posted on Sep, 2 2010 @ 11:29 PM
Very true, very true. The two-party system, while two sides to the same coins, keeps people complacent while they fail miserably to to any good.
You see people become polarized, the conditions are bad, they get worse, they blame whoever is in office, let's same democrats, so they kick them out
and the republicans guarantee they will fix things, so they get into office, and things go from bad to worse, and then they get blamed and the
democrats claim they will fix things, so the republicans get voted out of office and the democrats get voted in, and things go from worse to even
worse, and then the democrats get blamed for everything so they get voted out of office and the republicans get voted in because they claim they will
fix things, then things go from worser to worstest, and then the people blame the republicans for all the problems and the democrats claim they have
the solutions to all the problems and they get voted into office and the republicans get voted out, and then the democrats don't fix anything and
things go from worstest to worser still and then the democrats get blamed for all of the problems and the people look to the republicans as their hope
for the future and they vote the republicans, who claim they will fix everything because it is all the democrats fault, into office, and things go
from worser still to still even worse than the worstest worse, and then the republicans get blamed for everything and the people say it is all their
fault, and the democrats say, we will fix things if you vote us into office, choose us, all the problems are created by the republicans, and the
people vote the democrats into office because they believe the democrats, and then things go from the wortest of all badness to even badder than the
worstest worse, and the republicans tell the people, cannot you see that you have been blinded by the democrats, it is all their fault, vote us into
office and we will solve all your problems, and the people after decades of the charade still have blind faith in other humans that blatantly just lie
to them without end, not having anything else to put their hope in, and then they vote the republicans back into office, because of their grandiose
claims and promises, but things just keep getting worser still, so the democrats get back on the bandwagon and tell everyone that all the woes are
because of the republicans and to vote them into office, and the people still are too stupid to see that no one is getting them anywhere, and they
vote the democrats back into office and the story goes on and on. Sorry about the run on sentence.
Anyway I will cut to the chase. It is a system built to dupe people. No one is gong to fix anything, it is all lies and deception. But as long as
you've got the people polarized and a scape-goat set up, you can continue to deteriorate society and just keep blaming the other party. And then no
one will be none the wiser until it is too late.
Just as it was foretold many many many years ago:
(Psalm 146:3) . . .Do not put YOUR trust in nobles, Nor in the son of earthling man, to whom no salvation belongs.
Many people do put their trust in lying cunning people who do not know the way out, they mislead and are being mislead. But they refuse to listen to
the wise counsel above, because it is out of style to do so. If they did they wouldn't put their trust in other humans who are destined to failure.
Just as it was written:
(Jeremiah 10:23) I well know, O Jehovah, that to earthling man his way does not belong. It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his
And the conclusion of all things is this. As long as you've duped the people, it doesn't matter how bad the conditions are they won't listen to
the truth, and they will definitely not turn their hope to the real solution to all of mankind's (not just the U. S.'s) problems.