posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 06:31 PM
This news cant be be actually real news,c an it? msot of the world knows cannibalism is taboo and not normal at all, spiritually wrong. you know
Dahmer would have been dinning thier 24/7 lol. as for the member who said she'd donate a few body parts, but it had fat in it* John fisher would have
been the eater. For those who dotn know who he is, John fisher, NYC 1932, was arresed ( in his 60's ibelive), for eating youn kid, in perticualr,
thier asses* : x he enjoyed tighing them up standing up so theyde danlge thier,pull thier pants down, aind in many cases, violently whipped thier
behinds with a leather belt till they bled to death: X he took great delight in it. He had traveled once to singapore in the late 1890's and i guess
the economy thier was really wa common for people thier to eat others* as a substitute for protien meat* thats how it all started, and if im
not mistaken, it was a resteraunt type place he learned this. coming back the USA, obviously the western world would never have accepted this..sot he
next best thing, was helpless people kids.
He told the police at an interogation, one of his young female victims (most of them were boys and bit off thier privates for food) how sweet
her rump tasted baked in the oven. i think he got the electric chair, i think..dont remember but i remember alot of what he did, in documentarys and
reading... sick sick sick.
that was out of cannibal necessity* dahmer ate people to absorb them* kinda like the movie Ravenous with johnny DEpp..certain tribe of indains
decaes ago, belived if a warrior died, he could eat the warrior and absorb his powers. thiers a history of people eating people, although i dont think
the real dracula Vlad the impaler ( dracul means dragon, hence forth dracula proceeded his reputation and beheading fetishes) classifys as a
cannibal. he was just sick in the head