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Glenn Beck is my savior.

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posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 04:34 AM

Originally posted by BlackOps719

Let's also not forget the statements made by Sean Hannity, Bill Oreilly and the news mogul himself, owner of Fox news Ruper Murdoch, in relation to their own viewers.

One of many sources - Link

Glenn Beck is only allowed to think and act in a way that is approved by his master, the man who signs his paychecks. And if this is how Murdoch thinks of all of you loyal Fox news supporters out there, how must Glenn Beck feel?

The whole thing is a chirade.

Although I believe that the Faux News staff and their general, Rupert Murdereroch do feel that way about their audience, I find it very hard to believe that conversation took place in public, booze or no booze. It's just to perfect. I'd need to hear an audio track of it before I could lose my doubts.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 01:49 AM

Originally posted by wardk28
I don't remember once him saying buy over priced gold. He actually says that gold isn't right for everybody and that he buys gold the most expensive way. All you guys are doing is distorting facts.

Talk about a distortion.

If you are buying a product the most expensive way then by definition you are buying a product that is over priced. Ive read it is 300% above current market value. beck calls it buying gold the most expensive way I call it a ripoff.

Beck will do a segment on the Government wanting to confiscate peoples gold and then it leads right into his sales pitch. Scaremongering I believe is what it is called.

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