reply to post by daniel_g
Light(dark matter) is not effected is at constant state in car(can't go faster than light..
You an Fly=Galaxy...being dragged
Car=you, and fly...
Black holes=Effect Light, you, fly, and car
..Example: your in your car fly enters flying around and you begin to drive off .. the fly and you begin to take on the speed of the are
standing still and the fly is moving around neither of you are moving the speed of the car but yet because your wihin the car you move at its speed..
Expanstion of Universe(4h dimension)=light speed of (dark matter)
Black hole=creates solid matter by slowing down light(darkmatter(galaxy/singularity) which is dragged behind it
Because the Black hole slow light (the speed of light within the galaxy is then not actualy speed of light).. even though light is a constant..
studying light even from distant galaxies (which are in the 4th Dimension) is still slowed.. to get the best estimate of the speed of light one would
have to firgure the speed of which light is slowed by the black hole within the galaxy for it will also affect the speed of light entering the
..from recent estimates from studying the black hole reports that the black hole rotates about 30 percent of light I think this is a great discovery..
..for that could lead to a better understanding how much light has been slowed (light should then move much faster as it leaves the gravity effect of
a black hole.....Light=(dark matter) .. goes to explain that light would equal the speed of the big bang in the big bang theory..Light speed=the
expansion of the (known 4th dimension).. using this principal to understand why our view of the 3rd dimension is an illusion derived by our
inturputaion of reality...Reality is the galaxy(which inturn is a singularity)dragged by a solid mass at the (speed of expanstion)(actual speed of
...With this principle you may understand why I used a car and the fly...
...for if this is correct )would have to be added to our understanding of the effect of light within the galaxy/singularity... understand the possiblity of a 1st dimension to lead up to a 2nd dimension you should using basic math 1+1=2 to reach a second dimension... which
would explain the 3rd dimension by using a constant speed of light=Speed of expansion(4th dimension)..slowed the speed of light by half (4-2)=2 ..
with this (1=(speed of expansion)=actual speed of light.. which would explain why the black hole(solid matter)=2x(speed of light)=speed of expansion
...and appears to stop.(showing us only a 2nd Dimensioal appearance like a flat disk) .... when infact(the galaxy has stop(which explains the creation
of solids within the galaxy)for the galaxy is dragged by the black hole through 2 Dimensions...(so infact the galaxy is only 2 dimensional).. we see a
3rd Dimension because we are stoped and light is only moving at half illusion ....(that would mean that when we observe and study a black
hole we are not seeing a complete solid more like a flat piece of paper a 2 dimensional object when infact the black hole is a 3rd dimentional
partical true solid...where all gravity(like force comes)...which inturn created the phonons and polaritons particals slowing down light(dark matter)
to the point of solid matter(draged at half the speed of light...Meaning the black hole is really(3rd dimensional) and the if you and if you realize
that the black hole moving through the 4th dimension is then accelarated entering into a 5th dimension the realm of space between the 4th dimension
(because it is a negative partical) moves into the 4th dimension (being a negative means 5-4=1)it is traveling in the 1st dimension= thae black hole
is linked to the 1st dimension still from which it was created...being a -1(dimensional matter)or antimatter..
...which goes to show that the 1st dimension cricled in on itself creating the black hole a negative 1st dimensional force.. which warped space time
splitting it into... causing the first dimension to split creating 2=1st dimension)=refraction ..of the first dimension...creating a
(galactic/singularity) of 2 dimensions..which means the galaxy=2 dimensional singularity a 2nd dimension...a triangle ......
...creating a warped space time and parrelel (galactic/singularity)
..creating (phonons and polaritons) 1st dimension solid it split the 1st dimension upon creation..0f a
[edit on 31-8-2010 by Vonour]