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So who owns our media sources? - An unanswered ATS LIVE! UK/Euro question

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posted on Aug, 29 2010 @ 07:52 PM
Excellent post. I suggest that you have a look at General Electric. Their list of television holdings is an eye-opener.

posted on Aug, 29 2010 @ 08:10 PM
Excellent thread, S & F. Thanks for the eye opening information.

posted on Aug, 29 2010 @ 08:20 PM

Originally posted by time91

Thought this was relevant.

In 2004, Bagdikian’s revised and expanded book, The New Media Monopoly, shows that only 5 huge corporations —
Time Warner, Disney, Murdoch’s News Corporation, Bertelsmann of Germany, and Viacom (formerly CBS)
— now control most of the media industry in the U.S. General Electric’s NBC is a close sixth.

Post-Scroll Down to View

This should be disturbing to people.

MOD EDIT: Fix post which was skewing thread width

[edit on August 30th 2010 by greeneyedleo]

[edit on 30-8-2010 by 12m8keall2c]

posted on Aug, 29 2010 @ 09:24 PM
Max-I would star and flag you a thousand times if I could.

I have been screaming about this since my first days here, and it usually falls on deaf ears.

Nearly all media information is being filtered and controlled by a select Elite with highly vested interests, and they do not have YOUR interests at heart.

I encourage everyone to disconnect from their TV's as much as possible and try to look for alternative means to obtain information about what is really going on in this programmed 'reality'.

posted on Aug, 29 2010 @ 10:01 PM
It is disturbing. GE is very disturbing. After all, this is the same company that gained a monopoly over the entire power generation and distribution industries in the newly-created Soviet Union during the 1920' and 1930's, the company whose CEO, Gerard Swope, wrote most of the FDR's New Deal, and while they were busy promoting Socialism at home and abroad, they were contributing to a slush fund to elect Communism's arch-enemy, Adolf Hitler, to power in Germany.

Think I'm making this last bit up? I invite you to check the facts. In particular, have a look at the documents from the Nuremberg Military Tribunals, specifically, the so-called "Farben Case." There you will find a transfer slip dated March 2, 1933 in the amount of 60,000 Reichmarks from Allgemeine Elektrizitaets-Gesellschaft (AEG) to the Nationale Treuhand fund. Nationale Treuhand was a slush fund administered by Dr. Hjalmar Schacht. According to other documents, Schacht would then transfer the funds to Rudolf Hess, who used them as campaign funds for the election of Adolf Hitler.

So, why do we care about AEG? I'm glad you asked. At the time, AEG was about 80% owned by International General Electric. Well, okay, but were there any Americans on the board of directors of AEG? I'm so glad you asked. Yes, three that I am aware of:

Gerard Swope - Chairman of International General Electric, President of General Electric, Director of National City Bank, known today as Citibank, Director of Osram, another German company contributing heavily to the Hitler campaign.

Owen Young - Chairman of General Electric, Deputy Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, coauthor of the Dawes Plan and the Young Plan, by which German industries were heavily mortgaged since Germany found itself unable to pay war reparations imposed by the Versailles Treaty.

Clark Minor - President and Director of International General Electric, as well as GE's counterparts (and holdings) in Italy and Japan.

Kind of off-topic, I realize, but people need to realize that GE has a long history of nefarious activities and agendas.

posted on Aug, 29 2010 @ 10:32 PM
Good Work Maxmars.
I've known this for quite some time though the DOJokers who are NOT elected by the people but.....rather.....are strategically 'placed' in these positions are there to ensure that clear violations of ANTITRUST LAWS are not enforced for No 'Good' Reason.

A Revolution is Long overdue though apparently the sheeplefolk have been branded without their knowledge. This should be quite obvious by now.

The SEC doesn't enforce antitrust laws neither as well as so many other federal 'agencies' of foreign concern.

It should be clear the people have No voice and haven't since 1775.
Band together folks and Make it Happen or remain slaves/subjects.....or Worse.....
You have Always had a choice and your numbers outweigh your opposition 99.9 to .01.

Hmmm, makes one wonder.

PT (post thought)
As per the DOJoker link above, does anyone wonder why Heath Ledger of which was.....and 'Is' a fantastic, genuine human 'Being' was cast for the role of the Joker? It doesn't 'fit' does it? No, it doesn't. Neither did his 'death'. He seemed to have 'passed away' the same way Michael Jackson and so many others did. No? I understand they became to be seen as a liability to those whom had 'much' to hide. No?

Personally, I preferred Heath's role in 10 Things I hate about you..... That role, embodied Heath as he 'Was'. Morgan Freeman could attest to this. Good job in Belize contesting the likes of BP recently, Morgan. You too Ted.....and Brad.

What happened to Nicholas Cage -$- (bust) after appearing in the movie Knowing?
I could 'relate' to that one.
"The Whisperer". Gooooosebumps!
Was Not the BP oil spill predicted there as well? Of course.....

CNN is reminding those of Katrina when they 'should' be focusing on BP.

Again, if it doesn't Make Sense, it wasn't 'designed' to.....for No 'Good' Reason.

Yes, you All should be outraged.
Next..... can say 'that' again.....

[edit on 29-8-2010 by Perseus Apex]

posted on Aug, 29 2010 @ 11:00 PM
Holy wow

Great work, thanks

It's a brave new world, welcome to the monkey house!

posted on Aug, 29 2010 @ 11:25 PM
reply to post by whaaa

Monkey House.
Good Reply.
Seems 'quite' appropriate.

Of Course.
Not lol.

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 01:23 AM
reply to post by Maxmars

The media's the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses.” - Malcome X

All media exist to invest our lives with artificial perceptions and arbitrary values” - Marshall McLuhan

The above two quotes say it all.

Yes a real conspiracy, the "news" the very life blood of information we are "pumped" is owned by a very few of the richest, most elite people on earth, and in my opinion, not necessarily of this earth.

Watch "They Live", possibly closer to reality than most realize.

(Love your avatar, Kolchak, The Night Stalker was one of my favorite shows........yes I'm that old and remember it well.

Google Video Link

NOT A SINGLE NEWS ITEM will reach the public without our control, states the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.

Even now this is attained by us inasmuch as all news items are received by a few agencies whose offices are entirely ours and will give publicity only to what we dictate to them, the Protocols continue.

In other words, the mass media form for us our image of the world and then tell us what to think about that image. According to the Protocols, the way in which the news is covered which items are emphasized and which are played down — serve the interests of the media-masters, the Jews, and not the interests of the Goyim.

Today, the Protocols are being practiced by an elite group of Jews who own America’s mass media. If you hear of major corporations listed as owners of the major television networks with Gentile sounding names such as General Electric” or Westinghouse, it is part of Jewry’s ploy to place a blindfold over the eyes of the Goyim.

An open and shut case can be made that the media in 2010 is NOT Corporate-owned, as so many fearful political analysts put it, but rather, Jew-owned. This author does not fear the Jews and needs no pleasing euphemisms agreeable to Jewish ears.

So long as the Jews control America’s media they will control our politicians and the policies they make. We will not be able to shut down the welfare system, control our borders, or restore Christian values to our society so long as the Jewish media-masters make Americans feel “intolerant” for wanting to do these things.

So long as the Jews funnel the information flow they will be able to keep Americans confused and divided so that we cannot regain command of our government by democratic means. For in a “democracy, government control is offered to the highest bidder, that is, Jews with their billions of dollars. And the issues that the American cattle vote on are those that the Jewish propagandists define so as to serve Jewish interests only.

IN A DEAL THAT GAVE COMCAST TOTAL CONTROL OF NBC on December 3, 2009, the cable company took 51% controlling ownership of the television media giant.

Partner to the deal, General Electric, managed to keep a subservient 49% holding.

In Comcast’s press release of the takeover, the cable giant announced that Jeff Zucker, a Jew, was appointed the CEO of NBC Universal, of which, Comcast is now in charge. View Entire Story Here, Here & Here.

The owner of Comcast is the Jew, Brian Roberts, whose supporting staff includes a host of Jewish media functionaries. The Executives of NBC Universal, now a division of Comcast, is also, like its parent company, predominated by a cadre of Jews.

Roberts himself has acquired eminent “Jewish credentials” — being a graduate of the Jewish-intensive Wharton School of Business — and a winner of silver medals as a squash player at the 1981 and 1985 Maccabiah Games in Israel.

Adding to his Jewish HIGH profile, Roberts serves as Chairman of the National Cable & Telecommunications Association and as a board member of The Bank of New York.

No wonder, then, that Roberts holds awards from the Simon Wiesenthal Center, the United Jewish Appeal of New York, and the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith. Perhaps this is why the Jewish Judge, David Tatel, ruled that Comcast has the right to censor downloads in the recent net neutrality case.


Normally I by pass any and all articles, that bash any group - I don't think anyone group of humans are superior to another, so, even though being a David Icke fan, I by passed the below video for a long time, refusing to watch it because of it's title.

That is until this thread.

Our media is our lifeblood, it is where most people go to get their news and entertainment, it shapes our views, our lives and the way many of us think and feel.

Who owns it?

Yes, this is a major conspiracy, this isn't happening by chance.

Google Video Link

It's part of the mass mind conditioning that is being perpetrated upon the people of the world today and it affects all of us on a grand scale.

Very interesting, well thought out and good thread.

Starred, flagged and commended.

As usual DimensionalDetecive knows the score, "Nearly all media information is being filtered and controlled by a select Elite with highly vested interests, and they do not have YOUR interests at heart.

I encourage everyone to disconnect from their TV's as much as possible and try to look for alternative means to obtain information about what is really going on in this programmed 'reality'."

TV and the vast media has become a lala land of sorts - it's sinister purpose is to deaden your mind, make you a zombie, another pod person.

Again, and most everyone will laugh at me and call me insane, I'm a pretty rational, reality based person - I truely believe the puppet masters, the real power behind "the power" are not of human descent.

[edit on 30-8-2010 by ofhumandescent]

[mod edit: fixed long link skewing page view]

[edit on 30-8-2010 by 12m8keall2c]

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 02:30 AM
Murdoch owns the Wall Street journal and much more - including China and is the single largest TV owner in the UK outside the government - no mention.

Further I think you are missing WHO OWNS THESE COMPANIES - General Electric and Westinghouse used to own several of these -

The vast majority of US media companies are owned by only four parent groups - these are significantly harder to find out.

What is of vaaastly more significance that all of this is the actual ratio of media ownership concentration over time. In other words where there were over 100,000 independent media outlets 20 years ago - there are now less than 10.

This is the startling statistic - and is a global phenomenon.


What should also be of significance is the ownership and control of US / UK based media which broadcast into foreign countries specifically for propaganda - if we are going to be remotely honest about things.

Al Jazeera brings up squirms of derision from many as a foreign based out let perceived pure bias - yet when our own government openly admits to broadcasting propaganda it is utterly acceptable as it is directed at foreigners - no wonder we do not register propaganda directed at ourselves - we trust ourselves implicitly........

The US contracted one such television company to broadcast into Iraq at the onset of the second war - and paid them millions for it - they broadcast repeats of Liverpool soccer matches - win win for everyone except the military and the US taxpayer.

[edit on 30-8-2010 by Aristophrenia]

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 02:54 AM
reply to post by Maxmars


Great thread but i fear it's only a small part of the bigger picture, sometimes i look at corporate life and partnerships vs opponents and wonder if it is all really a stage show.... but hmm.

Anyways, courtesy of Wiki, here is a full list of News Corp holdings. Gotta say i would love to be Murdoch

HarperCollins book publishing company
HarperCollins India (40%)[clarification needed] joint venture with India Today Group
Zondervan Christian book publisher
Inspirio - religious gift production.
Australia published by News Limited.
The Australian (Nationwide)
Community Media Group (16 QLD & NSW suburban/regional titles)
Cumberland-Courier Newspapers (23 suburban/commuter titles)
The Courier-Mail (Queensland)
The Sunday Mail (Queensland)
The Cairns Post (Cairns, Queensland)
The Gold Coast Bulletin (Gold Coast, Queensland)
The Townsville Bulletin (Townsville, Queensland)
The Daily Telegraph (New South Wales)
The Sunday Telegraph (New South Wales)
Herald Sun (Victoria)
Sunday Herald Sun (Victoria)
The Weekly Times (Victoria)
Leader Newspapers (33 suburban Melbourne, VIC titles)
MX (Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane CBD)
The Geelong Advertiser (Geelong, Victoria)
The Advertiser (South Australia)
The Sunday Mail (South Australia)
Messenger Newspapers (11 suburban Adelaide, SA titles)
The Sunday Times (Western Australia)
The Mercury (Tasmania)
Quest Newspapers (19 suburban Brisbane, QLD titles)
The Sunday Tasmanian (Tasmania)
Northern Territory News (Northern Territory)
The Sunday Territorian (Northern Territory)
The Tablelands Advertiser (Atherton Tablelands and the Far North, Queensland)
Fiji Times (National)
Nai Lalakai
Shanti Dut
Papua New Guinea
Papua New Guinea Post-Courier (National)(62.5%)
UK and Ireland newspapers, published by subsidiaries of News International Ltd.
News Group Newspapers Ltd.
the tabloid The Sun (published in Ireland as The Irish Sun)
the tabloid News of the World
Times Newspapers Ltd.
the broadsheet The Sunday Times
the 'ex-broadsheet' (Now in compact form) The Times
The Times Literary Supplement
US newspapers and magazines
The New York Post
Community Newspaper Group
The Brooklyn Paper
Bronx Times-Reporter
Brooklyn Courier-Life
Queens Times Ledger
Dow Jones & Company
Consumer Media Group
The Wall Street Journal
Wall Street Journal Europe
Wall Street Journal Asia
Barron's - weekly financial markets magazine.
Marketwatch - Financial news and information website.
Far Eastern Economic Review
Enterprise Media Group
Dow Jones Newswires - global, real-time news and information provider.
Factiva - provides business news and information together with content delivery tools and services.
Dow Jones Indexes - stock market indexes and indicators, including the Dow Jones Industrial Average.
Dow Jones Financial Information Services - produces databases, electronic media, newsletters, conferences, directories, and other information services on specialised markets and industry sectors.
Betten Financial News - leading Dutch language financial and economic news service.
Local Media Group
Ottoway Community Newspapers - 8 daily and 15 weekly regional newspapers.
STOXX (33%)- joint venture with Deutsche Boerse and SWG Group for the development and distribution of Dow Jones STOXX indices.
Vedomosti (33%) - Russia's leading financial newspaper (joint venture with Financial Times and Independent Media).
The Timesledger Newspapers of Queens, New York:
Bayside Times, Whitestone Times, Flushing Times, Fresh Meadows Times, Little Neck Ledger, Jackson Heights Times, Richmond Hill Times, Jamaica Times, Laurelton Times, Queens Village Times, Astoria Times, Forest Hills Ledger, Ridgewood Ledger, Howard Beach Times
The Courier-Life Newspapers in Brooklyn
The Brooklyn Paper
Caribbean Life
Times-Herald Record (Middletown, New York)
[edit] Magazines
News America Marketing (Smartsource) (weekly Sunday newspaper coupon insert/website)
Alpha Magazine
Australian Country Style
Australian Golf Digest
Australian Good Taste
Big League
Donna Hay
Fast Fours
GQ (Australia)
Gardening Australia
InsideOut (Aust)
Lifestyle Pools
Live to Ride
Overlander 4WD
Modern Boating
Modern Fishing
Pure Health
Super Food Ideas
Truck Australia
Truckin' Life
twowheels scooter
Vogue (Australia)
Vogue Entertaining & Travel
Vogue Living
InsideOut (UK Based Magazine)
[edit] Music and radio
Fox Film Music Group
MySpace Records
[edit] India
Radio City (20%, held through STAR TV) - commercial FM network with stations in 20 cities.
[edit] Russia
Nashe (50%)
Best FM (50%)
[edit] Sport
50% of the National Rugby League (Australia and New Zealand)
Majority ownership of the Brisbane Broncos (68.9%) and full ownership of the Melbourne Storm rugby league team.
Colorado Rockies (15%)
[edit] Studios
Fox Filmed Entertainment: 20th Century Fox's parent company
20th Century Fox: a film production company
20th Century Fox Television - primetime television programming.
20th Television - television distribution (syndication).
Fox Searchlight Pictures - specialised films.
Fox 2000 Pictures - general audience feature films.
Fox Television Studios(productions)- market specific programming e.g. COPS.
Fox Television Studios International
Fox World Productions
Fox World Australia
Fox TV Studios France
Fox TV Studios India
Natural History New Zealand - natural world documentaries, non-fiction programming.
Fox Faith - Promotion and distribution of Christian and related "family friendly" movies on DVD and some theatrical release.
Fox Studios Australia, Sydney, New South Wales
Blue Sky Studios - production of CGI films e.g. Ice Age.
Fox Entertainment Group
New Regency Productions (20%) - general audience feature films.
Regency Enterprises (20%) - parent company of New Regency Productions (50%).
BSkyB Studios London, England
FOX Star Studios New Delhi,India
[edit] TV
News Corp agreed to sell eight of its television stations to Oak Hill Capital Partners for approximately $1.1 billion as of 22 December 2007. The stations are US Fox affiliates.[26]

[edit] Broadcast
Fox Broadcasting Company (Fox), a US broadcast television network
My Network TV, a US broadcast television network
Fox Television Stations Group, a group of owned and operated Fox television stations
Saeta TV Channel 10, channel of Uruguay
ITV plc (17.5%), a British broadcast television network and the UK's largest advertising revenue based broadcaster via BSkyB, although a recent legal decision will require this stake to be cut.
News Corp Europe
bTV, a broadcast television network in Bulgaria. They sold this to CME in February 2010.
B1 TV (12,5%), a broadcast television network in Romania, in partnership with Ismar International NVkkkk
Fox Televizija, a broadcast television network in Serbia (49%). They sold this to Antenna Group in January 2010
Fox Turkey, a Turkish terrestrial channel (56,5%) (formerly TGRT)
Imedi Media Holding (100%), a Georgian radio and TV broadcaster.
Imedi Television
Radio Imedi
Israel 10 (9%), a terrestrial channel in Israel.
LNT (100%), a terrestrial channel in Latvia
TV5 Riga (100%), a terrestrial channel in Latvia
Cielo (100%), a free channel in Italy
e2 (30%), a free channel in Turkey
ANTV (20%), a private television station in Indonesia, under the administration and label of STAR TV
Prime Television New Zealand - commercial TV station, interest held through stake in SKY Network Television
[edit] Satellite television
BSkyB, United Kingdom (39.1% holding).
Foxtel (25%), Australia, a joint venture with Telstra and Publishing and Broadcasting Limited
SKY Network Television , New Zealand (44%)
Sky Italia, Italian satellite TV service

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 03:02 AM

Cable channels owned (in whole or part) and operated by News Corporation include:

Fox Business Network, a business news channel.
Fox Classics, a channel airing classic TV shows & movies
Fox Movie Channel, an all-movie channel that airs commercial-free movies from 20th Century Fox's film library
Fox News Channel, a 24-hour news channel
Fox Sports Net, a chain of US regional cable television networks broadcasting local sporting events linked together by national sports news programming. Local channels include "Fox Sports Southwest", "Fox Sports Detroit", etc. (some affiliates are owned by Cablevision).
SportSouth, a regional sports network in the United States, with its headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia, and affiliate of Fox Sports Net.
Sun Sports a regional sports network in the United States, with its headquarters in Miami, Florida, and affiliate of Fox Sports Net.
Fox College Sports, a college sports network consisting of three regionally-aligned channels, mostly with archived Fox Sports Net programs but also some live and original content.
Fox Sports International
Fox Soccer Channel, a United States digital cable and satellite network specializing mainly in soccer.
Fox Soccer Plus, a sister network to FSC, but including coverage of other sports, most notably rugby union. Launched in 2010 after News Corporation picked up many of the broadcast rights abandoned by Setanta Sports when it stopped broadcasting in the U.S.
Fox Sports Middle East - English language sports network airing in Middle East countries including Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, UAE & Yemen.
Fox Pan American Sports (37.9%) - joint venture with Hicks, Muse, and Tate & Furst.
Fox Sports en Español (50%), a Spanish-language North American cable sports network; its sports lineup is tailored to appeal to a Latin American audience.
Fox Sports en Latinoamérica, a Mexico-based Latin American satellite and cable sports network.
FX Networks, a cable network broadcasting reruns of programming previously shown on other channels, but recently creating its own programming, including the Emmy Award-winning programs The Shield and Damages.
Speed Channel
Big Ten Network, cable and satellite channel dedicated to The Big Ten Conference, launched Aug 2007 (49%)
National Geographic Channel (joint venture with National Geographic Magazine) 67%
National Geographic Channel International 75%
National Geographic Wild (joint venture with National Geographic Magazine)
Fox International Channels, domestic cable channels offering different formats of Fox programming in over thirty countries worldwide.
Fox Life
Fox Life HD
Fox Crime
Fox Horror
Fox Movies
Fox Sports
Speed Channel
National Geographic Channel
National Geographic Channel HD
National Geographic Wild
National Geographic Adventure
National Geographic Music
National Geographic Junior
Real Estate TV
Fox Toma 1 - Spanish language television production.
Fox Telecolombia - Spanish language television production. (51%)
Utarget.Fox - European and Latin American online ad company, plus now handles TV ad sales.
Latin America
Fox Latin American Channels - channels available in over 17 countries in Latin America
Baby TV
Canal Fox
Canal FX
Canal Fox Life
Canal Fox Reality
Canal Fox Sports
Canal Speed
Canal National Geographic Channel
Fox One-Stop Media - advertising sales for company owned and third party channels in Latin America
LAPTV (22.5%) (Latin American Pay Television) operates 8 cable movie channels throughout South America excluding Brazil.
Movie City
Cine Canal
Cine Canal Classics
City Vibe
City Mix
The Film Zone
Movie City HD
Movie City On Demand
Telecine(12.5%) operates 5 cable movie channels in Brazil.
Telecine Premium
Telecine Action
Telecine Light
Telecine Pipoca
Telecine Cult
Premier Media Group (50%)
Fox Sports One
Fox Sports Two
Fox Sports Three
FUEL TV (Australia)
How To Channel
Premium Movie Partnership (20%) - movie channels, a joint venture between 20th Century Fox, Sony Universal Pictures, Paramount and Liberty Media
Showtime 1 & 2
Showtime Greats

Hathway Cable & Datacom (22.2%), India's 2nd largest cable network through 7 cities including Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi, Mumbai & Pune
Total TV (20%), Pay TV platform with JV partner KOO's Group majority owner (80%). News Corp also has a 20% interest in the KOO's Group directly
[edit] Internet
Fox Interactive Media - website with sports news, scores, statistics, video and fantasy sports
MySpace - Social networking website, general interest website acquired through purchase from Intermix Media
MySpace TV, a video site which will host amateur videos, contents from net and studios that competes with Google's YouTube
Beliefnet - Largest online faith and spirituality network.
Hulu (27%) - online video streaming site in partnership with NBC Universal and The Walt Disney Company.
Flektor - provides Web-based tools for photo and video editing and mashups.
IGN Entertainment - Internet entertainment portal (Includes the sites IGN, GameSpy, TeamXbox, and
Slingshot Labs - web development incubator (Includes the sites DailyFill).
Strategic Data Corp - interactive advertising company which develops technology to deliver targeted internet advertising. - sports simulation and prediction website. Also provides fantasy-style sports games to play. - 'India's no. 1 Entertainment Portal'
ROO Group Inc (5% increasing to 10% with performance targets)
News Digital Media - Australian-oriented news website
News Lab (50%) - recruitment advertisement website in partnership with Monster Worldwide.
Learning Seat
Wego News owns minority stake in
Netus (75%) - investment co. in online properties.
REA Group (60.7%) (69.4%), Sky Italia also holds a 30.6% share
atHome group, operator of leading realestate websites in Luxembourg, France, Belgium and Germany.
Altowin (51%),provider of office management tools for realestate agents in Belgium. (50%), News International holds the remaining 50%
Sherlock Publications, owner of portal and magazine titles 'Hot Property', 'Renting' and 'Overseas', most comprehensive UK estate agent directory.
PropertyLook, property websites in Australia and New Zealand., home renovation and improvement website.
Square Foot Limited, Hong Kong's largest English Language property magazine and website
Primedia - Holding co. of Inside DB, a Hong Kong lifestyle magazine.
TadpoleNet Media (10%) Hosts of
New Zealand
DVD Unlimited - leading online DVD subscription service (ownership through stake in Sky Network Television).
Fox Networks - one of the largest international ad networks.
Expedient InfoMedia blog network.
[edit] Other assets
NDS - Conditional access technology and personal digital video recorders (PVRs) (49%)
Timothy Coville
ITE, publisher of Playstation and Mobile games, and interactive television
Orbis Technology - OpenBet, supplier of online gambling software
Broadsystem Ltd (UK) - Telephony provider for media companies, bought in 1991
Broadsystem Australia (Australia)
Broadsystem Ventures (UK) - provider of cheap-rate telephone calls, particularly for customers of Sky Television. Bought outright in 1999.
Jamba! - Mobile Entertainment/Mobile Handsets Personalisation/Games.
News Outdoor Group - Largest outdoor advertising company in Eastern Europe with over 70,000 ads including billboards and bus shelters, operating in Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, India, Israel, Poland, Romania, Russia

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 03:04 AM
Continued again....:

Fox Interactive Media - website with sports news, scores, statistics, video and fantasy sports
MySpace - Social networking website, general interest website acquired through purchase from Intermix Media
MySpace TV, a video site which will host amateur videos, contents from net and studios that competes with Google's YouTube
Beliefnet - Largest online faith and spirituality network.
Hulu (27%) - online video streaming site in partnership with NBC Universal and The Walt Disney Company.
Flektor - provides Web-based tools for photo and video editing and mashups.
IGN Entertainment - Internet entertainment portal (Includes the sites IGN, GameSpy, TeamXbox, and
Slingshot Labs - web development incubator (Includes the sites DailyFill).
Strategic Data Corp - interactive advertising company which develops technology to deliver targeted internet advertising. - sports simulation and prediction website. Also provides fantasy-style sports games to play. - 'India's no. 1 Entertainment Portal'
ROO Group Inc (5% increasing to 10% with performance targets)
News Digital Media - Australian-oriented news website
News Lab (50%) - recruitment advertisement website in partnership with Monster Worldwide.
Learning Seat
Wego News owns minority stake in
Netus (75%) - investment co. in online properties.
REA Group (60.7%) (69.4%), Sky Italia also holds a 30.6% share
atHome group, operator of leading realestate websites in Luxembourg, France, Belgium and Germany.
Altowin (51%),provider of office management tools for realestate agents in Belgium. (50%), News International holds the remaining 50%
Sherlock Publications, owner of portal and magazine titles 'Hot Property', 'Renting' and 'Overseas', most comprehensive UK estate agent directory.
PropertyLook, property websites in Australia and New Zealand., home renovation and improvement website.
Square Foot Limited, Hong Kong's largest English Language property magazine and website
Primedia - Holding co. of Inside DB, a Hong Kong lifestyle magazine.
TadpoleNet Media (10%) Hosts of
New Zealand
DVD Unlimited - leading online DVD subscription service (ownership through stake in Sky Network Television).
Fox Networks - one of the largest international ad networks.
Expedient InfoMedia blog network.
[edit] Other assets
NDS - Conditional access technology and personal digital video recorders (PVRs) (49%)
Timothy Coville
ITE, publisher of Playstation and Mobile games, and interactive television
Orbis Technology - OpenBet, supplier of online gambling software
Broadsystem Ltd (UK) - Telephony provider for media companies, bought in 1991
Broadsystem Australia (Australia)
Broadsystem Ventures (UK) - provider of cheap-rate telephone calls, particularly for customers of Sky Television. Bought outright in 1999.
Jamba! - Mobile Entertainment/Mobile Handsets Personalisation/Games.
News Outdoor Group - Largest outdoor advertising company in Eastern Europe with over 70,000 ads including billboards and bus shelters, operating in Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, India, Israel, Poland, Romania, Russia (96 cities), Turkey & Ukraine.
Maximedia Israel (67%)
Mosgorreklama (50%) - Russia sign and marketing material manufacturer
Kamera Acikhava Reklamclik (?) - leading outdoor advertising company in Turkey
Australian Associated Press (45%) - real time news service.
Stats Inc (50%) - worlds leading provider of sporting information and statistical analysis (a JV with Associated Press)
Fox Sports Grill (50%) - Upscale sports bar and restaurant with 7 locations - Scottsdale, Arizona; Irvine, California; Seattle, Washington; Plano, Texas; Houston, Texas; San Diego, California; and Atlanta, Georgia.
Fox Sports Skybox (70%) - Sports fan's Bar & Grill at Staples Center and 6 airport restaurants.
News America Marketing (US) - (100%) - nation’s leading marketing services company, products include a portfolio of in-store, home-delivered and online media under the SmartSource brand.
Rotana (9%) - Largest Arab entertainment company owned by Saudi Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal


posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 03:13 AM
Also to add some humour ( sorry about the quality ) but gotta luv it

[edit on 30-8-2010 by Havick007]

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 08:29 AM
reply to post by Maxmars

And did you know that 96% of the worlds Media is owned by
Tada....Jews. And about 6-7 Jewish Americans control what you see
and hear in the USofA.

In fact, only 3 out of the First top Ten are Not, not that there is anything
wrong with, no not at all.

So is it any surprise that America hardly hears anything bad about
Israel, it's always somebody else.

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 08:38 AM
Well I guess this is relevant to this discussion, never really garnered much attention, never really knew why either...

Anyway I would like to bring attention this video about Rupert's grand scheme to take over the internet:

He sounds like a bitter, greedy old man who is stuck in the dark ages.

I don't think we have anything to worry about from this guy, his power is waning daily and his plan to make people pay for online content will fail miserably.

For a more comprehensive look at what he plans to do watch this video:

Taken from this thread:

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 09:00 AM
reply to post by Chadwickus

Media Watch is fantastic, i love it and can't get enough. I am sad to say i missed these episodes but also sad to see the content from the Murdoch family. Anyone say greed!! Obviously not in touch with the public and have seriously fallen behind in the times. I'm sure they make enough money for themselves and shareholders and yet now they want to charge for online and increasingly open content.

LOL i am reluctant enough to pay for porn let alone news!!!

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 09:09 AM
One more note.

General Electric and its assets:

Primary business units
GE Capital
GE Capital Aviation Services, GE Energy Financial Services, GE Real Estate, GE Americas, GE Asia and GE Europe, Middle East & Africa
GE Technology Infrastructure
GE Aviation, GE Healthcare and GE Transportation
GE Energy
GE Energy Services, GE Oil & Gas, GE Power & Water
NBC Universal
GE Home & Business Solutions
GE Appliances & Lighting, GE Intelligent Platforms
[edit] Healthcare
GE Healthcare
Amersham plc
Datex Ohmeda
[edit] Media
NBC Universal
NBC - National Broadcasting Company
NBC Network Television stations
KUSA 9 - Denver
WNBC 4 - New York
KNBC 4 - Los Angeles
WMAQ 5 - Chicago
WCAU 10 - Philadelphia
KNTV 11 - San Jose/San Francisco
KXAS 5 - Dallas/Fort Worth²
WRC 4 - Washington
WTVJ 6 - Miami
KNSD 39 (cable 7) - San Diego²
WVIT 30 - Hartford
NBC Entertainment
NBC News
NBC Sports
NBC Studios
NBC Universal Sports & Olympics
NBC Universal Television
Universal Media Studios
NBC Universal Television Distribution
NBC Universal International Television
EMKA, Ltd.
NBC Universal Digital Media
NBC Universal Cable
A&E Television Networks (co-owned with The Hearst Corporation and Disney/ABC):
The Biography Channel
Crime & Investigation Network
The History Channel
The History Channel en Español
History Channel International
Military History Channel
Chiller (horror-themed cable channel, launched March 1, 2007) [1]
CNBC World
MSNBC (co-owned with Microsoft)
NBC WeatherPlus
USA Network
Universal HD
The Weather Channel
NBC Universal Global Networks
NBC Universal Global Networks
LAPTV (Latin America) - co-owned with Paramount Pictures (Viacom), MGM and 20th Century Fox (News Corporation);
Telecine (Brazil) - co-owned with Globosat Canais, Paramount Pictures, DreamWorks, MGM and 20th Century Fox;
Universal Channel Latin America (except Brazil
Universal Channel Brazil (co-owned with Globosat Canais);
Sci Fi Channel (Latin America)
NBC Universal Global Networks España.
KVEA/KWHY - Los Angeles
WNJU - New York
WSCV - Miami
KTMD - Houston
WSNS - Chicago
KXTX - Dallas/Fort Worth
KVDA - San Antonio
KSTS - San Jose/San Francisco
KTAZ - Phoenix
KBLR - Las Vegas
KNSO - Fresno
KDEN - Longmont, Colorado
WNEU - Boston/Merrimack
KHRR - Tucson
WKAQ - Puerto Rico
Universal Studios (co-owned with Vivendi)
Universal Pictures
Focus Features
Rogue Pictures
Working Title Films
Universal Studios Licensing
Universal Animation Studios
Universal Interactive
Universal Pictures International
Universal Home Entertainment
Universal Home Entertainment Productions
United International Pictures (co-owned with Paramount Pictures/Viacom);
Universal Operations Group
Universal Production Studios
Universal Parks & Resorts
qubo - Qubo Venture,LLC¹

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 09:09 AM
reply to post by Havick007

It's a brilliant show for sure!

And this episode puts it all into a disturbing perspective.

Fortunately, I don't see what Murdoch has planned working. At all.

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 12:47 PM
Comedians have been warned off this topic....

Example: SNL's "Conspiracy Theory Rock: Media-opoly"

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