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Clear Chemtrail Skies

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posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 02:13 AM
Yup I have noticed no chem trails lately.

There was also another thread in about this and everyone there has noticed less chemtrail activity.

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 02:44 AM
I found this intresting website here: Farm Wars..

Farm Wars

Why did Monsanto Develop an Aluminum Resistance Gene?

Monsanto is currently marketing an aluminum resistance gene. Here’s the spin, folks:

Small-scale, resource-poor farmers in developing countries face daily stresses, including poor soils, drought, and lack of inputs. Ongoing trends such as climate change and population growth will likely exacerbate binding stresses. A new generation of genetically engineered (GE) crop research aims to alleviate these pressures through the improvement of subsistence crops—such as cassava, sorghum, and millet—that incorporate traits such as tolerance to drought, water, and aluminum in soils as well as plants with more efficient nitrogen and phosphorus use.

And there is a 3 part youtube here, with the Producer of 'What in the World are they Spraying' feat. G. Edward Griffin (Co-Producer) which is intresting.(Go to page)

And at the bottom of the page:

Coincidence that Monsanto will “come to the rescue” with aluminum resistance genes because normal plants die off in the presence of excess aluminum? Or opportunistic capitalism and planned corporate food monopoly courtesy of Monsanto and the Hegelian Dialectic based on insider information that a proposed “geo-engineering” scheme is already in place that is filling our atmosphere with chemtrails containing aluminum and barium?
©2010 Barbara H. Peterson

In this video (part 1 from the Site above), they talk about this:

Mt.Shasta Aluminium from 0 to 61.000 ug

The following are some of the highest samples documented:
Snow pack sampled at Ski Bowl on Mt. Shasta tested for aluminum at 61,000 ug/L or 61 times the MCL. After 1-½ years of exposure to the atmosphere, a Shasta County pond (rubber lined) tested for aluminum at 375,000 ug/l or 375 times the MCL. This came as a surprise to the property owner because the pond tested “0” for aluminum when it was first filled and is in a “filtered location” (forested hilltop away from highway or industry). When a hydro-geologist was shown the tests, he stated, “unless you live near an Alcoa Aluminum plant, there is no way these types of metals (barium has also been detected) should be showing up in your pond or rainwater samples, in any quantity.” The Pit River sample tested at 4,610,000 ug/L, which is 4,610 times the MCL.

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 03:41 AM
reply to post by Chadwickus

If you want evidence,crawl out of your cubicle and look to the skies .
Hidden in plain sight.

The truth awaits you.

I am there already, get out of your chair.

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 03:54 AM
reply to post by Wildmanimal

Get out of my cubicle?

This is one helleva cubicle!


How about providing some solid evidence of chemtrails?

You know, documented samples of these chemtrails.

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 04:08 AM
reply to post by Chadwickus

Hey There whats that trail across the sky in your pix?
I guess you didn't notice that.

Seems like your ripping the earth apart down there....

What gives?

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 04:12 AM
reply to post by Wildmanimal

That's a contrail.

Unless of course they're laying chemtrails out in the middle of the Australian desert

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 04:15 AM
reply to post by Chadwickus

Now that is an honest and comical answer..

Cheers Chadwickus

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 05:38 AM

Originally posted by Wildmanimal
reply to post by Chadwickus

If you want evidence,crawl out of your cubicle and look to the skies .
Hidden in plain sight.

The truth awaits you.

I am there already, get out of your chair.

I actually look at the sky for a living. Observing weather is my cubicle

Its definently a contrail. I could go on for hours on the basice meteorology and more advanced stuff, of upper air meteorology that us profesionals have been using for over 70 years, to forecast the likelihood and persistence of contrails.

I wont bother polluting your thread with it, unless you want to know, but Im just saying....

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 06:03 AM
reply to post by OzWeatherman

Hey Oz,
Never for a moment do I question your credentials.

Australia needs rain......done.

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 06:16 AM

Originally posted by stars15k
There are no chemtrails.
The conditions on the ground have nothing to do with condiitons at flight altitude. Not a thing.
I am in Indiana, and we have had some really clear days as well. We also need rain. So clear days, while good for not producing contrails ( chemtrails do not exist), rain would be nice. Contrails show that the atmosphere at that level is supersaturated, and can be used to show that rain is likely in a couple of days. Why? Because that is how weather works. It's how it always works...cirrus clouds show a weather change. Where there are cirrus clouds, you usually have the conditions for contrails to form and persist.
Since all planes produce exhaust, it is all still there, you just couldn't see it because the atmosphere was dry enough to suck it all up (well, it would sublime officially). Had the air had more moisture, it would have triggered the formation of a contrail. The ratio is as high as one part exhaust producing about 10,000 gallons of atmospheric condensation. (I would give the cite for that, but it is currently lost in my recently deceased computer.....I'll look, though).
So, while you are calmed and happy about it, it really just means that you are going to have dry weather still. Since I am west of you and in the northern hemisphere, and the weather is dry here, with nothing coming from the gulf up the Mississippi, it will continue to be dry for both of us.
But all the products of exhaust are still there. And, as you noticed the current heavier than average air travel, there are more exhaust fumes than average. We just can't see them.
Happy happy, joy, joy.

contrails never lasted for hours before, now they do. Until scientists come up with a reason why "contrails" last for hours now, as opposed to decades ago, there will always be stories of chemtrails.

For the record, I think that some of the "contrails" are chemtrails.

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 06:22 AM

Originally posted by Le Colonel
contrails never lasted for hours before, now they do. Until scientists come up with a reason why "contrails" last for hours now, as opposed to decades ago, there will always be stories of chemtrails.

For the record, I think that some of the "contrails" are chemtrails.

Actually they do

Check out the documentary Memphis Belle, which is about the bombers used in world war 2. There is plenty of evidence right there.

Also, check out the appleman chart which is the tool we use to determine the likelihood of the formation and persistence of contrails. That tool has been used for many years now, and there's a clear marker that indicates the conditions that are required for contrail persistence

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 10:56 AM
reply to post by Sauron

Sauron, I'd say that your "source" is dubious at best!

This bit, for example, stood out immediately as false:

It turns out that the United States Air Force has a fleet of approximately 550 KC-135 tanker jets many of which have been painted white to resemble civilian airliners.

Firstly, the USAF doesn't have "550 tanker jets" just sitting around, and available for this nefarious purpose, as claimed by that source. They ARE actively used for re-fueling missions, which is their primary prupose, after all.

And, as of about one year ago?:

United States Air Force operated 449 KC-135s (192 active duty, 64 reserve, and 173 guard) as of September 2009...

Read more here..........and here.

Oh, and here too.

About that claim of being "painted white"? Rubbish! As you can see, in the photos in the links.

BTW --- that "white" nonsense is a commonly held misunderstanding, and used by numerous "chemtrail" proponents. It is the case that in just about EVERY case, when a commercial airliner is seen at altitude, and viewed from below, it appears to be "all white". It is a matter of the distance (~35,000 feet over your head, that's roughly 7 miles away) and the bright sunlight, that "washes out" most coloring.

PLUS, airline paint schemes (the 'livery') are designed to be eye-catching from the SIDE....they don't waste paint (and add weight) in most cases, by painting the wings' bottom surfaces.

(Exceptions exist, of course though....with the increased use of composites in airframe construction. Those panels and pieces are usually a dark gray/almost black color, and would, if not painted, result in a patchwork appearance, and be unattractive. So, you will see those components painted a light resemble 'natural' aluminum).

Here, is a video shot by a passenger riding on JAL (note, the Japanese still require the symbol, the red circle, and the registration numbers on their airplane's wings! That requirement was done away with YEARS ago, in the States...):

You can see the passing airliner (making contrials, BTW!!) and how it appears nearly all "white".

Handily, there are nowadays a lot of pilots with video cameras, so you can see it form OUR point of view. (FYI - there isn't an airline pilot out there who doesn't laugh at this silly notion of "chemtrails"...):

Here, the videographer sez: "Being sandwiched by KLM and Korean.."
Over Siberia!:

Follow the YT links, for many more examples, if you wish.

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 12:24 PM
reply to post by Le Colonel

Yes, this IS the indoctrination process that is going on all the time.
Facts and history gets changed all the time to hide the Elite's agendas..

Think about this: Let us pretend contrails never have existed, but they have been chemtrails from the start, they are just growing in size as they 'add' more cool stuff into it..

Then the fake ww2 pictures makes sence, they had to make them to show that contrails where that huge back then too..

Ive seen this old planes fly, and what I saw was black smoke etc, not chemtrails lasting 2 and 3 days... Pretty soon , we are told contrails last whole weeks, as the Shield of Ra is in full operation...

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 12:40 PM

Originally posted by OzWeatherman

Originally posted by Le Colonel
contrails never lasted for hours before, now they do. Until scientists come up with a reason why "contrails" last for hours now, as opposed to decades ago, there will always be stories of chemtrails.

For the record, I think that some of the "contrails" are chemtrails.

Actually they do

Check out the documentary Memphis Belle, which is about the bombers used in world war 2. There is plenty of evidence right there.

Also, check out the appleman chart which is the tool we use to determine the likelihood of the formation and persistence of contrails. That tool has been used for many years now, and there's a clear marker that indicates the conditions that are required for contrail persistence

Memphis Belle.. No need for thanks !

and :

Both these sounds about right !!

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 05:24 PM
reply to post by Wildmanimal

I haven't seen ANY AT ALL in WEEKS here in Boise ID. Used to be an almost daily thing.

Weather (info for skeptics) has been all over the map. In the last month, much more humid than usual on some days. But typical and dry, up in the 90s on most. Last week was weird. We had a thunderstorm and 2 windstorms (1 with rain) in one week. Temp dropped down to 70 from mid/upper 90s for three days.

My point is we've had a combination of all the kinds of weather Boise experiences yet no trails. What's different?

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 05:33 PM
reply to post by nunya13

Your experience of local weather condtions ON THE SURFACE have nothing to do with the atmosphere at altitude.

THAT is the issue, and the reason for the lack of contrails.

What you should try to do, is find some historical records of the UPPER level conditions for your region, over the last several weeks.

Obviously, this information isn't disseminated to public, who don't care about the tempurature and humidity at 35,000 feet....BUT, meteorologists DO use the data in their weather pattern prediciting.

OzWeatherman, or Essan can help, with that interpretation....


FWIW, here in MY area, same dealio. Very few active contrails, and is because of the UPPER level conditions.

Same flights, every day....and in my career, same thing....absence of contrails some days, plenty of them another. (We don't really measure water saturation levels, on airliners. Non-essential information. Just temperature, is all we need to know. IF contrails form, then we know it's humid!! Simple, deduction....)

[edit on 30 August 2010 by weedwhacker]

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 05:46 PM
reply to post by Wildmanimal

sea level temperature and humidity are irrelevant to contrail formation. But FYI, in NE New England, the temp at 34,000' was -71F yesterday. At 39,000', it was -114F. And at that temperature, humidity is pretty well meaningless since any water apor would flash freeze to ice crystals.

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 06:28 PM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
reply to post by nunya13

OzWeatherman, or Essan can help, with that interpretation....

IF contrails form, then we know it's humid!! Simple, deduction....)

[edit on 30 August 2010 by weedwhacker]

OK, Weed, here we go again. Humidity is a measure of the saturation percentage of water vapor in the air. Warm air can carry a lot of water vapor. The capacity of air to hold water vapor is a tied directly to the temperature of the air. That is a reflection of the kinetic energy of the water vapor molecules. At 100C (212F), the vapor pressure of water vapor is exactly equal to atmospheric pressure. So boiling occurs. Temperature is the measure of the movement of the atoms/molecules. As the water vapor cools molecular movement is reduced and the water vapor molecules stop bouncing off each other and start sticking together. That is called the dewpoint. And the vapor leaves the atmosphere either as rain, or dew, or snow if it is cold enough.
The H2O for a contrail is a combustion byproduct of burning jet fuel, which is primarily dodecane (C12H26) in oxygen(O2). The reaction is C12H26->CO2 + H2O. That is not stoichiometrically balanced, but shows the reactants and the products.
Therefore, at altitudes where contrails form, there is functionally zero water vapor and, therefore is at 100% humidity, since even the slightest bit of water vapor would instantly phase change to liquid and freeze. Hence, cirrus clouds which are not water vapor, but are ice crystals .
The bottom line is that it is pretty meaningless to talk about humidity at temps in the -50F to-120F range. Except, of course, unless you are talking about the jet engine humidifying the air in the exhaust to cause a trail of ice crystals. That is a contrail.

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 06:37 PM
reply to post by 4nsicphd

Dude! Don't talk down to me...I have ~20,000 hours, nearly 22 years at a major US airline, and type ratings in the DC-9, B-737 and B-757/767.

Come on....I wrote "humidity" because it was simpler to write, and something that was layperson's speak.

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 07:33 PM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
reply to post by 4nsicphd

Dude! Don't talk down to me...I have ~20,000 hours, nearly 22 years at a major US airline, and type ratings in the DC-9, B-737 and B-757/767.

Come on....I wrote "humidity" because it was simpler to write, and something that was layperson's speak.

I have to talk "down" since your Boeings are all limited to 42,000 or less (757/767 is 42,000 if I remember from ground school) while my G-IV (SP) will do 45,000 with ease.

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