now, but in no way as strong as when it first happened. I feel like everything was a build up to that moment.
If my experience years ago, was the feeling of need to prepare, then the experience last night, was that of, whatever I have been preparing for, has started.

A big part of the feeling is very primal, I honestly feel like I could fear nothing, oppose and literally destroy anything that threatens life. The desire to protect and nurture emanate from me right now.

I can honestly say, that I have never felt so alive and aware, with a razor sharp clarity.

I feel compelled also, at the sense of unity. Differences mean nothing any more, between you or I. You are my brother's, and my sister's. The time to stand shoulder to shoulder, against oppression is upon us.

How you live your life, every minute of everyday, matters. Physically and emotionally. The only difference in how you go about it, is by the choices you make.

So go ahead and make them, and make them matter. I'll leave you with some quotes from Mohandas Gandhi.

''A man is but the product of his thoughts, what he thinks, he becomes''

''A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history''

'' We must become the change we want to see in the world''

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 04:32 PM
There is a reason it is called a gut feeling. Your enteric nervous system is in the stomach region. neuro-peptides are what send and store thought transmissions throughout the body. I will try to find the exact quote but it was from either Dr. Andrew Weil or Dr. Deepak Chopra that talked about stomach sensations of intuition and the role of neuro-peptides. All I know is that feeling and little voice is normally correct.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 09:45 PM

Originally posted by Red_xi
Any one else here, have something wash over them, or am I going banana's

Yes.... it's official....... you're going Banana's

Seriously, no.... I've been having the same feelings as of late..... I thought it might be too much ATS..... but, taking a break from all media outlets for a week or two made no difference.

I think Tayesin puts it's best, prepare for what's to come.


posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 10:44 PM
Sounds to me like your psychic side is awakening, based on the utter strangeness of it all. It sounds too strange to be a panic attack, and imo is even less likely to be one based on the fact that you have nothing to consciously panic about. I would assume you are picking up emotions from someone close to you, more likely by blood than by distance. I would also be inclined to assume that these thoughts about protecting your family are due to the effects of adrenaline.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 10:49 PM
sounds to me like someone needs to go to a doctor and check up their brain

lets say something bad happens, in your perspective, from now on

you will say, well, I was warned ... but that doesnt make sense, since bad things happen every day to everyone ... I really think u should check yourself out

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