First off, I like the MODS to move or delete. I checked with the Search Tools and found no match.
Now with that out of the way,,,, I've said it before and so have many of you here on ATS, The Government has NO business running any Corporations,
Big Businesses or any thing that suppose to make a PROFIT!
Our Tax Dollars should not ever be used to Bail Out any business and have the Government hands in it, You Loose,,, No,,, We Loose.
Here's the rest of the story:
Subsequent offerings of the government's holdings may be profitable depending on how investors trade the newly listed stock, the sources said.
But the question of whether taxpayers are ultimately made whole on GM's $50 billion bailout could be left open for years, the people said.
The U.S. government pumped $49.5 billion worth of taxpayer money into the automaker and took nearly 61 percent of its common stock.
GM has paid back $6.7 billion in debt to the Treasury and returned another $700 million in interest and dividends. The U.S. government also holds $2.1
billion in perpetual preferred shares in the automaker
Taxpayers to take loss on GM stock offering,,,, Did You Really Believe we Won't Take A Loss? Again my friends, We Took It In The Shorts
And Our Government wants to run your Heath-Care for you and your loved ones, THINK ABOUT IT!