posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 02:58 AM
As most of these videos go, the situation was already ongoing when the video begins. It's understandable we don't have the beginning; who would
purposely record something if there was nothing exceptional to see. As the video begins, I see a person pointing, arguing and yelling while a
security/police officer listens and attempts to talk to the man. It was mentioned that there were multiple complaints so it appears some people
thought he was creating a disturbance.
I don't know why the officer asks the videographer to put the camera away as he shouldn't have. They continue listening to him and intermittently
speak to him for at least 3 minutes. There's a cut in the video and the time prior to it being recorded is unknown but he's allowed to continue for
at least 3 minutes. During this time he says he won't quiet down, he's not backing down and intermittently rants and raves other things to them and
at the crowd. I see him as possibly inciting a riot with the crowd he assembled because of his voice and actions. He says he knows the law and his
rights but obviously doesn't since it appears to be proven that he's on private property.
One officer attempts to detain him and he's clearly resisting. Some in the crowd continue shouting their ignorance of the law which is negated
because of the private property issues. While they try to take him away he clearly continues to resist and yell. I see one officer on each side him
trying to help him walk as he's disabled. This continues for over 30 seconds. You can see him resisting as he has his leg wrapped around the one
officers leg. I interpret it as he's refusing to abide their request peacefully and without incident. The video doesn't have the 3 of them in
frame to determine if the officers took him down or if his resisting assisted in or caused him to fall.
You can hear him yelling "I'm disabled you bastard" once he's on the ground but if he would have went peacefully and let them help him walk away
he probably wouldn't be on the ground. There does seem to be excessive force in subduing him as I don't perceive him as being a physical threat or
overpowering them and I don't agree with that. Once on the ground he's still somewhat resisting while they're trying to cuff him and still
insisting that he didn't break the law. The crowd continues yelling their ignorance of the law as it pertains to them since they're on private
property. They do seem to keep him on the ground for a lengthy period of time and the one officer on top of him could be hurting him which is
questionable. At least they let the one bystander give him water and eventually let him sit on the picnic table. That's what I see. Know the law
or be ignorant of it and deal with the consequences.
He was right about his freedom of speech but wrong about where he was allowed to use it.