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An open letter to Conservatives

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posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 01:17 PM
My fellow Conservatives,

As we all know, conservatism is under attack. Just since the beginning of the new millennium our enemies have produced a constant bombardment aimed at the conservative ideology and even our way of life. We have a deep connection to the founders of this great nation and the document that upholds or freedoms and rights as individuals, the Constitution. But even today we see the constitution being disgraced by those who seek to take away our rights and freedoms.

As a conservative, can you tell me who our enemies are….Democrats, liberals, socialists, communists, anti-constitutionalists, terrorists, Muslims/Islam, homosexuals and non-Christian? This list may not cover the entire scope of the situation, but I think it's fair to say that it covers the major players. No what if I told you that not one of the aforementioned groups have anything to do with the fight against conservatism? It's not the political Left, or commies, or gays or terrorists.

Conservatism's greatest threat is conservatism itself! The hypocrisy within the conservative movement is at an all-time high.

From the inception of the conservative movement, the entire ideology was one of structure and control. One of the big players in the English Conservative movement was a man named Robert Eccleshall. He had this to say about conservatism:

It is the persistent image of society as a command structure in which the responsibilities of leadership can be exercised within the framework of a strong state manifested in divine-right royalism ... that distinguishes English conservatism from rival ideologies."

"Wikipedia defines conservatism as this;

"a political and social philosophy that promotes the maintenance of traditional institutions and opposes rapid change in society. Some conservatives seek to preserve things as they are, emphasizing stability and continuity, while others oppose modernism and seek a return to "the way things were."

Both these statements hold true today in the modern conservative movement. Conservatives tend to find themselves unable or unwilling to roll with the ever-flowing, ever-changing world around us. Conservatism is the definition of status quo, compounded by its inability to stand on its own without a "state-manifested command structure". The largest "command structure" being the Judeo/Christian faiths. Just by looking at a few websites, one can discern that conservatism, in its current form, is an ideology that frowns upon the new or unknown. In this area I believe we have met our worst enemy.

The constitution makes no reference to the legality of homosexual marriage. The conservative viewpoint is (usually) based on faith when it comes to this issue. Since the first amendment says: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…", we cannot use faith as a reason to prohibit gay marriage. It is hypocritical to claim to uphold the constitution, yet limit one's ability to do as they please because of personal religious beliefs.

The same argument can be made regarding Islam and the ground zero mosque. The constitution allows for any religion to thrive in America without the intervention of others. Do we really want to set the precedent that allows a political party or faith to dictate what people of another faith can do with their personal property, and where they can do it? A popular argument that conservatives use against the mosque is that it is insensitive to the memory of those lost on 9/11. That is nothing more than a purely emotional response, something that conservatives ridicule liberals for doing all the time and hypocritical to say the least.

Next we come to the war in the Middle East. This is an issue where I believe conservatives need to make up their minds. Do we believe in the right of the people to live and govern as they wish, just as we fought for in the US, or are we in the business of forcing democracy to the entire world? Some of you may say that people in places like Iraq had no choice, but I disagree. When Iraqis had enough, they would have risen and revolted on their own or they would have died. In doing so, they had a much bigger stake in the outcome which would have made them much more proactive as citizens in the overthrow and reformation of their country. Sounds exactly how the US revolted against England. A true conservative realizes that we must stay out of other people's business. If they ask for help, we provide all we can to assist, but we cannot take it upon ourselves to uproot people and its government just because "we feel" that it's the right thing to do.

So in closing let me say this: Liberals, Democrats, homosexuals and Muslims are not our enemies, we are our own enemy. Conservatives must redefine themselves. Conservatives must be willing to part from the status quo. The tea party was an attempt to do just that but was pulled right back into the Republican Party by its leaders and MSM pawns such as Sean Hannity and Beck. Conservatives must define their ideology and stick to it. Do they believe in the supremacy of the constitution, or the need to change the constitution to mirror the Judeo/Christian faith? We must choose. The freedom of others and our own is at stake in this fight. We must realize that freedom for all is more important than faith, because without freedom, you have no right to faith. Without freedom, we have nothing.



posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 01:23 PM
Great post! And as a person with some conservative and some liberal values, I agree with you completely. The people who are opposing gay marriage and the mosque in NYC are making the conservative ideology appear to be made up of a bunch of bigots and fear-mongers.

It's important and refreshing to know that there are some true conservatives out there, though.

posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 01:42 PM
Exactly! True Conservatives would not oppose the mosque, they may not like it, I think it is poor taste, but I would never limit their right to go forward with it.

"Conservative" has become such a polarizing word lately, and it has been bastardized by the press. People like Glenn Beck latch onto it and warp its meaning.

To me, a Conservative simply wants a return to the ideals our nation was founded on, and a return to personal responsibility.

It doesn't mean we are anti-environment if such a thing even exists? It doesn't mean we are anti-Muslim. It does not mean we are racist, some of the most Conservative people I know are minorities.

I am more Conservative than BH, but I have some very liberal views, especially when it comes to our ridiculous amount of prison sentences and imprisonable offenses. I am liberal when it comes to protecting the environment. Liberal when it comes to gay marriage (although I think they should call it "gay unions" so the strict religious folks will take less offense to their elevated view of "marriage.")

I don't think Conservatives are our own worst enemy, I think quasi-Conservatives with huge pulpits that seek to profit from the sentiment are our worst enemies!!!

posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 01:58 PM
reply to post by sheepslayer247

Excellent post. May I suggest that there is a divide between conservatives. There are conservatives pushing for less government so that the corporations they have invested in grow stronger than the federal government or the people (Fox News, MIC, etc.). Then there are conservatives that fight for individual rights, and the right to be left alone, the right to enforce rights against government or corporations that infringe on those rights. Groups of people who work against an individual are the enemy.

On the left this same divide is prevalent. There are just as many liberals upset that they cannot live freely, and that corporations or groups of individuals seem to block their attempts to express themselves in ways a free person should be allowed to arrange their lives. Be it Gay Marriage or abortion, it seems to me that these issues are conservative issues. Individuals should be allowed to make the choice in their lives that are best for them without the government intervening.

Whether we realize it sooner or later, those seeking to control the nation have hijacked the left and right, twisting it to their benefit to maintain control. There is a collective component in conservatism and liberalism. We collectively want the right to do as we wish as individuals, but when it comes to groups of individuals these should be regulated and quashed when they come after the individual.

posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 02:33 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

Well said. I agree that the conservative movement should concentrate on personal freedoms, not the religious implications or bias' based on ill-informed media outlets.

I will say that I do not think we have to seperate the word marriage and union when it pertains to gay marriage. They are both only words. If we have to use a seperate word to make the religious people feel better about it, than changing the word to describe gay marriage would not make them happy anyway. I just don't think they want gay people to be equal on all levels.

reply to post by ExPostFacto

Thanks for adding to the conversation. I didnt think about saying it that way but I agree there is a huge divide between conservatives such as myself, and the "MSM conservative" that control the republican party.

I hope that we can eventually close the gap between conservatives, then liberals as well. We must live and govern as people of planet Earth, not people divided by party, religion and race.

[edit on 27-8-2010 by sheepslayer247]

posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 02:41 PM
"Conservatism" has been bastardized by the media and it's own self destroying actions. The enemy? Conservatives. Well, those that call themselves that. It's not real conservatism. Get back to the Constitution. The Bill of Rights. Stop listening to mouthpieces that are only trying to divide. I'll say it again. The enemy? Conservatives. Start being Conservatives again and give the voter a choice. Too late for 2010, you can call me on this one if I'm wrong. I can eat crow. That said:


posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 02:48 PM
reply to post by intrepid

I agreed with what you said....until you said Romney 2012. He is an establishment Republican. His father was a corporate man, eventually turning to politics. So I think it's safe to say he is knee-deep with TPTB.

We need a fresh face, with fresh ideas and has not been bred into the elite class.

posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 02:50 PM
reply to post by intrepid

You are kidding right? You agree with the OP then promote an establishment conservative that is for corporate rights over individual rights?

posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 02:53 PM

Originally posted by sheepslayer247
reply to post by intrepid

I agreed with what you said....until you said Romney 2012. He is an establishment Republican. His father was a corporate man, eventually turning to politics. So I think it's safe to say he is knee-deep with TPTB.

We need a fresh face, with fresh ideas and has not been bred into the elite class.

Obama was a fresh face with fresh ideas!!

I agree with you, but we all know that an unknown will never be elected. I think Romney is a decent choice for 2012. Lightyears ahead of Palin or McCain anyway. Maybe I'm wrong and some shiny new superman will show up, but that didn't work out so well in 2008!

posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 02:59 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

I agree an unknown will not be elected. By the same token, a known true conservative will never get elected either. We must stop voting for the shiny guy and vote for the true conservative. Individual responsibility is when the media only displays two choices and you and I go out and pick a third choice. I am sick of being presented the best possible choices by the media. Who says they are the best? The sheep, the establishment, or are we allowing our voted to be influenced.

posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 03:00 PM
Don't listen to the "Republicans" dissing of Mitt. He put into place legislation in Mass. that the people wanted. Against his own personal beliefs. He listens to the people and has a keen business mind. You have something better?

Side note. Look at who's dissing Mitt. The left doesn't have to. The Neocons are all over him. Check it out. He's a threat to the powers behind the powers.

Btw, this Canuck just emailed him to get off his ass and start now. You guys. Do some research and if you're satisfied, email him too.

posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 03:01 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

Unfortunatly, you are right. There is no possible way that an unknown will make it to the white house. But we can dream can't we? I think the best choice would be Ron Paul. But we all know he would never make it.

posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 03:07 PM

Originally posted by sheepslayer247
reply to post by getreadyalready

Unfortunatly, you are right. There is no possible way that an unknown will make it to the white house. But we can dream can't we? I think the best choice would be Ron Paul. But we all know he would never make it.

I honestly don't think he wants to make it. I LOVE his policies and his guts, but I despise his campaign record. Those "Revolution" stickers and graffiti type posters. His repeated appearances on fringe and conspiracy web broadcasts and radio shows.

He is almost a parody of himself? Why would he do that if he really wanted to be elected? He should be in the MSM demanding pulpit time and calling out every so-called conservative to a debate. He should be hitting the talk show circuit or working with an agent on getting his own talk show. He should be fundraising and putting up his own fortune to buy real-time cable spots and Nationwide radio spots. He should be getting his message out to the masses instead of just the fringe.

Ron Paul....if you are out there listening......I would love to help you mount a "real" campaign!!

posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 04:45 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

I agree. He has become a "fringe" candidate. That's also one reason why I like him.

Do you think it's possible he is just another tool of misdirection? I do not like the fact that he has anything to do with Alex Jones. AJ is clearly a pawn of tptb.

posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 07:05 PM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

Great post! And as a person with some conservative and some liberal values, I agree with you completely.

This is what kills me. How many times have you....or I....been trashed because of what we state? I've been branded everything under the book on this website.

I"m anti-abortion (except for certain circumstances), anti-war, PRO PRO PRO PRO PRO UNITED STATES OF AMERICAN.

I BLEED USA BH. I bleed red,white, and blue...and I bet you do too.

I fight for the whole of this country. It took me awhile to get there....but I'm there.

I want to believe that my country stands for what I believe it SHOULD stand for...unfortunately it doesn't right now.

[edit on 27-8-2010 by David9176]

posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 08:51 PM

Originally posted by David9176
I BLEED USA BH. I bleed red,white, and blue...and I bet you do too.

And you know I'm right there with you, David. It's that faction of so-called conservatives that we're talking about who come in here and try to make people like you and I out to be America-hating monsters or something, all the while trying to divide us with talk about Muslims and gays encroaching on our way of life or something. It's whacked!

There is hope, though. I know many real conservatives are getting tired of having their political ideology hijacked by these crazy people who couldn't quote the First Amendment if you paid them.

posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 09:39 PM
It is very refreshing to hear you say these things, David and BH. A short time ago I was the typical, Pro-Bush Republican. Pro-war and anti-middle east. After I stumbled upon new information, I began to see that the truth lies somewhere in the middle. I cannot be closed minded because of political rhetoric or talking points.

So it's nice to have someone who at least understands my position as a conservative; understands that it's not as black and white as it is portrayed to be.

posted on Aug, 31 2010 @ 08:21 AM
reply to post by sheepslayer247

Good stuff!

I'm a true conservative and an opponent of what the GOP has done to conservatism. In the old days, we were the party of grown-ups, but now the GOP is full of hysterical bed-wetters who think that everything on the planet is a threat.

This nation was founded on guts and risk-takers. Then it was stabilized on the concept of what was good for the average person was good for the whole of the country. Now days, my GOP has been hijacked by irresponsible high-stakes gamblers and terrified theocratic authoritarians, and it's not the party it used to be. I hate that the Democrats have all the adults in their party now.

posted on Aug, 31 2010 @ 09:40 AM
I find it hard to believe that conservatives have a strong connection to the U.S. constitution when in fact they, or their representatives, have offered 42 amendments to the constitution just during this, the 111th session of congress.

For you Tea Party members who don't know what the 111th congress is, it's the congress that has been in office since January of 2009. That's an awful lot of changes being proposed by a group of people who claim that they just want to "protect" and "preserve" our constitution.

With regards to the Constitution, I am expecting that any day now, the conservatives will be asking to start with "a clean sheet of paper." I'm not sure that "hypocritical" is a strong enough word to even begin to describe their current positions.

I see the current conservative movement as being hateful, greedy and ignorant to the core, things that America can do without. Nothing could be more Un-American and the sooner the conservative movement implodes, the better.

posted on Aug, 31 2010 @ 10:32 AM
reply to post by Flatfish

That is why there is such an "anti-incumbent" temperment right now. I don't think there exists such a thing as a "conservative"...."politician." It is a bit of an oxymoron. In my opinion all Politicians are for bigger government and more control.

What we need are Conservatives, that are "willing" to serve in government, not as politicians seeking to make a career out of it, but as public servants that are willing to take some lumps and do a civic duty.

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