posted on Jun, 21 2004 @ 11:42 AM
Hello all!
Well there certainly are a lot of things happening today it seems, from the first successful private space ship flight to the seizing of 3 British
Navy ships by Iran.
I have a question for anyone reading this thread, and it pertains to world events. Have any of you ever noticed how some major world events always
seem to happen on major planetary alignments or Lunar Gaps (New, quarter and Full Moons)? I have noticed over time that from major televised sports,
awards and political news events, to movie releases and major military manuevers.....they all happen on either New and Full moons, or Solstices like
today or the equinox.
Now, could it be that the world's events just happen or is it that some events are planned in order to take advantage of the ENERGY present during
these cosmic events? Are some situations easier to manifest according to the rhythms of the cosmos? Are they easier to manifest if the majority of
peoples are unaware of these cycles?
Just a thought on this form me to you. Just sit back and think about all that has happened and do a lunar/solar cycles research on the net and
correlate your findings with past news events and see if there is a pattern (at least to you anyway)
Here is a link dealing with the science of "heliobiology" by Earl Elmer Bakken for your review as well. he didn't coin the term heliobiology, but
this abstract is condensation of his and others findings in the matters of cosmic rhythms, and biological activity ie; our world events
Watch the cycles man, then you can begin to see where your energy (emotions or spirit) are being directed, usually externally towards man made events
that misuse the cosmic cycles by focusing on the bad vibes, instead of allowing you the time to go within the HEART in your chest and connecting to
the divine in you!