reply to post by -PLB-
I will try ....the top section should not have even collapsed at all in the fashion it did....the inner core would have still been intact...and in
this answer i will also point out a couple of things to Nef.
the progressive collapse in order to happen require mass...the mass is what creates the plasticity and buckling as the mass accelerates due to total
failure of the floor or floors below.
now an indication of collapse is due to the expulsion of the smoke in a horizontal fashion outwards.
now realising this series of photos indicates less than a second in time you see right at the top floor and aproximately 10 floors below that this
expulsion of smoke occurs.
therefore one can see that the very floor and 10 floors below collapse. NOW the inner core gos to the top of the structue...there is not enough mass
to cause failure in the core structure.
Nef you gave a youtube video..appreciate that ..but that is not the tower in question in the photos.
also just as a side note...i watched the history channel last night with just various footage and sound of loads of different footage but what was
interesting was how selective of the videos they were...but one thing that was there was a call to a fireman on 78th one of the so called
progressive collapse theories was that quantities of jet fuel pour down the shaft and caused the collapse.
Well the fireman said there was pockets of fire and that he was right next to the elevator shaft...that raises flags to me.
also it is very strange that finally the firemen are about to get to the area of the 82 floor of where these fires were soooo intense they were
melting steel.
Another thing i noticed was many cars that were blackened but not crushed near ground zero...i find that strange also as the fire were pretty much
smothered in the oxgen starved debris field.
you could see as the firemen were right next to the collapsed structure...the footage entailed 102mins of realtime. just an observation the vehicles
looked like they were remanants of a bomb blast.
Also another thing i watched in the film was all the debris sitting ontop of building 6...the bulding took the hit with not great damaged and DID NOT
Also they still in the report say the fires caused the failure which led to progressive collapse....YET why did the second tower hit fall first.
I could come up with all kinds of theories but that has not at all what i have been doing...i open the possibilities and hopefully the intelligence of
people will do the maths.
personally i feel it is not a progressive collapse
i feel there is a definite money trail to follow
i feel it is a false flag operation (not necessarily an american induced one...but definately a Isreal based one.)
but structurally speaking...DEFINATELY not a progressive collapse in one building let alone three.
edit on 033030p://f17Saturday by plube because: grammarical corrections