You may have to sit down for this one!
Bush to screen population for mental illness
Sweeping initiative links diagnoses to treatment with specific drugs
Posted: June 21, 2004
5:00 p.m. Eastern
� 2004
President Bush plans to unveil next month a sweeping mental health initiative that recommends screening for every citizen and promotes the use of
expensive antidepressants and antipsychotic drugs favored by supporters of the administration. (snip)
Well shades of Nazi Germany knock me down! Does Bush Light want to start a revolution? The Imperial Federal Government under various alleged President
wanna-bees have done some outrageous things in the past but this is way too far.
There is a side issue which has already been decided under the Klinton Adminsitration by Jannett �the Butcher� Reno and that is to Federally define
who is mentally ill. Christians and gun owners top the list. Add to that list children with a high IQ and/or lots of energy, and/or who wiggle too
much in the classroom already receive Psychosomatic Drugs like Ritalin. Of course anyone who would disagree with the government has to be mentally
Who could these �supporters of the administration be�? �Naw�, you couldn�t mean the Pharmaceutical companies could you? �Yeppers� , the
Pharmaceutical companies!
The drug companies have given millions if not billions to get their drugs into public use. The best and possibly most dangerous of these drugs is
Ritalin, chemically almost identical to coc aine and the other similar mind bending drugs. Though medically there is no such thing as ADD
(attention deficit disorder) Ritalin is regularly given to children and pushed by the leftist NEA teachers union. By the way parents, for your
knowledge, if your child has ever taken any of these type drugs, you can forget getting in the military, they will not take anyone who has ever been
on Psychosomatic Drugs.
Do you want to be forced to take something, which could easily damage you forever just because some drug company helps politicians who in turn pass a
law to help the drug companies sell their product, by forcing it on people? At taxpayer expense of course!
I ask, where is your freedom and liberty? Where are your rights? This goes completely against at least three or four areas in the Bill of Rights.
As usual, the American public aka �We the Sheeple� will go on about their business doing their thing while our once great country continues declining
from a Republican form of government of laws into a Commie/nazi Hybrid Government with the worst of both. Oh, before I forget, you can add some kind
of identifying medium like the Verichip to the recipe too, after all, we will need to know where all these loonies are. Oh, and everyone will be