posted on Aug, 29 2010 @ 02:17 AM
If we CANNOT unlearn what we have learned, how can we tell the difference between true and false?
If our brains have already been shifted, taught, used. When reality is supposed to set in, how do we know that we have finally got it right? What
would cause us as a planet to stand as one, and say NO! This is false, and we will not stand under (understand), what is presented before us.
How can a planet survive, when our sense of reality is distorted? And if our perception is supposed to "awaken" us, how will we know that we are not
still asleep.
Humans today fight, argue, kill over disagreements, over falsehoods, that could otherwise with a consensus be realized. Why would we them assume that
our species would survive with the nonsensical affairs between the "haves and have-not's" or the "knowledgeable and the non"?
Would it take for the planet to otherwise divide itself, between the 2, and one would survive as the others don't? Due to sheer lack of that
knowledge? Or would it, could it be an easier task?
Could it be as easy, as having the planet (or most people) agree on one particular subject as opposed to us fighting over everything? Could the
evolutionary scale be as simple as an agreement? Without thinking their is a judging process, of believers or non, or people that believe in
Could just the mire thought amongst the masses be survival that can get us to the next level? We are currently faced with hard time (though there's
been harder), and now there is a possibility that we hold the future in our hands.
What do we do with that burden? Do we ignore it? Fight over it? Compare notes? Or come together for the simple, the easy, the way.
We have the means, we have the minds, we have the right to survive, and I for one do not want to leave that in the hands of others. Been there, done
that. What if we looked at history (his-story), and actually learned, not just from the mistakes, but used it as a map to getting it right, to seeing
what didn't work, and move on from that.
Take all the leading writers of our time (the real ones), those that have shaped where we are today, whether good or bad, and set the path, and follow
our own direction for once, took the drivers seat, instead of wanting the first one to call shotgun.
BTW, I wrote about the real writers being as I recently found out that William Shakespeare may have not written what is claimed, and it may have been
Sir Francis Bacon. Still looking into that though.
Anyway, thanks for listening, and please share your thoughts, this isn't a copy and paste type of thread, this is more about how you feel in your
heart about our surrounding, and what you feel is important, or a way to make things better
Peace to you all, NRE.