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Moses might have been a psychopathic murderer

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posted on Sep, 2 2010 @ 06:27 AM
Under the guidance of Moses 'imaginary friend' or devilish Lord God, or good Lord God depending on your interpretation, I feel Moses was a psychopathic murder. Consider Numbers 31: 16-18, the land of the Midianites thousands of male children and thousands of unarmed women were ruthlessly murdered, the virgin girls kept as 'slaves' for the men. Mind you the plunder was significant, no wonder the Israelites got to be so rich, eg 675,000 sheep 72,000 cattle etc. You shall not murder, Exodus 20:13....however, Exodus 32:26-29, shows that the 3000 odd men, (thats not counting women or children) who choose to not follow Moses, and his "kill as many people as you can" Lord god, those who wanted to go their own way (maybe they were just hippy vegetarian tree huggers) they were murdered by their own people the Levi, the very same tribe chosen to be priests, esp over the blood offerings...the Levities, that makes sense. On ya Moses. Try Deuteronomy 3:6-7,...60 cities...utterly destroying the men, women and children of every survivors...hang on they kept the booty.

Many Christian military personal love to quote the scripture to justify what they are up to in the name of their god...not my god. Moses' Lord God. Moses was a psychopath and in this day and age would be recommended for medication after discussing his imaginary friend let alone allowed to murder 100's of thousands of people including children before justice would prevail. No way, yet many love the old testament why? I do not know. Some say Moses is a saint. A saint for the dark side maybe...I'm not sure. I would certainly run a mile if I met a man who carried on like Moses.... thats if he did not kill me first

[edit on 2-9-2010 by flashesofblue]

posted on Sep, 2 2010 @ 06:45 AM
You might be interested in these articles. Share em' if you got em'.

Tell me what you think of these links?

posted on Sep, 2 2010 @ 07:16 AM
reply to post by Romantic_Rebel

that is frightening for me to read those passages and to remember that Hitler used it against so many people

I guess the old testament is brutal and should for me just be avoided completely. I might just stick to the new testament and feel the love and message of peace that is on offer. The simple message of Love, finding Jesus in my heart the temple of God, feeling the warmth of my friend and my Saviour, and understanding the Jesus prayed to his God, who created us equal in the image of God we were made male and female.

You have helped me see the non sense of the Old Testament Romantic_Rebel. If Hitler and all the other fanatics have used this book as a weapon for war, then I will not continue in this topic. I like Geneis 1 and then might just throw out Genesis 2 and beyond and open up again at the New Testament

posted on Sep, 2 2010 @ 02:38 PM
let's get into this for a minute. And btw Hitler did NOT use those passages against the Jews. Hitler was a hypocrite and left the christian religion.

The 'FACT' is is that God told US to love and pray for the Jews.

that's a damn fact.

as a matter of fact 1,000 of saints gave their lives in defense of certain jews throughout history, or defended them and offered their own sacrafice for them and their conversion/

so who's right. Hitler or the saints, obviously one of them is misinterpreting the bible.

again, anything can be interpeted wrongly to peoples own destruction, the bible, the constitution, atheistic communist policies.

anything. so that argument goes nowhere.

Let me ast you something OP are you an atheist and do you agree with abortion.

answer and then I'll answer back.


[edit on 2-9-2010 by JesusisTruth]

[edit on 2-9-2010 by JesusisTruth]

posted on Sep, 2 2010 @ 03:15 PM
Unless we are going off the topic exuse me very appearing rude but what has an atheist and an opinion on abortion got to do with my topic?

I will answer those questions if you place them in a new topic. This current topic is about the mass murderer called Moses and his own belief system in a Lord God that he saw and heard that continued to request the murdering of hundreds of thousands of women and innocent children...NOT the commandment given by Jesus Christ in the Please do not murder law and follow the God of Jesus.....

Maybe thats why Jesus came to put a son against his father and mother so as to enlighten people of the fact that Moses was following a god that was requesting mass murder and Jesus wanted us to follow the God of peace and do not kill people but turn the other cheek.

I will never follow Moses' Lord God. It is well written that no-one has seen God, however the Lord God of Moses and a few other insane prophets who killed in the Lord Gods name spoke in person to him, wrestled with him and stood with him eg; before the destruction of Sodom the Lord God appeared. In my opinion those prophets were dark, insane murders justifying their blood thirst in the name of a dark lord, not my God of peace and love, not my God "The Creator and Defender of the Universe"

[edit on 2-9-2010 by flashesofblue]

posted on Sep, 2 2010 @ 04:08 PM
Ok I see you believe in A God by your signature. good.

The reason I said abortion is because alot of abortionists I have met use those same passages to make their rebellion more legit in their own minds and accuse God and yet don't give a rats a'' about 1,000s of innocent babies being killed every year, let alone for dumb reasons.

Ok Moses God is Jesus. Jesus was the one at the begging of creation saying ' let us make man in our image '

Christ was there with God during that.

Christ himself clamied Moses talked of him


' Don't think that I will stand before the Father and say that you are wrong. Moses is the person that says that you are wrong. And Moses is the one that you hoped would save you. If you really believed Moses, you would believe me. Why? Because Moses wrote about me. But you don't believe what Moses wrote. So you cannot believe the things I say."

you can believe this or not, but it's on you.

' you shall not kill '

So either God is absolutely a hypocrite and dumb enough to say that and then kill, OR, God sees in advance and knew how each of those souls wouldgrow up and decided since he was creating a new kingdom on earth, to take them to heaven early while many of them were still innocent.

The typical human mind doesn't read hearts like God does. If you're saying your God is Jesus. Jesus was moses God. And christ himself approved him.

[Numbers 31: 16-18, the land of the Midianites thousands of male children and thousands of unarmed women were ruthlessly murdered]

Nowhere does it say they were ruthlessly murdered.

in this case, woman and children were not typically killed in war, and this was a war. In dueteronomy we see woman and children are spared.

Dueteronomy 20'14

' Slay all therin of the male sex, excepting the woman and children, and cattle, and other things '

so abviously that instant was different. In the case of numbers, the reason the children were slain, because of the wickedness of the people, who by balaams council had ent their woman in their tribe on purpose to draw them from God.

Don't forget what grace is. Those tribes were Godless graceless, so don't assume everybody were saintly. In this instance God allowed the young souls to be taken out and possibly sent to heaven early.


[edit on 2-9-2010 by JesusisTruth]

posted on Sep, 2 2010 @ 04:14 PM
and to be honest. I myself can't even kill bugs anymore.

so I understand how ruthless those passages sound. Just don't rebel until you know the true story and why God oes what he does.

peace op.

[edit on 2-9-2010 by JesusisTruth]

posted on Sep, 2 2010 @ 07:07 PM
reply to post by JesusisTruth

I thought Adolf Hitler was a Christian till death?

posted on Sep, 2 2010 @ 10:12 PM
dude where are you getting this BS. Sorry my question mark button doesn' work.

seriosuly, that website is bullcrap. You can sort of tell by their headline ' the bible of theist sucks '

combined with the broken cross on thei page.

Bias little you know whats. No, here's a real link. Anybody like that can lie all day long. You really need to watch the links you read. remember what God said.

by their fruits you will know them.

that website is hate itself.

read that.

posted on Sep, 2 2010 @ 10:16 PM
Let me rephrase this again.

Christ said, this is a fact. Father forgive them for they no not what they do.

He told us to love our enemies.

Pray for them.

If I take a crap and call it a christian is it a christian. no.

neither was that lunitic hitler who is now in eternal lockdown.

peace romantic rebel.

posted on Sep, 2 2010 @ 10:19 PM
reply to post by JesusisTruth

You already know I don't believe in Jesus so let's not go there. Adolf Hitler is a different story. Who knows what religion he was apart of? Remember to always look for the original ones.

posted on Sep, 2 2010 @ 10:24 PM
Yea you might not believe but by their fruits is a general common sense statement.

That website is hate. They can make their point without the little broken cross and their little catch phrases.

forget that. That tells me alot.

read the link, that gives some insight on what hitler believed.


posted on Sep, 2 2010 @ 10:26 PM
reply to post by JesusisTruth

What kind of Christian are you? Also are you a woman?
I hope I'm not offending you.

posted on Sep, 2 2010 @ 10:32 PM
ha no, I'm actually offedning myself by re reading my writing style. my temper.

you're very polite, it's just some of those websites are from lies and hatred.

you got to remember about the holocost, their were tons of christians and non jews put to death as well. Hitler was just evil, he had a specific possesion inside him.

peace, and btw I am a catholic man.


posted on Sep, 3 2010 @ 10:13 AM
reply to post by flashesofblue

I graduated high school when i was seventeen and enlisted in the U.S.M.C with my parents consent. I was discharged two years ago having spent eight years in the Marines. You are probably wondering why i am telling you this the reason is because unless you go to war you can never understand what Moses had to go through on a daily basis. Imagine having to be solely responsible for the lives of millions of people. I didnt like going to war it is in my nature to be peaceful and loving i did not like the things that went on over there but i learned many many valuable and important lessons that i will never forget. What gives you the right to criticise and ridicule Moses for the choices he made as leader of a nation. Dont you dare ridicule Moses's dreams because his dreams are my dreams you have not only insulted me but every other man who chose to go to war to defend his home and people Moses was only reclaiming stolen property by conquering the promise land it belonged to him and his people. I chose to enlist in the Marines because i wanted to protect something precious to me my family my friends everybody i love i only wanted to protect them and keep them safe. The other reason i joined the Marines was to protect a dream. The dream that is this nation. Our founding fathers had a dream and they founded this country on that dream the dream of Liberty and Freedom. They shed their blood sweat and tears to make their dream a reality and they passed their hopes and dreams onto us to preserve and protect. Isnt that the exact same thing as what Moses was doing he was protecting his people and the dream that was the promise land. Often times there are horrible things done in war but they are often done with the premise of protecting something precious like a dream or people. When the Israelites killed off all of those people they did so to protect themselves and their dream. Wouldnt you do the same thing to protect something precious to you? Unless you go off to war you can never understand what Moses went through only when you have to kill someone to protect yourself and your comrades will you truly understand Moses and what he went through to protect his dream. Now then the Ten Commandments say ''do not murder'' the definition of murder is to kill another human being without reason or remorse and with malice aforethought. Now then if you read through Exodus Numbers and Deutaronomy then you will discover that the majority of the people that the Israelites killed off were not human they were the nephilim half angel half human hybrids. Thats not murder. The nephilim were tresspassing and they paid for it. The nephilim were an abomination to God that is why he sent the flood. I will have to continue the rest of my post later because your stupid post is making me angry and i cannot concentrate.

[edit on 3-9-2010 by I Want To Believe]

posted on Sep, 3 2010 @ 03:18 PM

Originally posted by flashesofblue

Many Christian military personal love to quote the scripture to justify what they are up to in the name of their god...not my god. Moses' Lord God. Moses was a psychopath and in this day and age would be recommended for medication after discussing his imaginary friend let alone allowed to murder 100's of thousands of people including children before justice would prevail. No way, yet many love the old testament why? I do not know. Some say Moses is a saint. A saint for the dark side maybe...I'm not sure. I would certainly run a mile if I met a man who carried on like Moses.... thats if he did not kill me first

[edit on 2-9-2010 by flashesofblue]


1st) The Torah is mystical, and thus should be understood first in that context

2nd) Those people engaged in evil behavior and practices, and maintained a spiritual metaphysics that was very dark and nefarious; Read Jungs essay "wotan" to get an idea into the worship of the ancient germanic peoples. The amalekites, etc worshipped molech (a god archetypally akim to molech), which, in Hebrew, has the connotation of 'king' and also 'whats [wrong with] you'. It sees creation as inherently evil, that evil is the creative force; you might have heard the concept of 'ordo ab chao'; thus Molech, the creative evil, is the first cause, and therefore to these people = melek " king ". This is still a prevailing belief in many schools of esoteric philosophy.

3rd) G-d himself ordered what happened. And it was also quite justified given what ive just explained. The Talmud explains they were given an ultimatum: to follow the 7 laws of noach, or, face the consquences. Clearly, they prepared themselves for war and than lost. Killing the children was also necessary. Having grown up in this ideology, these children were archetypally connected to their ancestoral consciousness, which, was rooted in the worship of this nihilistic god (collective ancestoral unconscious). To have let them live would have led to an inevitable future revolt. Theyre souls/hearts were inclined to this attitude; it was a necessary plug to which their conscious minds were permanently plugged into. Imagien this scenario; Go up to a neo nazi or satanist and try to persuade them of the truth of Torah or, your brand of morality and ethics. Being nihilisitcly driven, a firmly of the belief that good and evil dont exist, and in fact, reality is inherently 'born' from a state of chaos/evil, they'll fight to the death in this belief. Their 'god' unconscious reality, has them firmly in their grasp; they are the literal physical manifestation of the god/archetype they wroship. Welcome to the world of occult thought
------ Thus, despite them being ordered to kill 'children',one should also keep in mind that were a) also reincarnations from previous generations, and b) the physical manifestation of a spiritual principle.. The only ones fits to be redeemed were the females, which again for mystical/psychospiritual reasons possess a 'spark of holiness' as the kabbalah explains. The feminine aspect in creation is the passive, recieving part, whereas the masculine is the active generating part. The 'active', male, aspect of the 7 course nations that were routed needed to be destroyed, whereas the passive feminine aspect, which HADNT recieved (ie; virgins) or been contaminated by the seed (the active consciousness) of the 7 caananite nations; thus, they were fit to be redeemed and integrated within the israelite people. This reflects the kabbalistic concept of separating the chaff from the wheat. The negative evil aspects from the good. They were the good within these people that had been undefiled by their ancestoral worship of idolatrous powers.

This happened on a physical plane, but it also needs to be understood in a mystical psychospiritual manner. Thats what the Torah, and really all ancient mythologies speak of.

[edit on 3-9-2010 by mjd59]

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 05:25 AM
reply to post by I Want To Believe

I'm sorry you felt so mad about my post. If I respond to your post I might influence your emotions to feel anger again and as this is not my intention I wish you all the best and hope you have a good day.

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 05:41 AM
reply to post by mjd59

your post is an excellent reply. That logic of war that you wrote about with the separating of the chaff from the wheat is still used today. The Chinese are doing their insidious part in this separation of the chaff from the wheat in Tibet..."I hope so much for the "Free Tibet" politics to rule however money seems to be the ruler for the innocent people of Tibet, God bless them.

That concept was also used by the Cambodian Communist movement of Pol Pot to separate the chaff from the wheat and murder around 2million people, using that angle whether it be religious or political the principle remains the same...... murder, insanity rulership domination and the execution of peoples right to believe in what they want to believe in, and to be who they want to be.

who is right? Who's justication is better? Who's God is more of a God than the other persons God. Are we all supposed to eat the same food as well, do you want to be a vegetarian, go to the same church as everyone, wear cloths that are 'correct', maybe we should not show so much leg...or arm...lets cover our hands...yes that might be a sin to show the fingers because of the God of someone who said to them that it was a sin to show fingers..... Am I taking it too far? Am I exaggerating?

"...despite them being ordered to kill 'children',one should also keep in mind that were a) also reincarnations from previous generations, and b) the physical manifestation of a spiritual principle.. The only ones fits to be redeemed were the females...."

Okay so I am now to consider that the reincarnation of a previous generation...born as a male child of lets say one year of age is to be murdered...

Yawn mmmmm Yawn again

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 12:05 PM

Originally posted by flashesofblue
reply to post by mjd59

That concept was also used by the Cambodian Communist movement of Pol Pot to separate the chaff from the wheat and murder around 2million people, using that angle whether it be religious or political the principle remains the same...... murder, insanity rulership domination and the execution of peoples right to believe in what they want to believe in, and to be who they want to be.

who is right? Who's justication is better? Who's God is more of a God than the other persons God. Are we all supposed to eat the same food as well, do you want to be a vegetarian, go to the same church as everyone, wear cloths that are 'correct', maybe we should not show so much leg...or arm...lets cover our hands...yes that might be a sin to show the fingers because of the God of someone who said to them that it was a sin to show fingers..... Am I taking it too far? Am I exaggerating?

"...despite them being ordered to kill 'children',one should also keep in mind that were a) also reincarnations from previous generations, and b) the physical manifestation of a spiritual principle.. The only ones fits to be redeemed were the females...."

Okay so I am now to consider that the reincarnation of a previous generation...born as a male child of lets say one year of age is to be murdered...

Yawn mmmmm Yawn again

I can tell that your half asleep, with the double yawning, so i want bother yuo further with the REAL intention behind the Torah; or mythology in general.

Let me direct you to the writings of the father of psychoanalysis CG Jung. Also check out Erich Neuman, Von Franz, Joseph Campbel (scholar of comparative mythology)....

You need to read up more. From a purely secular perspectve, i agree, it does appear bad.

And yes, youre comparison between moses and communist china and pol pot is pretty ridiculous/exagerrated and offensive. The innocent people killed were in truth, innocent; perpetuated by a tyannic government. In tibet, theres not a single thing that can be compared to the religious practices and demeanor of the ancient pagans.

This is why ive directed you to read up on the anture of ancient Germanic religion. Why is you think the germans were capable of what they did to the Jews? Why do you think in nordic and teutonic countries, black metal, satanism, and worship of the evil/dark principle is much more pervasive than in other countries; to this day? Read up on their ancestoral beliefs. These people were barabarians; and even by the standards of the barabaric ancients romans, they considered the teutons of germany as sadistic .. Read up on 'wotan', "odin'. The ancient caananite peoples worshipped in a like manner. I described to you the real nature of 'worship' in my previous post. Whats being worshipped is a spiritual archetype (this necessitates a reading of CG Jungs anthology), which is a pre-conscious unconscious form. This being pre-conscious obviously precedes consciousness and is therefore something autonomous, outside human control. All of us are subject upon entering this world to the emotional lusts, desires, needs and behaviors that these pre-conscious forms control. We being 'puppets' to these powers; its than apt to consider them 'gods'. This is what mythology has always spoken of. It should be seen in a an archetypal way. The motif is merely a symbol pointing upwards, towards a psychospiritual principle.

Anyways, the G-d of the Jews wasnt a principle that dominates human behavior. The g-d of the Torah actually IS g-d, which is why of all religious traditions and ethnic groups, no people have survived as one like the Jews, and no spiritual tradition has been as transformative as the Torah (5 books of moes). The people they ousted were spiritual deviants. They encouraged every moral hazard - cult prositution, homosexuality, sacrifice etc.

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 01:11 PM
Much along the same lines, I saw a tv program within the last year that compared the actions of King David to that of a Mafia don -- a parallel that was very eye-opening. I'm familiar with the Bible (having read all of it several times) but I'd never bothered to examine the details of the story.

You could argue that it was the actions of a man of power and that what he was doing was no different than many other kings of his time -- and this is very true. But when put into the context of modern "power players" such as the Mafia, his actions look very different to us.

In short, he makes the characters from "The Godfather" look like real amateurs.

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