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Unemployment stinks...Here are 3 ways to make cash today... lets all list some ideas

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posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 02:50 PM
reply to post by bluestar.ranch

hank william's jr. and its a country boy can survive.
i love it when people resort back to cash.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 03:19 PM
You can do this in your spare time

1. read some FOREX trading books.
2. open an account /you can find many Online FOREX Markets to open a free account/
3. start trading with virtual money first /takes а few months to learn some systems/
4. If you see you are good at this, then you can open a real account and start making money.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 04:43 PM
I make jewelry & love it! It's not only a relaxing activity but it keep my bills paid too. I started off with some simple stone chip beads, pendants & findings from the dollar store and made bracelets. I sold those & turned around & bought better materials from the local craft shops. Then I started making earrings & necklaces and used the profits to turn around & buy even more exotic materials through Ebay. I set up a free website through, an associated Twitter account, Facebook page, blog and YouTube Channel.

Most of my new customers got hooked & kept coming back for more. Now, I make earrings, bracelets, necklaces, pendants, keychains, rings, watches, bookmarks, charms, eyeglass holders, etc. I work mainly with natural stone & Swarovski crystal so it appeals to everyone who loves sparkly & earthy things alike! Many pieces are either adjustable or one-size-fits all and I even have a few charitable fundraisers I participate in (everyone loves a good cause). I participate in every local craft show I can find, have pieces on consignment in local shops and continue to sell online to customers worldwide.

I started making jewelry late in 2008 (following a battle with cancer & chronic pain; when I couldn't work or go to school
). This past spring, I suddenly found myself kicked out of grad school after my first year because my professor found out I was a cancer survivor & kicked me out of her lab (which in turn, got me ejected from my graduate program). So, while I wait for the Dept of Ed, ACLU, etc. to help me fight back (yes, I have an attorney but like most of you, can't afford to fund a long legal battle on my own
), I've gone back to making jewelry full-time. Fortunately, I was lucky enough to have friends with their own business in my hometown, who were willing to give me some space in their shop rent-free so I'd have a place to work and a physical location to sell from directly (so I can keep all of my profits). Not bad for someone whose former adviser thought they weren't suited to become anything more than a janitor, huh (yes, that's what I was told by my former adviser, given my disability!)?

[edit on 6-9-2010 by X-tal_Phusion]

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 05:26 PM
very cool!

Originally posted by JimIrie
Nice ideas and easy to do so. Here are my suggestions:

I for myself am selfemployed musican and for sure there is not much money to make from cds and songs these days, tho.
I started to make a live concept. I tour from city to city with all those small gigs for 100 - 500 € (live in germany).
I do alot of workshops too. From kids to seniors, raptraining, beat producing and recording. Also i give workshops in different spiritual issues, meditation, chakras, aura seeing, and so on...
I am about to make some books ready and sell them on demand and as ebooks. When ready i also will give workshops on conspiracy issues.
Then i make alot of artworks, natural jewelery and exotic instruments i sell on local markets and soon maybe on ebay.

Tho, mostly i make money out of nothing more than words, sound and (free) natural ressources.

Peace, love and light,
let u guide by higher i


posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 05:32 PM

Originally posted by amari
I had been looking at the growing multimillion survival food industry to earn

additional income. By chance I had two Naturopathic Doctor friends,

husband and wife let me know about a company that was just starting

up out of Utah. They have been good friends with the owner and said

the owner would send out 3 free samples to anyone who would try his tasty gourmet

survival food for a $5.95 shipping charge and that I could get free

gourmet survival food credits for more free food by sharing with

others to do the same until 10/20/10.

I said, that is fine but I want to sell the gourmet survival food retail for profit

and they told me that the potential customers that you introduced to

the company you could make money off their reorders thru a

marketing structure after maintaining your own monthly qualifying


[edit on 5-9-2010 by amari]

sounds like just another mlm.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 05:46 PM
If you want to save money thats simple just dont by things that you dont need. Stop consuming garbage. When you buy a home dont go overboard and buy a home with 6 bathrooms for 2 people. when you buy a car go for a high gas mileage model and dont pay more the 5k used or 15k new. thier no reason to have a 75k car that get 15 mpg its just insane.

Here's a big one quite smoking tobacco or at least buying by the pack. Now at 10 bucks a pack thats some real money saving even at 5 bucks a pack you still save 150 bucks a month if you just quit. If you cant quit then invest in a 6 dollar rolling machine and buy bags of tobacco for like 8 bucks and rool your own. Since ive done this ive saved hundreds of dollars.

Stop buying designer clothes your just paying for a name and thier made out of the same stuff you can buy at discount stores for alot less money. same goes for shoes. I never got why people would spend 150 bucks on something you just walk on. You can get the same quality shoes or sneakers for 30 bucks. Your just paying for a name and making them rich.

Same with food eat out less dont buy name brands and only buy in bulk if its non perishable. If you can, grow as much of your own food as you can. Its cheaper and you know whats in it and if you have excess you can sell it or trade it.

Another big one on saving money is your power bill. Turn off your lights when your not in a room. Things you dont use every day unplug and replug when in use. Even if an appliance is off when plugged in its sapping energy and costing you money. For the things you use everyday get strip cords or power cords whatever they call them and plug them into the strips and when you not using flip the swicth on the cord and bam the tv, dvd, cable box, stereo and what other needless garbage you have on your entertainment stand with all the little lights and clocks are no longer money suckers. Change all your light blubs to energy saving and add nice thick curtians on your windows that will surround the whole window when closed. you can save 30 to 50% of your energy bill by just doing those few things.

Thier even more ways to increase this percentage with more expensive or more time consuming ways. The least would be to insolate and buy your home some real good windows. Chances are if your home is more then 50 years old its not insolated or at best very poorly. Then you got solar and wind power that could eventually even make you money if done right. Adding to the power grid instead of taking.

Making money in this country is real easy if you take the time to do it. You can paint some rocks and sell them so making money here is relatively easy. You can create your own business at anytime if you know what your doing.

Saving money is much harder to do then to make money. It seems with all the money to be made everyone is going broke. Why is that? Could it be were so focused on making and spending money we dont think to save?

Or is that how the TPTB wants it to be and we are to stupid to see that?

Or do people just not care and are to lazy?

Thiers no better way to have money other then to save it. Nickel and dime everything. I'm not saying dont spend at all you have to thats how things work right now, but get your monies worth and stop paying for names and fame. Consume less energy and food thats over priced. Stop tring to keep up with the Joneses and save to a better life.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 06:24 PM
reply to post by bluestar.ranch

Or... You could just bite the bullet and go work for a fast food chain and/or retail outlet. I see help wanted signs in nearly every fast food place I go by. Instead of selling your treasures on eBay, take a temp job making tacos or flipping burgers. Big deal!

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 06:33 PM
Great ideas. When I lived in Gunnison, Colorado with my wife, my mother and father-in-law visited us, when I was out of work, about eight years ago, and she taught my wife and I how to make tamales. It is a lot of work but it is very profitable. We would make a couple hundred tamales on a Saturday go down to Wally-world (Walmart the only store in town besides a Safeway and a City Market) and sell them all in a couple hours and make a couple hundred bucks.

Right now I'm in Mexico with my wife and have always known how to make a mean pizza, my mom taught me when I was little. To earn a little while I'm here I'm selling the pizzas to the local corner stores around the area. I make more in a couple hours selling the pizzas to the store-owners who then sell them to their customers, than most people do working two or three days here.

Also I've been writing short stories and am about to finish a full fledged novel. Put it up on Createspace. So far the money is trickling in on the short stories and hope the same will happen when the novel is finished.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 06:58 PM
When I was set up at 3 different flea markets I had friends that made

herbal homemade soaps and scented candles and made money by

selling their finished product at the flea markets and they did quite well.

Here is an article I came across By Lauren Vork on how to get started.

Also there is a book out called Making Candles and Soaps for Dummies.

With the Holidays coming up this could be something that individuals

could do at home with out spending a lot of money to get started. ^Y^

[edit on 6-9-2010 by amari]

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 07:18 PM
reply to post by X-tal_Phusion

Sounds nice, especially if you enjoy it.

p.s why did you get kicked out for being a cancer survivor!!?

[edit on 6-9-2010 by _Phoenix_]

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 07:32 PM
hair cut or car wash at the home of your customers.
average $20 per hour worked (you can cut the hair of a person in less than an hour and you can wash a compact car in less than an hour too) bigger the car the higher price...because it takes more time.

5 customers a day =
$100 bucks for 5 hour worked a day =
$500 for 25hrs worked per week =
$2000 bucks per month completely yours working less hours than in a company.

and no taxes.

and you can do this in your own neighborhood...with less than $30 of investment.

i'm sure most of us has neighborhoods with plenty of cars and hairs to cut weekly.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 08:39 PM
reply to post by _Phoenix_

I suspect there may be some cultural beliefs that influenced her actions. Also, she believed that anyone taking opioid meds on a long-term basis was an addict by default (mine are delivered via an implanted pump; I don't take pills). Regardless of the reason, I reported her actions as discriminatory. There were a lot of other things that happened but that event was the final straw.

So, I'm spending my evening creating "Tree of Life" pendants instead of protocells (my research). They're the perfect project; time-consuming (keeps me too busy to mope/feel sorry for myself), profitable (they're very popular right now) and fulfilling (I'm always amazed at how they turn out). Since I have a 10-lb weight limit on what I can carry (I have 2 implanted medical devices with components in my spine), most minimum wage jobs would require some sort of accommodation and I feel like, "Why would they hire me when they can hire someone who is physically capable of performing essential functions of the job?" In short, I don't feel I'm qualified to perform essential functions of those sorts of jobs.

Open positions around here either require lifting beyond what I can do or call for certification I don't have. Therefore, the only option left for me was to create my own employment. I don't see why I should have to go on disability if I am capable of working. I may not be able to do everything but I consider myself to be quite employable nonetheless. Likewise, I was just as qualified as other students in my graduate program & capable of performing all essential functions of the program but my professor failed to look at me that way.

I hope that by creating and sustaining a thriving business, despite what has happened to me, I can demonstrate to all agencies, that choose to investigate this matter, that there was no reason to treat me this way-- that in fact, my ingenuity, drive and resourcefulness is superior to that of my classmates and I am just as worthy of a graduate education as they are.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 09:28 PM
reply to post by X-tal_Phusion

Very, very cool. I also make jewelry. I use jump rings, and do chain maille. I have been doing it for about 5 years, but only seriously in the last year. I have a good full time job, and lots of side ventures, but wanted something part time for some extra $$$. I can do anything from simple base metals like aluminum, brass, copper, etc... to titanium, .999 fine silver, and 14K gold fill, or 10K gold. I started doing it just because I love doing it, and like a challenge. Then friends, and family started asking for pieces, and then their friends wanted pieces, and so on. Now I have several pawn shops, and consignment stores I make pieces for.

The hard part for me was learning to just do what you find people like. The really complex, and difficult stuff isn't necessarily popular. I make the most from the simple, classic stuff. I also offer similar pieces in multiple price ranges. For example an aluminum byzantine bracelet is about $15, and I can make it in any color you can imagine because aluminum can be anodized. I sell loads of them, and they look very nice. I can also make the same byzantine in grade 5 titanium for $50, but it will last forever, and just looks awesome. I can two-tone it with 14K gold fill for about $70, and the piece looks spectacular. So I have learned to make something for everyone. I usually sell 2 or 3 aluminum pieces to someone, and then a few months later around a holiday, anniversary, or birthday they come back for something "special" in a precious metal.

I have also found Ebay to be a big waste of time, and money. I buy my titanium from a surplus aerospace source so one of my titanium pieces is usually worth it's purchase price in it's weight in titanium. I get all my other metals from a bulk supplier so I can sell really well made jewelry at a fraction of what a retail store would want, and the quality is superior.

Never wait for help from others. Make your own way, and when you succeed you will owe it all to yourself, and that's a great feeling. In any endeavor surround yourself with people who believe in you. Ignore the naysayers, and critics. Pay yourself what you are worth, don't sell to vultures, and tire kickers who talk you into selling so cheap that you stop doing what you are doing. Find a good market to set the price, and if you do good work/services the price will be fair to customer, and merchant. If you undersell just a few times then that becomes everyone's expectation forever, and it's hard to break. If you over charge you won't move anything.

You probably already know all this, but I was reiterating for the benefit of the audience

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 09:47 PM
Sewing and alterations from the home during these tough times can put money into your pocket if you know how to sew. Let your friends, family, neighbors and business associates know what you are doing and that you provide alterations and sewing service at reasonable prices. Referrals will be your best mode of advertising and with this recession going on many individuals would rather mend their favorite piece of clothing then buy new in many cases.

I needed a seamstress to make clothes for my Teddy bears I had designed a few years back so I went to a sewing center and asked if they knew any seamstresses that were working from their home. They gave me a list of individuals and I called and met with them and chose the person I thought could do the best job at the most reasonable price.

I bought the material I wanted to be used for the Teddy Bears clothing. The seamstress did the sewing and the rest was history. By the way I sold lots of Teddy bears across the country. I also designed toilet seat covers that were full color screen printed with different sayings and used the same seamstress to sew the flex band into the toilet seat covers. One of the many sayings were hole In One with a guy making a golf putt on a green. King of the Thrown and Queen of the Thrown with a King and Queens Crown. I had 30 different funny sayings. What I am saying is become creative when times are tough and when they are not. Remember Necessity is the Mother of Invention. ^Y^

[edit on 6-9-2010 by amari]

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 10:28 PM

Originally posted by g146541
reply to post by IgnoranceIsntBlisss

Just read up to this comment,
I have 2 boys that are looking to get into the Navy and Air Force as these are the only "companies" that are hiring.
I do not agree with what they want to do and I let them know I disagree with joining nowadays but it is their journey and I will leave it at that.
I let them know it is their decision and it will not affect the way I feel about them.
Although if I could I would keep them from joining.
Just my 20 cents, as 2 is not enough nowadays.

You could try teaching them the truth about what this system is.

If they still want to participate in the Nazi Germany of the 21st Century then so be it, but don't let them run blind into it.

Here's all the good films they should watch first (and then some):

Don't let them be pawns believing they're actually fighting for everyones "freedom". Fighting for the private bankster/Wall Street owned military industrial complex has nothing to do with defending the Constitution like most of the grunts apparently buy into. Just because the most evil conglomeration as could be imagined might be hiring, doesn't mean you sign up.

Not to derail the thread. We can start a new one if this needs to actually be debated. Title it something along the lines of 'Does the US military represent the most evil conglomeration possible', and I'll join in.

[edit on 6-9-2010 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss]

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 10:39 PM
reply to post by X-tal_Phusion

I looked at the tree of life pendants on the net, they are really nice!

I have always wanted to try some kind of Silver smithing, or jewelery making both my Great grandfather and Great Great grandfather were silver smiths with their own hall marks, I always look for their stuff in markets etc and my mother has quite a bit of it. I always feel like I should follow in their footsteps but I didn't even know about them when I was going to university etc.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 11:07 PM
Hunting meteorites can be very lucrative.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 11:24 PM
A wise man once said, " The best way to double your money, is fold it in half and put it in your pocket". This is very true.

Save your money. If you do not need it, don't buy it. How many luxuries do you waste money on? If you are strapped for cash, think about the things you have, and whether you really need them or not.

Do you HAVE to have cable? Can you live with out Satellite radio? Must you really go out and by the newest video game console?

Spend wisely. Do not be afraid to use coupons when shopping. look around for better deals. You don't HAVE to have name brands. Store brands are often just as good. A little "secret", is that often, store brands are actually made by name brand companies.

For example, I do not know if this is still the case, but it used to be, that Alberston's green beans were made by Green Giant. So, really, why spend an extra dollar, when you can get the same thing for cheaper?

Now as for income. Do not be shy. Do some networking. Talk to people. Ask around. Go into stores look for things that need to be done. Don't just ask if they are hiring. Say that you noticed you need some help in this area and you just happen to be great at it and would love to help out.

Get names, numbers of places that others know of that might be interested in you.

Be willing to volunteer. Find an area that you would like to work in and go there and volunteer ( all kinds of places will take volunteers, not just non-profit places). Stick around and impress them, and they may just come to you when a spot opens up and offer it to you.

The economy is really hard right now. So make your job, going out and looking for a job. Spend as much time as you would, working, looking for a job. For example, if you would like to work Monday through Friday, from 9-5/ Go out, Monday through Friday, from 9-5, looking for jobs.

Those are just a few thoughts I have at the moment. I will add more as they come to me.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 11:37 PM
reply to post by gimme_some_truth

Very useful answer!

Networking is the number one thing you can do whatever job / jobs / skills you have wherever you are on the employment ladder the more people you have in your address book, the more people you know the more likely it is that you are going to know someone that happens to need whatever skills it is that you have.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 11:52 PM
reply to post by IgnoranceIsntBlisss

I have done my best but at their age you understand that Dad has just crossed the threshold of a Dumb%$#@ so,....
They will do what they want.
I wish I could talk them out of it but it looks like I am not as wise as I once was.
But I do agree with you, for what that's worth.

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