posted on Sep, 1 2010 @ 10:05 PM
That is absolutely CRIMINAL! What's nearly as bad is that here in the U.S., methadone is increasingly being given to people with chronic pain who
have become dependent on opiate painkillers like Vicodin, NorCo, Oxycontin, etc. The problem is, people become just as strung out on the methadone -
totally dependent on it - to the point they will lie and "doctor shop" to get more than they are supposed to be taking.
It's just awful how many doctors are turning pain patients into addicts here. We get so many of them in our crisis unit [at mental health, where I
work], it's unbelievable. These people aren't mentally ill, but when they get cut off, they panic and become suicidal. They will do ANYTHING to get
more. Many end up homeless, in jail, or dead because of their MEDICALLY-CREATED addictions!
People need to wake up and inform themselves about ANY drug they are prescribed. Don't assume that just because a doctor gives it to you that it's a
good choice. With the advent of the internet, there's no longer any excuse for ignorance.