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Did a Bigfoot kill this skunk?

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posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 07:15 AM
reply to post by VreemdeVlieendeVoorwep

No derail at all my friend. I posted this for any related thoughts and or information. My threads will be for discussion for the most part, or I will call the Mod.

From your 1st comment, I just thought you didn't read the post.

I was happy to see your last post as I have seen a male 10 feet away, eye to eye for five seconds. I have only told 5 close friends about it, and that was 15 years after my sighting.

I feel like I should draw a picture of it, so all of these costumes can be identified instantly. (but what if the costumes begin to mirror my drawing?)

The account of your sighting could have been disastrous. Your Grandma seemed to know the correct protocol. Male and a female with a baby!

1. Did she ever express any more information about, and or why she handled it the way she did?

2. How far away were they from you?
3. Were they able to just step over the fence? (I am guessing it was five foot)
4. Were you aware of any other sightings in the area?

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 07:17 PM

Originally posted by VreemdeVlieendeVoorwep
reply to post by nine-eyed-eel

I will try my best.

It is about 100 km west of a little town called Ladismith (not Ladysmith), this is in the western cape province. The area is refferred to as the Little Karoo.
It is basically semi desert and very arid and rocky.

I can still find the place if i had to drive to that area again, but since there is no big or important objects or towns close by, its hard to give a reference point.

There does not seem to be a lot of information on an African unknown hominid but I did manage to find this :

CHEMOSIT ls also known as Chimiset, Chimisit (these, like Chemosit, mean 'devil' in the region's folklore) and Nandi Bear (after a Kenyan tribe), it is considered by some to be Africa's Bigfoot, although its description varies from those of sasquatch-like creatures.
Reports of the creature are numerous in the dark continent, specially in east-central Kenya.
It is described as being as large as a man, long reddish to yellow hair, short broad tail, sometimes going on four legs, sometimes on two, and a general appearance of a huge, very fierce baboon.
It is said to be as comfortable on the tree tops as it is on the ground, and to attack humans on sight, allegedly being responsible for several killings of men and live stock.
According to some tales, it is specially fond of brains. Other names by which the creature is known, depending on the part of Africa, are Duba (the Swahili and villages along the Tana river), Kerit, Shivuverre (Kakumega country, Kenya), Kikomba (West Africa), Koddoelo (Ngao state, Kenya), Sabrookoo (Kenya/Uganda frontier), Engargiya (Uganda), Gadett (Lumbwa district, Kenya), Ngoloko (Tanzania), Kikambangwe and Ikimizi (Ruanda).


This from wiki :

A species of Paranthropus, such as Paranthropus robustus, with its crested skull and bipedal gait, was suggested by primatologist John Napier and anthropologist Gordon Strasenburg as a possible candidate for Bigfoot's identity,[63] despite the fact that fossils of Paranthropus are found only in Africa.

Wiki entry

And this report :

“As we got to the bottom of the slope, something huge ran past us into the bush,” Kris vividly recalls. “My boyfriend is six-foot-four and this thing was taller than he. We glimpsed its silhouette as it crashed through the bush. It was definitely furry. We proceeded into the bush, not being too afraid as it was still light. We went further and found there to be a stream running through the valley. Right near the stream we found and oddly shaped root formation. It was shaped like an igloo, but hollow inside and big enough for two people to sleep in easily. It had leaves all over the bottom, as if it were a nest.”


posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 08:03 PM
I'm posting this from a position of being completely ignorant of the whole Bigfoot subject but I just had a few thoughts.

Skunks scent glands only carry enough "juice" to spray 4 or 5 times and it then takes a few weeks to charge up again, so no smell could just indicate that this skunk had already used up it scent in an earlier altercation.

I also remember watching this video on youtube before, I know bears don't generally eat skunks but it's just to illustrate that you don't need human like hands to rip a whole in something or roll a pipe around

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 07:30 AM
reply to post by shamus78

True, the sun weakens the plastic drastically. The blood was only on the inside of the pipe, and it appeared to be a lot of it. The guy also stated he found hairs that didn't appear to be from a skunk (curly)

I am waiting for the results on this one, it's a curious case!

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 08:44 PM
reply to post by VreemdeVlieendeVoorwep

After some more searches it seems skunks do not need to have the tail up in order to spray. The investigator said there was no smell. I am still waiting on the test results, from at least the blood samples!

There are a few myths that say skunks cannot spray if their tail is down, or if you hold it in the air by the tail. Both myths are wrong. Although you should not handle wild animals, if you were to attempt any of the myths, you would endure an odiferous wrath!

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 12:23 AM
Definatly agree with other posters about pipe aging in the sun. I have had pipe like that bend in half and brake before trying to move long sections of it, the sun is hard on stuff , especially exposed plastic. good story though.

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