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Originally posted by Sovaka
Reveal the working plans to the general public and those engineers that can understand it, so that they can get the process down to a large generator that can fit in a home.
Originally posted by icemud
Molten-Salt Reactor Experiment
The Molten-Salt Reactor Experiment (MSRE) was an experimental molten-salt reactor at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL); researching this technology through the 1960s. The MSRE was a 7.4 MWth test reactor simulating the neutronic "kernel" of an inherently safe epithermal thorium breeder reactor. It used three fuels: plutonium-239, uranium-235 and uranium-233. The last, 233UF4 was the result of breeding from thorium.
Fuji Molten Salt Reactor
The FUJI mini-molten salt reactor is a design project for a 100 MWe (megawatts of electrical output) molten-salt-fueled Thorium fuel cycle thermal breeder reactor, using technology similar to the Oak Ridge National Laboratory's Molten Salt Reactor Experiment. It is being developed by a consortium including members from Japan, the U.S. and Russia. As a breeder reactor, it converts Thorium into the nuclear fuel uranium-233. To achieve reasonable neutron economy, the chosen single-salt design results in significantly larger feasible size (a few tons vs. 23kg fissile inventory, also reprocessing difficulties) than the smaller two-salt reactor (where blanket is separated from core, which involves graphite-tube manufacturing/sealing complications). As a thermal-spectrum reactor, its neutron regulation is inherently safe. Like all molten salt reactors, its core is chemically inert and under low pressure, helping to prevent explosions and toxic releases.
Integral Fast Reactor
The goals of the IFR project were to increase the efficiency of uranium usage by breeding plutonium and eliminating the need for transuranic isotopes ever to leave the site. The reactor was an unmoderated design running on fast neutrons, designed to allow any transuranic isotope to be consumed (and in some cases used as fuel).
Compared to current light-water reactors with a once-through fuel cycle that induces fission (and derives energy) from less than 1% of the uranium found in nature, a breeder reactor like the IFR has a very efficient (99.5% of uranium undergoes fission) fuel cycle.[3] The basic scheme used electrolytic separation to remove transuranics and actinides from the wastes and concentrate them. These concentrated fuels were then reformed, on site, into new fuel elements.
Experimental Breeder Reactor II
It operated as the Integral Fast Reactor prototype. Costing more than USD 32 million, it achieved first criticality in 1965 and ran for 30 years. It was designed to produce about 62.5 megawatts of heat and 20 megawatts of electricity, which was achieved in September 1969 and continued for most of its lifetime. Over its lifetime it has generated over two billion kilowatt-hours of electricity, providing a majority of the electricity and also heat to the facilities of the Argonne National Laboratory-West.
n April 1986, two special tests were performed on the EBR-II, in which the main primary cooling pumps were shut off with the reactor at full power (62.5 megawatts, thermal). By not allowing the normal shutdown systems to interfere, the reactor power dropped to near zero within about 300 seconds. No damage to the fuel or the reactor resulted. This test demonstrated that even with a loss of all electrical power and the capability to shut down the reactor using the normal systems, the reactor will simply shut down without danger or damage. The same day, this demonstration was followed by another important test. With the reactor again at full power, flow in the secondary cooling system was stopped. This test caused the temperature to increase, since there was nowhere for the reactor heat to go. As the primary (reactor) cooling system became hotter, the fuel, sodium coolant, and structure expanded, and the reactor shut down.
Fast Flux Test Facility
The Fast Flux Test Facility is a 400 MW nuclear test reactor owned by the U.S. Department of Energy.
Radiation exposure to operators was 1/100th of commercial power reactors.
Established a world record for fuel performance.
Produced extremely high quality rare radioisotopes for medicine and industry.
Conducted the first passive safety testing.
Demonstrated commercial viability of breeder reactor components, materials and fuels.
Provided fundamental experimental data for fusion programs.
Advanced the fuels and materials development for space nuclear power.
Demonstrated miniaturized reactor test techniques.
Demonstrated the feasibility of transmuting radioactive technetium-99 into a non-radioactive element using a reactor. Technetium-99 is one of the most troublesome long-lived components of the nuclear waste stream. Processing out this isotope and destroying it, permanently reduces the risks associated with long term storage.
S-PRISM, also called PRISM (Power Reactor Innovative Small Module), is the name of a nuclear power plant design by General Electric-Hitachi based on a sodium-cooled fast breeder reactor[1]. The design utilizes reactor modules, each having a power output of 311 MWe, to enable factory fabrication at low cost. The design is based on the Integral Fast Reactor. The Integral Fast Reactor was developed at the West Campus of the Argonne National Laboratory in Idaho Falls, Idaho and was the intended successor to the Experimental Breeder Reactor II. The Integral Fast Reactor project was shut down by the U.S. Congress in 1994. The S-PRISM represents General Electric-Hitachi's Generation IV reactor solution to closing the nuclear fuel cycle and is also part of its Advanced Recycling Center proposition[2] to U.S. Congress to deal with nuclear waste.
Advancer Recycling Center proposition to U.S. Congress
Mr. Chairman, Congressman Hall, and Members of the Committee, I appreciate this
opportunity to provide you with a description of a suggested approach to managing
Used Nuclear Fuel (UNF) from our nation's fleet of nuclear power reactors. GE Hitachi
Nuclear Energy (GEH) has developed this approach based on technology originally
developed with funding from the Department of Energy. We believe that with well focused research and development and timely demonstrations, the United States can
move toward closing the nuclear fuel cycle.
Advanced Reactor Concepts, LLC
The mission of Advanced Reactor Concepts, LLC (ARC) is to commercialize a disruptive new technology for power generation in the form of a small-scale (50 MWe - 100 MWe), factory-built nuclear reactor with fixed fuel costs for 20 years. The ARC reactor is a sodium-cooled, metal fueled, fast-reactor. It is designed to provide safe, clean, affordable and proliferation-resistant nuclear power to energy starved markets in both the developed and the developing world. The ARC reactor can be used for distributed power, incremental capacity additions, load following, and base load applications.
Originally posted by butcherguy
reply to post by C0bzz
I like your signature.
How do the numbers stack up if you include all the coal, oil and gas disasters since the start-up of the reactor at Shippingport in 1957? I bet it is even more impressive!
A new report from the Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority (NRPA) has revealed that thorium-based nuclear energy plants – once vaunted as a clean alternative type of nuclear energy – have the same negative environmental consequences as their uranium-based cousins do.
that thorium-based nuclear energy plants – once vaunted as a clean alternative type of nuclear energy – have the same negative environmental consequences as their uranium-based cousins do.
A new report from the Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority (NRPA) has revealed that thorium-based nuclear energy plants – once vaunted as a clean alternative type of nuclear energy – have the same negative environmental consequences as their uranium-based cousins do.
Originally posted by Peruvianmonk
Surely if the U.S. could show the benefits of Thorium powered reactors they could export the technology to places like Iran, Saudi Arabia and Israel and anyone else developing a Nuclear programme to replace any Uranium powered sites?
Originally posted by Peruvianmonk
reply to post by Maslo
The only problem being the waste from Uranium which stays radioactive for thousands of years. Where as Thorium stays radioactive for only 500 years.
Now C0bzz seems convinced that it is this Uranium waste that is part of the future of the provision of energy. Surely the same can be said for Thorium waste?