posted on Sep, 3 2010 @ 01:48 PM
THis is a question directed to the born again type of christian. Atheists please don't derail this thread.
Say that Jesus is Lord, etc, but the Jehovah's witnesses, or the seventh day adventists are correct, and you are wrong. If you kill someone, even in
battle, you will be annihilated at the last judgement. (Jehovah's witnesses) and if you didn't keep the sabbath holy, you are a heap of
trouble. (seventh day adventists)
Why are you people so certain that you have it right, and everybody else has it wrong? The Witnesses can point to the scripture about someone smiting
you on the right cheek, turn and offer him the left also, and the Adventists can point to the 10 commandments about Sabbath keeping. They might just
be right. Do you think God is going to say, "OH, that's alright then", when you say that Pastor Bob said it was ok to go kill a commie for mommie
or play softball on saturday afternoon? If you say that "God knows that we thought we were doing his will", well that goes for the Witnesses and the
mormons too, but you don't call them real christians. God gonna give them a pass also?