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The Aurora Top-Secret Hypersonic Spy Plane

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posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 03:24 PM
this plane does exist, its propellent is much faster, the ion winds, static electricity, controlling the atom, stripping the electrons, makes your atoms,molecules in your body be propelled instantly and stop instantly, no g-force. this technology is like, not the same as the technology that blaze labs is doing, american is trying to do and others. the only difference is the govts is much more advanced. We call them the ufo sightings.

[edit on 3-4-2006 by a bird]

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 04:20 PM
The official story, up to you to believe it or not, is that Aurora was originally released as the unclassified B-2 funding cover name.

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 10:25 PM

The aurora label has been plastered across every new technology the USAF have released and every blurry picture taken ever since the 1986 budget. Yet no clear photos have ever been seen and aviation magazines have been publishing the same articles and computer rendered images for so long that many people including me believe that aurora will never be released as its the perfect cover for any secret tech. Anything thats ever spotted is called aurora and is drowned in all the other information that has been collected over the past 20 years!

Exactly.....couldn't of said it better myself.

You have voted gfad for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have two more votes this month.

posted on Apr, 23 2006 @ 10:41 AM

Originally posted by carcharodon
The aurora is the best coverup made in years. Everyone is looking at the aurora and have been looking for almost 15 years now, since they slipped that word in the budget of 1988.

If we look at the facts and see how the US is more or less 20 years ahead of what their public display if technology (check the development dates for have blue and the ATB to name just 2), its very reasonable to expect they have made huge advancements over time.

On the other hand, for every project there are tenths of projects cancellations for money, failed technology, you name it. Aurora might be a study, a concept or just a project that went down and they don't reveal it because probably AlQaeda is not affected by the existence of radical technology like the USSR was.

posted on Apr, 23 2006 @ 10:42 AM
Well done, good work

this rates as a one-line post

please read this link...

U2U sent

[edit on 23-4-2006 by masqua]


posted on May, 3 2006 @ 06:08 PM
Does anyone have a direct link to the USGS seismographic page? I'd like to look at the stuff there.

posted on Jun, 21 2006 @ 02:48 AM
What i don't get is why they are denying the auroras existence, why?

p.s: i need an avatar how do you make one?('

posted on Jun, 21 2006 @ 04:32 AM
Hahaha what makes you so sure that Aurora exists? This could go on forever

I've detailed why I think Aurora doesn't exist, what makes you believe the opposite?

posted on Jun, 21 2006 @ 09:09 AM

Originally posted by gfad
Hahaha what makes you so sure that Aurora exists? This could go on forever

I've detailed why I think Aurora doesn't exist, what makes you believe the opposite?

The mere fact that you're arguing it isn't.

Lol, I'm only joking, but I don't think it exists, to me Aurora is just an umbrella funding account for groups of aircraft, some of which may have been unclassified, we don't know, all we know is that the word "Aurora" was leaked on the budget list, that's all. That is no basis what so ever to conclude that there is a single aircraft named Aurora, amazing how one word, a mistake, can lead to such fantasy and conspiracy in decades.

Put it this way, if the government ever needs funding for top secret projects, what they'll do is, is "mis-place" a few nickels in everyone's dollar here and there and when they have a large sum of money amassed they'll give it a single account name and then funnel the funds into several different areas so that no one notices a trend. I think that the name of the budget account changes every passing year. But it doesn't prove the existence of a single dedicated aircraft.

Shattered OUT...

posted on Jun, 21 2006 @ 09:25 AM
a bird I hope so.

I believe it exsists, there is proof of the propulsion system.
Is a sat image of a strange contrail. looks like...


Called "dougnuts on a rope"
meaning pulse. THe sat image goes across the entire united states, being that
it does this is proof of an air craft that goes super fast. I will try to find the pic.

[edit on 21-6-2006 by imbalanced]

posted on Jun, 21 2006 @ 09:39 AM

Originally posted by imbalanced
a bird I hope so.

I believe it exsists, there is proof of the propulsion system.
Is a sat image of a strange contrail. looks like...


Called "dougnuts on a rope"
meaning pulse. THe sat image goes across the entire united states, being that
it does this is proof of an air craft that goes super fast. I will try to find the pic.

[edit on 21-6-2006 by imbalanced]

I really would like to see that photo, I've heard people talking about it but no one has ever managed to turn it up!

You know even normal contrails can be blown into appearing like the donuts on a rope.

posted on Jun, 21 2006 @ 09:58 AM
This is the best i can do, i tried googleing for a bit but coundt find anything.
Interesting where it start from isnt it ?

posted on Aug, 4 2006 @ 09:03 PM
I also belive it exsists, bur I think that its probably outdated now, we will probably see it 30 years from now, where it will be released to the public as NEW Technology

posted on Aug, 5 2006 @ 05:17 AM
Just spotted a plane, approaching groom lake on weather satellite imagery from:

This is a very great way to watch groom lake and other facilities!

What do you think?

posted on Aug, 5 2006 @ 05:36 AM
I think it's way too early in the morning with too little sleep for me to be giving worthwile criticism of the existance/nonexistance of said aircraft

A plane exists that is faster than hell and is the most well known classified project there is (bit of irony in that). Since it officially doesn't exist - and we never get any really clear shots of what this thing actually looks like - its purpose is about as clear as its photos.

Aurora is ..... whatever. The official claims - the thoughts that it's a supersonic spy plane........ all really moot when you look at the evidence that suggests strongly that there is a very fast aircraft that occasionally takes to the skies to leave behind only footsteps as it carries out some mission that may or may not be our saving grace. It captures the minds and immaginations of those who seek it.

And, quite frankly - is probably one of the best dagum disinformation tools there could be.

Alright - here's the scenario. Word of a top secret hypersonic spy plane emerges as well as evidence suggesting that it does exist (unexplainable sonic booms and contrails). You play around with it for a few years more, getting your experimental use out of it, moving on to bigger and better things....... When you are about to raise the shroud, you realize something - people are STILL searching for that plane. They beleive it's the pentacle of military technology and will stop at almost nothing to find out what it is. Why reveal it when there are so many people hell-bent on finding it? If you do that - then they will just cunningly seek out your newest project. So, you spend a few dollars keeping the thing in the air, generating enough stirr to keep it alive - but just out of proof. Even your current projects can become part of the public's idea of the Aurora - hiding under that infamous title.

posted on Aug, 31 2006 @ 04:04 PM

Hahaha what makes you so sure that Aurora exists? This could go on forever

I agree there is no definite proof. So we have 3 things to ponder.... God, UFOs, and Aurora

Let's review the possible causes as to why the Aurora line item appeared one year and then was omitted the next?

1) A mistake that was subsequently corrected. (Highly unlikely)

2) Aurora was what people thought it was, but they simply ran out of money or officials decided it was a waste of money. (more likely)

This scenario is hard for me to buy. Why would an appropriation of money be made to study exotic military apps and then cut off so hastily? One year on the budget before suddenly realizing it's completely worthless and cost-ineffective?

3) Aurora was never what people thought it was. (more likely)

4) It was leaked in some sort of psychological ploy. (more likely)

Give the audience what it wants. They want a conspiracy? They want a secret? Give it to them. Then every "x" number of years come clean with a project so everyone can say "I told you so!" i.e. B2-Bomber. Such "secret projects" would serve as cover for something that was Above Top Secret!


I'm currently reading a book called "Alien Rapture- The Chosen." It was co-authored by a Edgar Rothschild Fouche who claims that an SR-75 replaced the SR-71. This replacement hypersonic craft attained altitudes over 120,000 ft and speeds of Mach 8 (5000 mph). Supposedly Fouche is a member of Air Force Intelligence and a cryptological expert. He is now semi-retired from the DOD. I have done little fact checking regarding his claims (which he presents in the book via "Science Faction). In any case, it's made an interesting story thus far.


Closing comments:

The fact remains that technological superiority is completely and totally in the interest of our military. Whether that means the existence of the SR-75 or that they are simply pumping money into computer simulations, wind tunnel tests, etc I cannot say. Here is an interesting link:

posted on Sep, 1 2006 @ 05:59 AM
I know the Aroura story, however, who said that the conventional logic is correct?

Folks, it is a fact that Aroura came to us because of a censor error! The word Aroura first appeard in an unclassified copy of a Pentagon budget request, under the section "Air Breathing Reconnissance Platforms". It was listed right after the SR-71 Blackbird

An Air Breathing Reconnissance Platform could be almost anything! It could even be a UAV for all we know. How did Aroura become a Hypersonic aircraft? NOWHERE in that paper did it say Anything about being fast! It could easily be subsonic for all we know.

Just because there have been reports of high-speed aircraft in the south west US doesn't prove that it has anything to do with Aroura! Where's the real proof of this phantom hypersonic spy plane? The X-15 reached Mach 6, but it still wasn't a spyplane. Have Blue (a stealth test plane) was Top Secret, but it wasn't a spy plane either!

Are we chasing a REAL aircraft or one we WISH Existed?


posted on Sep, 1 2006 @ 11:18 AM
Huh....yeah. Your post doesn't make any sense.

Do you expect the budget to say "2 Billion for Top Secret Hypersonic Aurora to replace SR-71???"


An Air Breathing Reconnissance Platform could be almost anything! It could even be a UAV for all we know.

Could be a hypersonic UAV!

The only fact is the following:

Technological superiority is completely and totally in the interest of our military.

posted on Sep, 1 2006 @ 11:29 AM

Originally posted by Scramjet76
Huh....yeah. Your post doesn't make any sense.

It makes total sense! How did you jump to the assumption that its hypersonic? How do you know anything about Aurora?

Hearsay? Rumour?

This may be a suprise to some people but not everything you read on the internet is true!

[edit on 1/9/06 by gfad]

posted on Sep, 1 2006 @ 03:39 PM

It makes total sense! How did you jump to the assumption that its hypersonic? How do you know anything about Aurora?

If you read what I wrote, it says nothing of the sort. Nowhere do I say "Aurora is a hypersonic SR-71 replacement." I brought up the book I'm reading which says SR-75 yada yada... but AGAIN.... I made it clear that I can't validate what a book says, but that it's an entertaining read.

No one that I know and (correct me if I'm wrong) no one you know, has any solid 100% indisputable proof for the existence of Aurora or lack thereof. So this limits us to a mere discussion which is what messageboards are meant to be.

The truth is (correct me if I'm wrong) the SR-71 was in fact a SECRET before being publicized after "x" number of years. While that may not convict anyone in a court of law, let's be honest here... We used that to gain experience as to how they may approach certain technologies (thru secrecy) in the present/future. That is straight up logical.

Folks, it is a fact that Aroura came to us because of a censor error! The word Aroura first appeard in an unclassified copy of a Pentagon budget request, under the section "Air Breathing Reconnissance Platforms". It was listed right after the SR-71 Blackbird

If you look at what he wrote it is a bit confusing. First of all, he misspelled Aurora. Next, he is the one claiming facts. Next, he says Aurora was listed right after SR-71 Blackbird. That doesn't weaken the case for a "top secret craft," it strengthens it. Next, the section apparently reads "Air Breathing Reconnaissance Platform." These are his words and not mine. Air Breathing means it doesn't need an oxidizer (like space vehicles) and therefore moves in our atmosphere. Everyone knows what Reconn is. That is what the SR-71 was made for. And Platform could mean anything. Again, this does not weaken the possibility of a top secret craft.

Again no one knows. Hypersonic is one possibility to improve upon the SR-71. Maybe the successor isn't any faster but creates much less of a sonic boom. Maybe the successor isn't faster than the SR-71 but can attain such speeds at lower altitudes because of new technology aimed at maximizing the airflow around the vehicle. Maybe the Aurora is an experimental ice cream truck!

The only sure fact is exactly what I stated before: Technological superiority is completely and totally in the interest of our military.

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