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Moses might have been a psychopathic murderer

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posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 01:27 PM
The people they ousted were spiritual deviants. They encouraged every moral hazard - cult prositution, homosexuality, sacrifice etc.

what they don't understand is, isthat if God allowed those evil tribes which were graceless to live on andcontinue, our civilizations today wouldn't exist.

Not only would theworld of ended centuries ago, but christianity and Gods sacrafice would have never flourished.


posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 03:38 PM
reply to post by mjd59

thank you for taking the time to reply. (My double yawn was in response to your single yawn in your message... ). I hope you have a wonderful day and I am glad that you are happy believing in the God of the Jews and all is well with you

I guess as I am not a Jew then the God or G_d of the Jews is not my God.

As I have no intention of becoming a Jew then I feel I can safely stand in my position and have my opinion, that their God is slightly ruthless and tyrannical.

As I am not a Catholic then the God of the Catholics does not have to be my God.

As I am not a Hindu then the God or gods of the Hindus does not have to be my God

As I am not a Muslim then the God of the Muslims does not have to be my God

As I am me then my God of my understanding is my God

As I am me then

posted on Nov, 25 2010 @ 04:37 AM
reply to post by flashesofblue

moses did kill,despite thou shall not kill. whats going to be said about that on judgement day?

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