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When will you surrender?

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posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 10:07 PM
The writing isn't just on the wall, it is in the faces and in the hearts of humanity itself. The majority of people are no longer "sleeping," they know quite well that they are being lied to and manipulated on a daily basis, but they sincerely do not care.

I have stuck my neck out on so many issues, trying to spark some sort of conversation on topics that hold some level of importance. Something other than listening to my friends discuss how intoxicated they plan to become the moment the weekend arrives, or some other insignificant details of their delusional lives.

I am a freak. I am a "conspiracy theorist," and I have risked my entire social life and credibility. I have been told in regards to 9/11 and other subjects that it "just doesn't matter anymore," and that "what has happened cannot be changed, and what is going to happen can not be prevented."

While I have raised my hand time and time again (metaphorically speaking) only to be silenced, people are choosing to stick their heads in the sand. So my question is, have they simply given in to society and the NWO, or are they smarter than us? Those who stay quiet go unnoticed, while others (like myself) have undoubtedly drawn attention to themselves.

Perhaps it is time for me to put on my poker face, find my position in this world, and stay silent until it is time to play my hand. Does that mean I have surrendered? Have the rest of you also sacrificed relationships and your reputations? And when will you surrender? Or will you die for the cause while the world tunes you out? I wish I could say that I would "live free or die" but I have small children, and now things are no longer that black and white.

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 10:11 PM
reply to post by PolarityHorizon

My answer is, by necessity, a one-liner: NEVER!!

Edit to add: Okay, I couldn't really stop at one line!!
I have a small child, also, and the thought of him having to endure what we do is unthinkable. I can't give up, because that would mean that there is no hope of things becoming better. I won't live with that thought! I have had to give up a most of my socializing, because people just don't understand how I can be so intense about the world situation. For them, it's still life as usual, and I can't bear their trivial attitude. That may sound arrogant, or elitist or whatever, but it's true. The majority of people out there are vain and selfish, and I just don't have anything in common with them. Plainly spoken, even if it sounds harsh, it's true.

[edit on 9/4/10 by jennybee35]

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 10:15 PM

Originally posted by PolarityHorizon
The writing isn't just on the wall, it is in the faces and in the hearts of humanity itself. The majority of people are no longer "sleeping," they know quite well that they are being lied to and manipulated on a daily basis, but they sincerely do not care.

I have stuck my neck out on so many issues, trying to spark some sort of conversation on topics that hold some level of importance. Something other than listening to my friends discuss how intoxicated they plan to become the moment the weekend arrives, or some other insignificant details of their delusional lives.

I am a freak. I am a "conspiracy theorist," and I have risked my entire social life and credibility. I have been told in regards to 9/11 and other subjects that it "just doesn't matter anymore," and that "what has happened cannot be changed, and what is going to happen can not be prevented."

While I have raised my hand time and time again (metaphorically speaking) only to be silenced, people are choosing to stick their heads in the sand. So my question is, have they simply given in to society and the NWO, or are they smarter than us? Those who stay quiet go unnoticed, while others (like myself) have undoubtedly drawn attention to themselves.

Perhaps it is time for me to put on my poker face, find my position in this world, and stay silent until it is time to play my hand. Does that mean I have surrendered? Have the rest of you also sacrificed relationships and your reputations? And when will you surrender? Or will you die for the cause while the world tunes you out? I wish I could say that I would "live free or die" but I have small children, and now things are no longer that black and white.

Pfft, I'm not fighting for any cause or revolution.
I still get more freedom than any other country, Still have guns ready in case we the gestapo come into our door, which won't happen because the majority of Americans are armed too the teeth, do you think any other country would want to invade us when our citizens can by semi automatic AK47's to defend themselves and their land?

I doubt the Government could control us all.

Sure we are losing a little freedom but we aren't losing enough freedom to go ape****.

What worries me is the economy, I don't want to fight and kill my fellow American.

[edit on 4-9-2010 by Segador]

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 10:21 PM
I sit by idly so im not outcasted by society even though I don't want to be apart of it just interact with people who are.

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 10:23 PM
The time to hoist the colors is not yet on hand. It needs a critical mass, and we have not reach it yet. NO ONE must be sacrificed, for EVERY human life is precious.

To do anything rash right now is throw one's life away, unnecessarily and achieves nothing.

Better to spend whatever time we all have left to discuss and debate within our social circles - our families, relatives and friends, loved ones on the facts and truths learnt. Each human has a free will, to believe or not to believe, to act or not to act, for there are ALWAYS circumstances that will have to be considered, and to be fair, they must make that choice on their free will.

And that free will will either set humanity free or be enchained forever, a choice of one's making, after he/she had been informed, for oneself and one's future generations.

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 10:27 PM
I have sacrificed my best friends in the world, because of my views on life and where we are headed.

It deeply saddens and disappoints me that the people I grew up loving and respecting, now care about nothing but getting laid and making money.
They literally worship sex and money. I had to step away from them, after trying to "wake them up" while pretending to be one of them. I failed miserably and often find myself alone while they continue in their quest for money and sex.

It disgusts me that the people I have loved most for so long, live for such stupid, trivial things (in my opinion).

I want to be one of them. But I just can't live for meaningless sex and slavery. Not after I woke up to how things are.

Why me? This is a very sad subject for me. There are not many like us. Of course we all want to find love. But we should not have to pretend to be like everyone else, to accomplish this.

I lost my best friends to sex and slavery.

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 10:29 PM
reply to post by PolarityHorizon

Liberate your mind to find your own peace!

You have learned so much and been made aware of so many more things going now there is no use of stopping. The heights you can still achieve are unlimited.

"Do or do not, there is no try."


[edit on 4-9-2010 by kyle43]

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 10:33 PM

Originally posted by SeekerofTruth101
The time to hoist the colors is not yet on hand. It needs a critical mass, and we have not reach it yet. NO ONE must be sacrificed, for EVERY human life is precious.

To do anything rash right now is throw one's life away, unnecessarily and achieves nothing.

Better to spend whatever time we all have left to discuss and debate within our social circles - our families, relatives and friends, loved ones on the facts and truths learnt. Each human has a free will, to believe or not to believe, to act or not to act, for there are ALWAYS circumstances that will have to be considered, and to be fair, they must make that choice on their free will.

And that free will will either set humanity free or be enchained forever, a choice of one's making, after he/she had been informed, for oneself and one's future generations.

The people who believe their freedoms are being taken away probably live in cities, I can buy a 640 acre piece of land and I can shoot 100 AK47 rounds into the sky while naked women hump my leg while driving a red Mustang at 120 miles an hour over a flaming hoop if I wanted to, people think the police are so powerful, the same way the shoot you in their defense you and shoot them in your defense.

They are only powerful because you think they are powerful.

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 10:47 PM
reply to post by PolarityHorizon

Very nice post, I can tell it was from the heart...

So my question is, have they simply given in to society and the NWO, or are they smarter than us?
No, it's neither of those things...they don't understand or can't comprehend what "TPTB" are, they hardly understand the true extent of their slavery, and the degree to which we are lied to from birth. Have you ever seen "The Truman Show", that is actually a perfect example of how some one can be born into a system which they accept as the norm because they don't even understand what something different would be like. Everyone is obsessed with gossip, parties, fashion, cars, etc. All these petty and materialistic things, it's exactly what "they" want you to be focusing on, it keeps us "dumbed down", we get so caught up in the here and now, the physicalities, the ego, the ignorance.

Have the rest of you also sacrificed relationships and your reputations? And when will you surrender? Or will you die for the cause while the world tunes you out?
I have sacrificed my entire life...I have sacrificed my innocence, ignorance, and a portion of my "sanity"...I no longer think, live or act in the ways I used to. Yes, this has caused me to lose friends and be considered a "freak" or "conspiracy theorist" by some people, but I could not care less what they want to think, they always seem so sure they are the more rational and intelligent person with the answer to everything. Everything they say and do is a pathetic attempt to hold together their carefully crafted paradigms. It's sad really.

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 10:50 PM
I will never surrender to the " NWO " and if they try to make me then there will be some serious consequences for some .

I really wish people would wake up and smell the coffee but when you tell them about issues like this they just say oh its not true its all crazy talk .

Especially if you tell them you read it online they say don't believe everything you read online and well i say don't believe everything you hear on tv or read in the newspaper . ( PROPAGANDA BISHES )

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 10:59 PM
reply to post by PolarityHorizon

The choices have already been made. They walk the road beside us. They cannot hear you and if they do, they think it too late. Too late to change paths and walk with us.Think not of them. They will follow eventually, they are on the same circle which starts where we parted. Fear not, the shining ones will watch over them and we.We will arrive first. Some like to be fashionably late. Enjoy the final steps of your long,long journey. Namaste

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 11:04 PM
reply to post by LostNemesis

I do understand where you are comming from, for I too had experienced what you had gone through.

Those that do not wish to be awakened best left alone. There are many more who wants to be awakened out there in the world and we must reach out to them. That change will come where more become aware and be touched by it, just as you had been scorched by it.

There is only so much we can do, but it is enough that we tried, and by the examples we live by to touch lives. No one can be forced to believe. They have to want it themselves for the change to be effected in them, and it WILL change them later in life when they wake up to the results of their apathy, just as the rest of us had realized.

Truths that dawns upon a slumbering person is often painful, but for the awaken, there is still a choice to be happy or be sad. It was never intended for humans to be drowned in pain and sorrows, for there is still so much beauty in our world despite the ugliness around. Our lives are short, and as said, there is only so much we can do alone. Put in the hours, but one too must take time out to sniff the roses....


posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 11:07 PM
Wow! I can SO relate to the comments here... I feel so isolated from friends, family & coworkers who refuse to listen when I try to tell them the truth. My sister thinks I'm crazy, my coworkers call me "our little conspiracy theorist" and my inlaws think I'm a whack job. I have been able to halfway wake up 3 friends, but they're not at a place where they're willing to do much about it. None of them have made any significant preparations.

I heard a bible verse a few weeks ago that really hit home - Ecclesiastes 1:18

For with much wisdom comes much sorrow;
the more knowledge, the more grief.

It's hard going to work and going through the motions of daily survival knowing these things won't mean a hill of beans once the collapse is in full swing. But I'd rather know the truth and be ready, than exist in an ignorant matrix and a sitting duck.

I'm grateful, but lonely!

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 11:23 PM
surrender what to whom?
i certainly believe them when they say it's here.
but thats just some yap on the propaganda box.
i feel there is a clampdown upon us-
it could get be it-
i'm too old for alot of foolishness.
ever watch an old movie called the quiet storm?

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 11:30 PM
I don’t think people have surrendered, and I don’t think there’s anything particularly new about false flag operations, or the government’s lies. In all probability our system was even worse during the Vietnam years.

But since Iraq’s non-existent WMD’s became clear in 2003, people have become more aware than ever about our democracy being (mostly) a past legacy (one that’s gathered so much dust its become quite invisible).

Of course some people don’t want to talk about it at all, and a large section of population has always been distracted by life too much, too care-think much about politics (i.e. something close to a majority).
But if people are sticking their heads in the sand , then they know what they know they’re sticking their heads somewhere. Whilst before there was no sand, just patriotic ignorance.

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 01:37 AM
My children like to tell their friends that their mother:

Believes that AIDS and the Swine Flu were created in a laboratory,
That 9/11 was a manufactured event by someone high up in the US Government to deflect attention from the failing economy,
That even so, in the near future another global financial crisis will occur,
That I keep a survival kit and horde food,
Insisted on buying 40 acres of land in the middle of nowhere because she wants to be self-sufficient (which I cannot convince anyone to move to with me yet, but I'm working on it).

But ... other than that she seems quite rational.

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 01:43 AM

Originally posted by heffo7

That 9/11 was a manufactured event by someone high up in the US Government to deflect attention from the failing economy,

Do people actually believe the government is that stupid?

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 01:46 AM
Never give up dude. I'm doing great things in my community and building community relationships. As long as my heart beats I'll never give up. What that means to each of us is different. It could be feeding the homeless or giving to greenpeace or joining local government to fight from the inside or posting on these boards to let the others know that they are not alone. Keep fighting. Never surrender and never give up.

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 03:24 AM
I have a similar point of view regarding society and the 'sleepwalkers' that willingly march to the beat of the drums.
Although at times it may seem hopeless, I've found that through converstations with friends and family I've made a positive impact. Many have started 'awakening' and have begun to think outside the box. It's not much, but it's a start.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 10:54 PM


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