posted on Sep, 1 2010 @ 12:32 AM
Q:Why mobile want to connect to tower in the first place ?
A:Because of "destination unknown", Alice want to contact Bob. Which Bob and where ?. The tower need to know which and where is Bob so it can relay
it. It got Bob info with it (as biz and billing secret of course). If Bob with different carrier, then tower need to pay some bucks for that info.
Q:Why Alice mobile dont know Bob mobile location ?
A:Because of "distance unknown", if Bob in front of Alice, why not Alice just use IR/Bluetooth/Cable/Just yell ?
Now since Alice mobile didnt know Bob location and distance, it need to use a relay or a call center for help. Hence a relay is needed. Guess what ?
Turns out Bob is on the other side of the world, Alice mobile dont know, the carrier also dont know, but they still can find Bob for Alice.
Q:How can we protect the info from eavesdrop/infotap ?
A:There are few way,
1.PGP contain 2 key, public and private, read it up.
2.ROT13 (or just replace the 13 with any number) or any other weak algo
3.Secret encryption only known to Alice and Bob
Q:Why Alice mobile cannot detect Bob location ?
A:To known somebody location, you must broadcast (yell) continously and wait until that person will respond. If Alice mobile can broadcast power like
the carrier tower, you might have headache within a minute.
Q:Why Alice mobile cannot detect Bob distance ?
A:Without the ability to broadcast continuously, Alice definitely have problem. Bluetooth and IR is a another adaptation of this, there are chat
midlet if you want to chat freely in classroom, just look it up. For long distance and who knows where, text messages seems the only choice.
Comparison with internet:
Where am I ? "distance unknown"
What browser am I using ? "destination unknown"
Hence we got relays - switch, routers, hub, gateways, proxy etc... just to send a message from me to you which might be next door.
[edit on 1-9-2010 by RainCloud]