posted on Mar, 16 2003 @ 02:21 PM
Still, there is a definite link of common ground between the spiritual & religious...After all, religions have always started out with the concept of
trying to come to grips with a person's spirituality.
The biggest problem with organizing & spreading a religion is that, by neccesity, they must grab on to secular power in order to grow as a
religion...And that's what takes them off track with helping people to realize their aspects of individual spirituality.
To spread & grow more easily, the first Christians took ideals & aspects from the older religions that they were trying to convert from & modified
those aspects into their own "flavor"...This made it easier for conversion because the missionaries could show a non-beleiver how close Christianity
was to their own current religion.
By that same process, Christianity itself changed & evolved into something that I think Christ himself would have trouble recognizing. This is merely
the most recognizable religion that I've studied that has done this, but other religions are guilty of it too.
And this is how I think the "conspiracy" of religion originated...
Yet, some of the newer religions, most commonly referred to as "New Age" religions, are at the most basic point, trying to recapture that essence of
individual spirituality without getting all tied up in the "conspiracy" of dogma resulting from such compromise.