posted on Sep, 3 2010 @ 05:54 PM
Hello distinguished members of ATS.
Today whilst riding my bike back from the corner shop i looked up to notice these strange looking clouds i have never seen before. I took some
pictures when i got home but the pictures do not really do justice to the strangeness but i posted them anyway. Firstly these clouds where in a long
curving line and the sky was clear except for these clouds right across the middle of the sky stretching for miles. the white banding on either edge
looked like contrails from some unimaginably giant plane(obviously they were not but thats what they looked like). Then underneath these clouds were
fast moving black clouds moving in the same direction as the rest of the clouds were moving. At first i took them to be smoke from some sort of fire.
But there just seemed to be too much of it to be smoke and i know there were no fires around my area at the time and certainly nothing large enough to
produce the amount of 'black cloudage' i was seeing. It was strange because its been such a clear day and this cloud formation did just look like a
trail left behind but i know it wasnt it just looked that way.
Anyway the point of this thread was just to get some expert opinion on how these types of clouds form and if there is a name for them as i am
interested because i have never seen them before
here are the pictures
Any input would be appreciated and as i have said the camera doesnt really do justice to how it looked in real life and the curvature and scale of the
Thanks for reading
PS: Mods i didnt know where to put this so i stuck it in fragile earth please move if necessary.