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Mayan Elders view of 5-6 hrs before 2012 and just after

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posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 07:28 AM
You could always call him by his original name Bernard Perona. That's the name he had before he went to a school that used the name Melchizedek in the title.

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 11:37 AM
lol, synchronisity

This is the first time I had a chance to look at the thread. I thank the OP for posting because another piece of my puzzle just so please don't take this as a debunking because this is exiting to me. I'll work my way up to the explaination.

When I first saw the name Melchezedek it gave me pause (a looong pause.) I can't believe that if I looked in the phone book down in progreso mexico, I would find families with that last name. It is not myan.

Melchizedek / Melke-zidek / Albimelech is a very old name from the times of at least abraham, and possibly even the times of noah. He keeps popping up. Here read all about him in wiki


A variation of his ID can be found in many writings that work there way into many religions almost unseen. In the second book of Enoch he even has a role helping Noah before, during, and after the flood. There is something very mysterious about this character in the old writings. He is a high preist of god in most cases and is a very brilliant mathematician too.

So when I do a quick search on Drunvalo, I find that yes he changed his name in order to become "reborn" (I guess) because he apparently became a master in the Order of Alpha & Omega. which I believe is based in canada. He teaches from the same dogma that involves sacred geometry, spheres of existance, and the thought of the concept of *I AM*

There is another guy out there doing the same thing. His name is Nassim Haramien. He puts on a good show. using nice models and presentations, and graphs to explain the entire universe as a series of ever more complicated geometric models and parallel universe spheres. He also seems to explain our part, gods part, and the alien issue part. The one thing that I caught first though was his name. It seems to be a play on Haram Abif. (Abif is extremly important in masonic teachings). In his long lectures he explains how he came up with all his calculations, and they usually involve stories of him living out of his van being a free thinker and just enjoying life. He mentions his time he spent canada, and brings up the alpha & omega enough times for me to notice, but he never mentions the order of A&O.

I wondered how Nassim went from living out a van to doing paid lectures, and now I know. These 2 guys teach basicly the same stuff, and my very first reaction was from the gullable side of me, but the more patient side of me said "Hang on there buddy, lets just keep note of this, and not rush into anything, keep centered" These two people (and some others I'm looking at) would do well in my book if their followings stayed constant in the future. Because if something were to happen that would throw the earths population into religious termoil, then I think people like this are prepositioned pretty good to pick up the scraps.

My point is this. Yes these two are within every right to work out for themselves their own beliefs, and if people like their teachings then go enjoy them, just be careful. IMO there is a deceptive reason they took these names in vain. (I'm getting the strong feeling that deception plays a major part in everything not right in the world, and I hate the idea of being tricked)

If these guys and others like them end up in the mainstream. then I'll know the times are upon us, and that I will have to really keep my eyes peeled.

edit on 23-9-2010 by Khaaaaaan!! because: hey

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 11:52 AM
reply to post by Reflections

What worries me about the Mayans is they performed human sacrifices. I saw a documentary that states they probably did not actually vanish but hide themselves and re-emerged as a tribe of Indians in North America.
They think this because this particular tribe of Indians also performed this same exact and very elaborate sacrifice ritual....cutting into the breast of a maiden and offering up her still beating heart to the Gods.
This is the God behind the scenes working things? This is the one coming back to impose judgment upon us all?
Jesus Christ, (not swearing - beseeching) I hope they are wrong. My chest hurts just thinking about it.

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 10:41 PM
In my recent trip to Cozumel, Costa Maya and Belize, we had the opportunity to meet and speak with Mayan decendants as well as Aztec decendants and they do not believe in the whole 2012 end of the world scenario....they claim that the interpretation of their numeric system was incorrect and we will be here long after 2012.......

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 12:30 AM
reply to post by tcbtom

Of course we will. Where are we going?
Is there anyone out there who really thinks this will be the end of anything?
We got all hyped up for Y2K and here we sit.
I think things may begin to get a whole lot "different" at that time since we will be fully within the photon belt. You can see some positive changes already -although I cannot think of even one off the top of my head. Positive changes are beginning to happen now.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 01:01 AM
The 2012 Hysteria is the merging of separate but connected social events and issues;

1) The economic downturn, if the economy had kept cruising along nobody would be giving this second thought.

2) The corruption of Mayan ( Olmec ) calender and beliefs to fit a cottage industry theme of destruction and "end of days" theme. Nobody will buy a book that says it will be business as usual on December 23, 2012. But a book that depicts the end of the world, will sell very well. Movies do quite well also.

3) The Internet helped drive Y2K, 2012 is same but on steroids. The Internet allows the spread of Information....not knowledge or wisdom so much as raw information. Many people just don't have the time to research what they read , so its taken at face value. We have massive amounts of information on the surface appears legitimate that promotes these events that have no basis in the source material ( Mayan culture and beliefs do not support end of the world in 2012)

4) The Mayan / Olmec calender does not end in 2012, there are dates recorded thousands of years past it, however the writers and researched do not mention this, or they may have never actually studied the calender or understood it. They are merely repeating what they have heard or read from another like minded writer / promoter. If they understood the calender system, or explained it correctly to the reader, there is no basis for their statements and their book would not sell.

5) cross connected writers and promoters that link others websites to sell each others products. There is little actual research accomplished, they are only repeating what they have read or purposely ignoring information that conflicts with the theme of their product.

6) Lack of overall understanding the belief system of Mayans, Olmecs, Moche, or other groups used by promoters to support the sale of their product. This may be purposeful, but probably rush to bring their product to sale.

7) Social laziness. it is far easier to believe something greater than ourselves will bring destruction or change, instead of picking ourselves up and cleaning up the earth and environment and investing in our own future.

It is the end of a Cycle, much like we flip over the page of a calender. Another will start, just like we buy next years calender. Unfortunately this does not sell books or created demand for lectures and make promoters their money.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 07:51 AM
reply to post by rusethorcain

Where is this photon belt? Is this the one supposed to be in the direction of the Pleiades?

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 07:54 AM
Ariel bender that was a great post. You eloquently covered the issues.

posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 04:47 AM
reply to post by stereologist

Well, since your mind is made up, I am not going to try and persuade you ... but if you have a few minutes, there is a web site which speaks of many things .. planetary harmonics, healing waters (nano size silver particles), and some absolutely mind boggling artifacts.

This is one of my favorite sites .. they update parts of it frequently .. including harmonics impacting the planet (what you might call torsion effects) .. as I have not yet (yet) seen any mention of Haarp there!

Human Resonance


posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 12:52 PM

Originally posted by rusethorcain
reply to post by Reflections

What worries me about the Mayans is they performed human sacrifices. I saw a documentary that states they probably did not actually vanish but hide themselves and re-emerged as a tribe of Indians in North America.

The documentary didn't do any research if that's the claim that was made. The Mayans are alive and living in Central and South you can see from Wikipedia and other sources. There are no North American tribes that have Mayan based practices.

They think this because this particular tribe of Indians also performed this same exact and very elaborate sacrifice ritual....cutting into the breast of a maiden and offering up her still beating heart to the Gods.

Ooof... that was a really badly done documentary, then. Did it perhaps come from Youtube? The Mayans did practice human sacrifice by cutting out a person's heart and holding the still beating heart up to the sun. However, the "maiden" bit is not accurate. Sacrifices were often warriors captured during battle or teams that were defeated during their religious ball games.

posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 03:31 PM
reply to post by Serendipity7

Well, since your mind is made up, I am not going to try and persuade you

My mind is open - very open. On the other hand I am not gullible accept any chaff thrown my way.

The trouble with the 2012 claims is that they are easy to show to be false.

I checked out the site and it is extremely questionable. Notice that the site does not appear to have any academic links suggesting that nothing has been done to verify or properly study the pieces.

I like to check out sites and see how well they present verifiable information. I went and checked out the distance. Giza to the coordinates they gave for La Mana is 12008km. The Earth has a circumference of 40075. That is 0.2996. They should not have said exactly. It of course is a meaningless numerological situation.

La Mana is a Spanish word it means:
No need to claim it is Sanskrit related.

Then there are all of pseudoscience claims:
encoded psychoacoustic geometry
magnetic zero-point effects
revealing that the technological capabilities of ancient man were millennia in advance of that used by industrial man
Sanskrit mother-culture that flourished below the surface of the Earth
based on the circle, or mandala in Sanskrit
The circular stone disc astonishingly presents ancient wisdom concerning the relationship between magnetism and gravity, planetary forces that can be focused.

and the list goes on and on and on

There are plenty of claims, but no evidence. There is no effort whatsoever to substantiate any of the claims.

what you might call torsion effects

Torsion fields is a well known hoax that was discredited decades ago.

posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 03:38 PM
If people want to see a real mystery, then check out this photo of El Capitan in Yosemite Valley.

There is a map of North America there showing the US, Canada, and Mexico. You can see the peninsulas of Baja and Florida. You can see New England and the Yucatan. You can see Hudson Bay.

If you want to think that this is not a natural feature but created by the mother culture Sanskrits from under the ground, then where is the island chain that lies south of Baja? The lack of a well defined South America and the position of La Mana must mean that zero point magnetic effects caused torsional psychoacoustic distortions of primal efficiencies lifting South America out of the seas and forever drowning the island masses beyond Baja.

Possible, or just more word salad to contemplate?

posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 03:45 PM
I side with the Op on the magnetism issue. There is a reason that crops are planted during a new moon and why they grow better than those which are not. Magnetism effects us all and although slight, it can be enough of a stimuli to push us off the edge.

posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by spmc215

lol some things are "made" by earth...some things are made by "man"

posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by itsJUSTzo
reply to post by spmc215

lol some things are "made" by earth...some things are made by "man"

Yes, all things are created by the resources earth has given us. But, im sure we all agree, almost everything we see in the modern world was not naturally birthed by earth, but forcibly birthed by mankind.

posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 09:15 PM
reply to post by sligtlyskeptical

I side with the Op on the magnetism issue. There is a reason that crops are planted during a new moon and why they grow better than those which are not. Magnetism effects us all and although slight, it can be enough of a stimuli to push us off the edge.

Got any proof for this claim? Magnetism in general has little effect on us. One of the few effects I can find is that rapidly changing magnetic fields can be used to induce electric current in our brains. That is done for medical purposes.

As far as the folklore of planting by moon phases it is based not on magnetism, but the idea that the gravity of the moon influences fluids in the plants. This is considered astrological gardening and has nothing to do with what actually happens.

An interesting write up on folklore and planting can be found her:
Farmers Watched Nature to Guide Planting

Before planting corn, some waited for the first Whip-poor-will to call or oak leaves to grow as big as a "squirrel's ear."

At this site about Roman planting rules we learn another issue associated with the moon and planting.
The Roman Farmer and the Moon

The Roman Farmer and the Moon

The general rule is laid down by Palladius5 that "all planting should be done when the moon is increasing." To be more specific, we are told by Columella6 that beans should be planted carefully on the fifteenth day after the new moon, in case the moon was not on the wane at that time; otherwise, on the fourteenth day with the moon still increasing. In another passage7 the same agricultural authority directs that beans be sowed the day before the full moon, or on the very day of the full moon. Lentils, too,8 "should be planted before the twelfth day of the moon," that is, during the increasing moon, "to insure quick germination and growth." "It is popularly believed," writes Pliny,9 "that forage crops p69should be sowed during the dark of the moon," and "that hot beds should be prepared during the light of the moon"; or, as the Latin has it,10 cum luna supra terram sit.

The idea is about dew and over time dew was forgotten as the rules were applied and complicated.

posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 03:40 AM
reply to post by stereologist

The lack of a well defined South America and the position of La Mana must mean that zero point magnetic effects caused torsional psycho-acoustic distortions of primal efficiencies lifting South America out of the seas ...

I believe the Cordillera rose 1300 feet .. stranding a huge ocean or near-ocean Port City high in the mountains, sea life and all, and putting all the vast agricultural terraces and irrigation associated with it, so high up that the known crops would not grow (i.e. too high up and too cold).

It also kept the great waves from the tsunami of the Pacific from impacting the people on that continent.

"... the Earth G^d awoke, and was greatly angered. He (? reached .. ?) ... pulled the great serpent from the heavens and stoned them from the skies."
Sadly I cannot remember which manuscript this came from ....

Since I have your attention, I have a speculation .. about the Nazca Plate .. which I do not believe is a plate at all, but simply the debris field from the commentary impacts which took out Mu/Lemuria and Atlantis, and left the great gouges in the Carolinas and put those two whopping huge holes in the floor of the Atlantic, -- off the Carolinas.

Could it be there are artifacts in all that great flat plain of sub-sea materials?

Distortions of Primal Efficiencies ... I will remember that one!

posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 04:39 AM
Very interesting.

It explains why TPTB are plundering the planet with no thought of sustainability. Maybe they know this is going to happen?

I hope it does.

posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 07:10 AM
reply to post by Serendipity7

Mu/Lemuria and Atlantis

None of these existed. Mu is a hypothetical place invented because of spoken languages. Lemuria was invented to explain fossil evidence. Both of these predate knowledge of the ocean bottoms. The Lemuria claim is about land bridges. Plate tectonics no longer makes the land bridge claim feasible or necessary.

As for the Nazca plate. It acts like a plate. It moves. Its boundaries are demarcated by seismic evidence. It does not look like an impact zone.

As for the land rising 1300 feet in historic times. Did not happen.

The lack of a well defined South America and the position of La Mana must mean that zero point magnetic effects caused torsional psychoacoustic distortions of primal efficiencies lifting South America out of the seas and forever drowning the island masses beyond Baja.

Possible, or just more word salad to contemplate?

I asked the question whether this was word salad or was it possible that the image on the cliff showed a map of the world.

It is the same meaningless gibberish used by many pseudoscience sites. Anyone can make up this baloney and even add new phrases such as "distortions of primal efficiencies".
edit on 19-7-2011 by stereologist because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 08:40 AM
Great post, one of the reasons I ended up here and other places on the net has been to explain an experience I had some years ago. As far as lunacy goes, at the time I thought I was going crazy but for me it was a very real and unforgettable thing. I won't go into but yes I think many of the ideas that are put forth in the article are definately a possibility. The weird thing is that since I had the experience I have been wanting to return to that place I found myself in.

Thanks, I'll flag this one.

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