posted on Apr, 6 2003 @ 01:45 AM
They are Fake!!! Reasons
1.) Look at the Light That Camera or whatever is Giving Off, you Think the Aliens would Kinda stand there Knowing they are being Watched.
2.) Aliens from what I know have the power to Paralyze People and Take control of Human Bodies, why didn't they do this here and steal The
3.)Why would The Person, have The Camera at Exactly The Right time, too Good of an Accident, Even if He say Some Aliens in His Yard, I'd Think Hed Be
shocked and He wouldn't Be able to Look away, why risk getting Your Camera, the Aliens Might Leave, and You blew your once in a lifetime chance to
see something Incredible.
4.) This Photographer is extremely Brave, He straight Up walks 10 feet away from The Aliens Giving off Extreme Lights, and Just Kinds says "whats Up
Guys, Hey Yep I'm Here ABDUCT ME PLEASEE, Common."
I mean seriously I'd Be Scared To DEATH, I wouldn't Leave The Window, even if I had The Camera, I wouldn't mess around with something I don't
If This is His BackYard WHER IS THE UFO, or did these Guys Just HIKE to His backYard from their Secret UFO Station and Maybe even stopped By McDonalds
On their way There.
Common, of course its too good to be true, This Kinda situtation Just Doesn't Happend.