As I watch patiently for a changing of the guard, I wonder what's going to happen when the Crown falls and people figure out that the District of
Columbia is a soverign society. I used to suspect that it was a "british" colony. Mostly due to legal manipulation (UCC). I didn't realize how much
power there was in the US within the military industrial complex. It is amazing what a person can hide from unsuspecting eyes. It seems that the
Crown, DC and the Vatican all need a good fixing (to be brought to light).
It's quite mind boggling really to even bother with the future. For example, How does a being shed a very complex belief system that is based on
spiritual religion and has become a product of a lifetime of conditioning. How does one reprogram such beliefs into knowing, to understand the
vibrational understanding behind the "occult" understanding. How does one understand the vibration of the form instead of being dominated by the
form? How does one fulfill the desire for knowing the answers to existential questions when it realizes that subscribing or subjecting to societies,
religions, and nations will not likely result in any of these questions EVER being answered (at least not in the way such agencies operate today, for
if they ever discovered this... they most likely would keep it a secret until the next root-race).
How does one person deal with the fact that the country they have grown to love and to pride, and even sadly enough to identify with or even in some
cases as? How does a person cope with the fact that they are not a person, or their government... but simply one who is being human after living a
great deal of time in such an illusion? How does one quite literally wake up from a dream? How does one tear free from an entire illusion of reality
into a blank pallet for a completely different configuration that seems to either be in need of discovery, or under construction and hiring. How does
one find a way to be quiet, and listen, and keep its ego transparent? Where does one learn, or rather remember all of these universal laws that get
violated and raped by the "mainstream"/Kon-sTrEAM?
Decent questions, but the most importantly is the question of NOW. What I really need to know is how does one planetary species (namely humans) reach
a universal vibration where the entire species claims total independence from it's own "governMENT" when they realize that "their" government has
involved it's self (it's actual governmentMIND) into every detail of huMAN existance, and this governmentMIND has been possessing individual minds
via manipulations, brianwashing, neurolingustic programming, etc... What will "people"/HuMANs do when they realize that this governMIND has itself
been manipulated into passing the entire lot?
I just don't understand why "people" don't see it NOW because it's pretty obvious. :-|
[edit on 30-8-2010 by deadruby2006]
edit to amend a poor vibration. thx mod!
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[edit on 30-8-2010 by elevatedone]
[edit on 30-8-2010 by deadruby2006]