posted on Aug, 28 2010 @ 05:18 AM
Excellent inquiry!
As you note- the system is so screwed, it makes it nearly impossible to suffer.
My father got his ph.d, and advised me when a teen to avoid the bs of edumikation. He ruined me to skewl, but that doesn't mean I haven't been
learning every moment!
As I see it, most professions are really 80% hokus pokus. Since educating is for those who can't compete well in the private sector, it amounts to an
expensive and grandiose high-school type of click.
If education is able to create demand, and create some obstacle course wherein not 100% will succeed, they've created market demand. By the
psychological creation of barriers akin to the cues at the bank, then they're reinforcing the old order.
Question: Does the working man work for money?
If the answer is yes, then certainly- he's a sucker. He is toiling for some valuable he has no value in himself. He is chasing a carrot, and will
never find what he's looking for with any ease.
If the answer is no, then this man has learned something about himself. He understands what he wants, and realizes that it *might* be money that can
help him achieve his aims.
Does anyone need money to live? Hmmm.... Food, yes. Shelter, yes. Warmth, yes. Friends, yes. Purpose, yes.... but money isn't on that list, is
If every transaction in terms of money is taxed by half (and that can be a CONSERVATIVE estimate in total gross terms), then his toil and the plunder
thereof will reinforce the bailouts, the undeclared wars, the growing police state, Rex 84 war modeling, etc. He is not only a sucker- but in some
sick double-think type of way he is worse: suicidal.
Now, a man who works to scrap together a chunk of land, sweats over pulling roots, plows, builds, sows and splits... well, he's not a sucker- he is
working for himself. He is not only enjoying the entirety of his work, but he is also starving the leeching parasite who wants to devour him.
The system is not designed to facilitate self sufficiency. The bailouts could have spent the grandchildren's lives' earnings with a check to every
man woman and child. Instead, they chose those who guard the choke points of "commerce".
As Morpheus said, "The system is our enemy Neo..."