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My latest dream, it's about...Frequency!

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posted on Aug, 28 2010 @ 01:00 AM
About a week ago I had a dream where my wife 'died'. Here's the dream and hopefully someone can steer me in a solid direction about such a direction. Also, I just stumbled upon this thread ..Steve Fossett is Alive in a Different Frequency!!! ..

Here's the dream...

"My wife and I were on a vacation or place where there were large log cabins and not sure if we were with a group of people or if they were just visitors there. It was a very clear day, I can remember that the sky was white with some blue; and the temp seems to be average since I remember we were wearing lite clothing.

We decided that we would both go to different areas or I had told her I wanted to go check something out really quick about 10mins or so. So, after I go back, I walked around a bit and couldn't find her. So I went to the main lodge, and there were a lot of people there in the lobby and it was packed, probably around 30 members/people there.

Pushing my way through, I saw my wife laying on her back on the floor!!! I rushed over to her and 2 other people, which seemed to be paramedics, and I tried to wake her up and find out what happened. A couple of minutes went by, and I realized she had passed away. Through the sobs of tears, I was pull back from her and was directed to sit around the corner to talk to someone and for comfort. Nothing made sense! She was fine we we arrived but, I just couldn't understand what had happened. Odd thing was, she wasn't pale, didn't appear to have a heart attack/stroke and the look on her face was quite clam actually... THAT was what really stuck me in the dream as odd~!

After 10mins, I heard "Hi Babe..!" I looked up and there she was ALIVE and the biggest beam of a smile across her face as she was standing there all cute. I took 3 steps and literally tackled her and rolling over and over with her on the floor crying and laughing with her. After another 10mins of emotional roller coaster, I look down at her and said.. "what the heck happened?" she said.." oh Frequency was just off a bit, I'm perfectly fine now!"

After looking at her from head to toe, I realized it was as if she was a whole other person, major weight loss, complexion was near perfect etc.. and then my eyes opened and I was fully awake!


I did some lite reading on ATS and found a couple of threads .. but what I want to know is,

IS there really such a study out there that has definite results and ...

is there anyone on here that has any significant change to their health while perusing this??

Has anyone else had a dream similar to this?

Much appreciated for any help you can have. Thx !!

posted on Aug, 28 2010 @ 02:01 AM


posted on Aug, 28 2010 @ 02:05 AM


posted on Aug, 28 2010 @ 02:08 AM
I'm pretty sure I've heard David Icke discuss frequencies with the whole concept of shape shifters and other dimensions.

Modern physics has some theories about the building blocks of the universe being vibrating strings, and that varying frequencies determine mass, etc.

So if that's true, maybe consciousness/life is tied to frequencies.

posted on Aug, 28 2010 @ 02:10 AM
Personally, I don't put much into dreams unless they are recurring. And then I start to question other goings-on in real life, something to point to an issue in the waking world.
Frankly, I think you may have a repressed issue with your wife's current health and this dream might be trying to get you to realize it. I'm not going to say your wife is out of shape or otherwise unattractive but maybe, perhaps, you've noticed a little slack in the lifestyle and you want her to pay a little more attention to herself.
Dreams have a funny way of showing you things you don't want to see, or things you may be ignoring.

posted on Aug, 28 2010 @ 02:20 AM


posted on Aug, 28 2010 @ 02:21 AM


posted on Aug, 28 2010 @ 02:25 AM

posted on Aug, 28 2010 @ 02:42 AM


posted on Aug, 28 2010 @ 02:45 AM
I like the cut of your gib, abe!

posted on Aug, 28 2010 @ 02:49 AM
Post on Topic or not at all..

Thank you


posted on Aug, 28 2010 @ 02:50 AM


posted on Aug, 28 2010 @ 03:13 AM
In a way, it somehow reminds me of the movie "The Stepford Wives". The word frequency made me think of something mechanical.
The Stepford Wives:

Also, I think that some people are able to see ghosts can see them because their brains are tuned to that frequency. Everything has a frequency. Like a hum. That is why they call it the universe. Universe=one verse.

posted on Aug, 28 2010 @ 04:15 AM
MY GOD! Such an interesting post to cause such chaos!

OP, you may be on to something. I dont see it as prophetic but definately interesting.

I've always been of the impression that "death" just "takes us up a notch" on the ether. I've had several times that I sensed a deceased loved one close for no reason.

The wifes "fine tuning / re-calibration" was interesting.

s and f just for pondering!

posted on Aug, 29 2010 @ 04:25 PM
Thx all for the reply's and sorry for the rough start; apparently some members read WAY to much into my comment of my wife losing weight and better complexion,

Anyways, still trying to find solid info where there's been study on this and if any members have had any experience in this field with recorded results, whether they are good or bad.


posted on Aug, 29 2010 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by felonius
MY GOD! Such an interesting post to cause such chaos!

OP, you may be on to something. I don't see it as prophetic but definitely interesting.

I've always been of the impression that "death" just "takes us up a notch" on the ether. I've had several times that I sensed a deceased loved one close for no reason.

The wife's "fine tuning / re-calibration" was interesting.

s and f just for pondering!

thx! Agreed about it not being prophetic, for now, until i can gather some more info about this; the data will speak for itself.

Just feel I need to reiterate, "it was as if she passed out, instead of actually passing away since she didn't really have any facial that one would consider of having a stroke/attack; meaning, her facial expression was neither joyous nor was it stressful (for the lack of a better word)

posted on Aug, 29 2010 @ 04:34 PM
Hey Komodo,

I ain't much into the interpretation of dreams, though for some reason frequencies have entered into my thoughts and dreams of late. Your dream seems to be about ascension rather then frequency. From what I understood, it was as if your wife had shed her previous physical form (that was "off frequency") and been reborn anew, perfected.

well, that's what I got from it, anyway.

posted on Aug, 29 2010 @ 04:55 PM

Originally posted by Skid Mark
In a way, it somehow reminds me of the movie "The Stepford Wives". The word frequency made me think of something mechanical.
The Stepford Wives:

Also, I think that some people are able to see ghosts can see them because their brains are tuned to that frequency. Everything has a frequency. Like a hum. That is why they call it the universe. Universe=one verse.

hmmmm..yes.. I've seen the movie no less that 3x, and think it was remade done very well. If my memory serves me right, they were 'chipped' ... wow.. that's creepy now that I think about it..

So far I read that 528hz is the ideal Frequency for our DNA/bodies to have it stay at continuous re-genitive healing process...(?) ..

I've listened to half of the presentation of what highlyoriginal had posted about raising your vibrational frequency here

and was hoping to see if what he was saying had any significant recordable results in his own life, but I don't see where it has or not. Plus, the whole AP thing I don't agree with although I believe in some mediation and agree with eating correct foods but, with someone with Diverticulitis, some fruit and nuts can definately worsen that problem.

posted on Aug, 29 2010 @ 05:12 PM

Originally posted by Ser Plum
Hey Komodo,

I ain't much into the interpretation of dreams, though for some reason frequencies have entered into my thoughts and dreams of late. Your dream seems to be about ascension rather then frequency. From what I understood, it was as if your wife had shed her previous physical form (that was "off frequency") and been reborn anew, perfected.

well, that's what I got from it, anyway.

Thx for the reply Ser Plum.

When you say

frequencies have entered into my thoughts and dreams of late.

did you mean actual frequencies themselves have and how did you record them to know they did .. OR .. are you saying your thoughts & dreams have been 'about' frequencies???

Interesting to say that how my wife "shed her previous physical form (that was "off frequency") and been reborn anew, perfected"... wow..!! that's exactly what we believe in spiritually as Christian's. (not trying to push anything here .. just interesting to see the correlation)

here's something that happened on her birthday as well..a birthday card came in the mail lately for her from the pastor .. it reads...

"as i was praying for you for the coming year, I believe the Lord laid this verse on my heart to share with you..

(Jer 30:17) No one wants you as a friend or cares what happens to you. But I will heal your injuries, and you will get well." CEV

interestingly enough, we never mention my dream to anyone at the church before receiving this card.

posted on Aug, 31 2010 @ 11:14 AM
Well, to see it this way. . .in your dream, she died, then returned a whole new person. One of, if not the first, the things you mentioned is "major weight loss". Then again, you did say she was standing there all cute before you noticed the physical changes.

Perhaps we all do "work"on a "frequency". This frequency is usually set as we're growing. It's a cosmic ballet in which every single event affects the very next moment.

Perhaps a part of your being is aware of something that is "off kilter" with your wife? Perhaps you could be aware her death in your dream happened when you weren't looking? You just left her and she was perfectly fine. Have you ever wondered if any hobby or interest of yours could cause some sort of friction in your relationship?

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