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WTC Detonations Finally Revealed (Video)

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posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 06:35 PM

Originally posted by Six Sigma
Now watch this video of a crane collapsing. Hear the explosions? ME too! No explosives there, however.

I heard explosions also, so there must have been explosives used.... or so a "truther" thinks!

So another truther conspiracy theory destroyed with facts, just like all the others!

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 06:40 PM
All I heard in the video was a roar caused by the kinetic energy of thousands of tons of heavy stuff clattering into more heavy stuff. The example given in the video comparing the sounds of a real demolition compared to the WTC collapse sounded absolutely nothing alike.

Not impressed

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 07:16 PM
reply to post by spikey

Has anyone here thought to look up what happens to concrete when too much pressure is applied? It, and natural stone EXPLODES. Yep, solid granite overstressed, reinforced concrete columns overstressed all fail explosively. It doesn't need explosives. It's what happens.
Has anyone, even any of the witnesses, ever heard an explosion in the midst of high buildings? It echoes. Echoes can do all kinds of things with sounds.
To say that the people there said "boom", or thought there was "bombs" going off, experienced something that had never happened before. Explosions in a man-made canyon system. Lots of sounds, bouncing, amplifying, an envirionment where those sounds are not familiar. To base your theory on this is just silly. They hear explosions, they thought bombs. As we probably all would have had we been in the same spot. Doesn't mean there was bombs, though. It just means unusual noises in unusual places cause your mind to look for likely sources. Like a bomb. Like happened in the same building several years before.

Here's a quote (taken from the 3rd page): " The
concrete will literally explode during
tensioning as the anchors crush into the
slab or beam, which then can cause the
hydraulic jack to move suddenly and violently."

Here's just one of several videos which show exploding concrete. They typically use small cylinders, singly. Multiply by the number much bigger columns per floor and you have a hell of a noise, sounding like a bomb, I'm sure.

Common sense, five minutes of research, and Occam's razor.

edited to move the word "Source".

[edit on 4-9-2010 by stars15k]

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 07:26 PM
Is there a benchmark on how a 110 story tall building should sound when it collapses? And if you search for building implosion videos, you will see they start crumbling at the bottom first, whereas the WTC 1 2 went from top down.

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 08:08 PM
That's the thing. There is no precedent for the events that came together to create the tragedy of 9/11. And just like the Moon Landings, if it's never been seen before and doesn't happen again within a short period of time, people stop believing it even happened the way it did.

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 08:13 PM
I have never posted in a 9/11 thread before because I can't believe a government would knowingly kill over 3,000 people. I watched the video and to be honest all I could hear was the sound of floors collapsing down onto each other.

This is what I don't understand. If, the Towers were brought down with explosives and the planes became the excuse, then the planning and execution had to be perfect. And here's the thing. If they could pull that off, then why on earth did they make such a mess in Iraq? Those directly involved in the Iraq war are now saying they made huge mistakes, so are we supposed to believe that they didn't see a civil war in Iraq coming, yet were able to pull off the largest terrorist attack in modern day history?

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 08:21 PM

Originally posted by _BoneZ_

Originally posted by Alfie1
The video in its introduction says the sound has been amplified, and its still basically a growing rumble as you would expect

You can hear the detonations at the beginning of the rumble. That's why I looped the detonations so that they may be more clearly heard. If you can't hear them, you either don't want to hear them, or didn't watch the video in it's entirety.

Well I can honestly say I am not hearing any explosions over the sound of the rumbling as the building is coming down, and I want to hear them and I have watched the video times now. That is not to say the explosions are not there, I just have not heard them yet. I am at work, so what I did do was put on some headphones and turned everything up. That being said, the volume on this laptop really does kind of suck and I work in a place that is pretty loud. So I will listen again once I get home. However, it is pretty unfair to lump anyone who is missing it into the category of "dont want to hear it" or "didnt watch the whole video"

And I am not a believer of the "Official Story" which in my opinion is correctly named since anyone who has done any real research into this topic can easily see that a "Story" is exactly what it is. Not much different than "The Cat in the Hat"

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 11:04 PM
So a 110 story building falls down and make a tremendous noise ?

To most people any loud sudden noise is classified as an "explosion"
even if explosives had nothing to do with it

Here is interview with FDNY Capt Jay Jonas who was in the North Tower
stairway as building came down around him

Now, people have tried to get me to describe what it was like while the collapse was happening. It was a montage of different sounds and experiences. The sounds were a combination of sounds. This building collapsed in what’s called a pancake fashion. In other words, one floor would hit another floor and would collapse that floor and then collapse the next floor. And every time a floor would hit another floor, it created a loud boom and tremendous vibration.

The entire collapse of this 110-story building took 13 seconds. So it sounded like boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, you know, like that. And every time that happened, it shook the entire building. It shook the whole floor. So every time a floor would hit another floor, we’d be literally bouncing off the floor. We were being thrown around the stairway.

There was also this very loud sound of twisting steel all around our heads. These massive steel beams and girders were just being twisted around our heads just like they were twist ties on a loaf of bread. And a very loud, like a steel screeching sound, almost like a lot of trains coming into a subway station at the same time and all of them hitting their brakes at the same time.

Operative phrase "loud boom" everything a floor crashed into another

I heard Capt Jonas at a seminar and later talked to him about his xperiences did not say anything about explosions or explosives....

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 12:22 AM
Let me see if I've got this straight . Help me out here .

The 'truth movement' says that NIST did a slapshod investigation and can't be referrenced as a credible source of facts , when a 'debunker' quotes them .

But then , truthers turn around and use NIST when it suits their fancy , such as when someone suggests the pancake theory , the truthers jump on the soapbox and shout that NIST ruled out the pancake theory .

Overall the truthers are in general agreement that NIST is part and parcel of the OS , and therefore part of the coverup .

And now , we have a truther posting a video that was released by NIST , which he claims provides evidence of explosions/controlled demolition .

So , here is my question ... If NIST is not a reliable source for facts , why do truthers quote NIST when it is to their liking ?

Furthermore , if NIST is part of the OS , and complicit in some sort of coverup , why the hell would they release a video that would show evidence of a controlled demolition ?

Why not just destroy the damn video instead of releasing it ? Who would be the wiser ?

I mean after all , the government destroys two towers , then they CD another just to destroy some records , then they shoot down an airplane so that the passengers can't tell everyone what was really going on and on top of all of this , they fire a missile into the most secure building on the planet in order to destroy a paper trail .

They kill 3000 innocent people just to make all of this happen . They kill numerous eyewitnesses to silence them . They lied about all of this and then they started a war and killed another million people .

They planted airplane parts at the Pentagon , they planted a terrorist's passport at WTC , they planted airplane parts at Shanksville , they planted passenger's remains at WTC (still can't figure out how they did that , after taking all the passengers to Cleveland and switching airplanes and then killing all of them at an unknown location) , they flew remote-guided planes into the buildings .

All of the news reporters were in on this , as well as all the networks , and everyone at NIST are lying .

And George W. Bush was holding the book upside down (not) because he was in on it and him and slick willy are tighter than peanut butter and jelly .

Gotta admit , that's a smart bunch of villains . They covered all their tracks .

And now they release a video that proves they brought down the towers with CD .

What a bunch of dumbasses .

Come on bonez , really ?

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 01:31 AM
"The entire collapse of this 110-story building took 13 seconds. So it sounded like boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, you know, like that."

There is my problem with the OS. 110 stories in 13 seconds. That would be 8 or 9 floors "pancaking" every second. With little to no resistance. And the "booms" would sound like a machine gun. I saw 2 110 story steel frame buildings collapse from fire with zero resistance and fall at close to free fall speed.

Not only did this unheard of occurrence happen once, it happened THREE times in one day. Physics and probability pretty much scoff at such things.

I would really like to know, if the pancake theory is to be believed, how there was enough resistance to create loud, building shaking booms, but not enough resistance to slow the descent of a 110 story steel frame building?

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 02:06 AM
and yet does anybody care?
I think we have all chosen side's already

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 02:12 AM
I dont even need audio.....

If the buildings fell due to structural damage, they would obviously fall vertically downwards....

Yet we see the WTC's exploding....not falling, but actually ejecting horizontally....from the top down.

Gravity works downwards....

The WTC's 1 and 2 explode horizontally outwards...

This could ONLY have been caused by explosives....nothing else.

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 02:16 AM

Originally posted by GummB
and yet does anybody care?
I think we have all chosen side's already

Excellent debatable point you make. I see why you come here now.

People who live in a large building city such as New York know what echoing sounds are like in a city. Truck doors, construction and a host of other sounds are common.

When you have multiple witnesses from such an normally high echo town describing a "boom sequence" and comparing it to controlled demolition by cadence, sound and replication -- well, it SHOULD be compelling.


posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 02:19 AM

Originally posted by benoni

Yet we see the WTC's exploding....not falling, but actually ejecting horizontally....from the top down.--
This could ONLY have been caused by explosives....nothing else.

Quick question for your "ultimate answer" .. where does all of the air from inside the building go while the building is collapsing?..


posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 02:20 AM

Originally posted by LarryLove
I have never posted in a 9/11 thread before because I can't believe a government would knowingly kill over 3,000 people. I watched the video and to be honest all I could hear was the sound of floors collapsing down onto each other.

This is what I don't understand. If, the Towers were brought down with explosives and the planes became the excuse, then the planning and execution had to be perfect. And here's the thing. If they could pull that off, then why on earth did they make such a mess in Iraq? Those directly involved in the Iraq war are now saying they made huge mistakes, so are we supposed to believe that they didn't see a civil war in Iraq coming, yet were able to pull off the largest terrorist attack in modern day history?

well ... the war is not suppose to help the US, is suppose to help some organizations that are profiting from it

and the 911 attacks were not planned by the US Government, but POSSIBLY by some people inside or not with a lot of influence to profit from it

my personal belief: 911 was not create by some nobodies as mainstream reports

who did? no one knows ... but, they didnt do it to spread peace ... war doesnt provide peace to anyone

[edit on 5/9/10 by Faiol]

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 03:07 AM
Everyone knows that the government knows more than what they choose to tell the common folk. Truth is the government or powers that be simply choose to keep the general public in the dark about everything. That is how it is and will stay, there could be video of a bomb going off on the bottom floors and would simply reply it is a video malfunction. They can do this because there is nothing the public can do about it, all the power is in the government and the government does not play fair; win at all cost is the moto. Aliens, history, technology, religion, and all the above anything the USA has an interest in is there's, and they will never give up information to anyone. So I ask does any of this really matter? We all know what happened on 9/11 is not what the government claimed to have happened. Yet, with all of there resources, media, cia, police, politicians, on and on they are able to openly lie about anything they choose. Too bad we can't do anything about it. You saw a bomb blow-up the Trade Center good for you we say this happened and that is how it will always be.
Now, if you want to actually get something done, it seems the only way to get information from the government that is actual truth is revolution. How does revolution happen? Can it even happen in a country so protected and fortified? My guest no, so believe me when i say it does not matter, don't try and waste time to find answers that can't and won't be allowed to be proven. Just enjoy your life and never even listen to anything the media, police, cia, fbi, military, or any resource of the government. They are only out to protect themselves. If the government found out that a mass catastrophe was gonna happen the only ones in the know would know there would be no emergency notification. I know this because it has already happened. So again i ask DOES IT EVEN MATTER??

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 03:22 AM

Originally posted by LarryLove
I have never posted in a 9/11 thread before because I can't believe a government would knowingly kill over 3,000 people. I watched the video and to be honest all I could hear was the sound of floors collapsing down onto each other.

This is what I don't understand. If, the Towers were brought down with explosives and the planes became the excuse, then the planning and execution had to be perfect. And here's the thing. If they could pull that off, then why on earth did they make such a mess in Iraq? Those directly involved in the Iraq war are now saying they made huge mistakes, so are we supposed to believe that they didn't see a civil war in Iraq coming, yet were able to pull off the largest terrorist attack in modern day history?

Did you stop and think for a moment that 911 could have been planned for years?

Did you stop and think for a moment that 911 was contracted to the israeli intelligence agency called Mossad, whose motto is "by deception make war"?

Here, let me google it for you......

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 03:32 AM

Originally posted by conar
Did you stop and think for a moment that 911 was contracted to the israeli

Is that the best the truthers can come up with now, the old "blame the Jews" for everything.... anti semitism is everywhere!

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 03:39 AM
I think you will find this interesting.

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 04:49 AM
reply to post by _BoneZ_

I listened. I listened again. And again. And again. I do not hear detonations. I hear a building caving and falling. If there were explosion sounds however I would not be suprised in the least, considering how much fuel emptied out into the building, already lit from the fire of the plane crashing.

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