posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 03:20 PM
'Ladies and gentlemen, the Holy Spirit has LEFT THE BUILDING (churches).' Happened in Judaism, and now under similar sin, has happened again.
Story of mankind. History repeats itself. Those not called out, are kicked out by Satans people on the 'board'. Babylon has become the haunt of
all kinds of demons, and they have gravitated towards positions of power and influence in govt and churches. Ifn you are not called out or kicked
out, perhaps you should do some
Bible reading to discover if you really are a Christian. There is a massive ongoing phenonmenon of 'home churches' going on, and also
'missionaries' going out without any missions group or church. They are having a profound influence today, as revivals have in the past. History
repeats itself. Once again, the Spirit has left the church.